RESERVE, LA - Meeting of February 18, 2010


The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



            Parish of St. John the Baptist

            Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet

in regular session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana, on Thursday, February 18, 2010, at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


s/Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D.



The Chair called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.




PRESENT:        Messrs.   Jack, Burl, Madere, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Ory, Triche, Keller.


ABSENT:          Mr. Sanders.


There were 10 members present and 1 absent.


ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of February 4, 2010 and Special Meeting of February 8, 2010. A motion was made by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Jack, to accept the minutes of February 4, 2010 and of Special Meeting of February 8, 2010 as printed and published.  There were no objections and the motion to approve the minutes carried.  Mr. Sanders was absent.


ITEM  4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D., Superintendent.


a.         Dr. Millet stated that the 2010 Students of the Year for 5th, 8th, and 12th grade would be honored.  Dr. Millet explained that each school selects one student in the respective category to compete for district student of the year.  Students are selected at the school level based on their academic achievement, school and community service, recognition and leadership, portfolio presentation, and written and verbal communication skills.  The students were also recognized by the sponsor of our Student of the Year competition, Reserve Telecommunications.  The President, William ”r;Bill” Ironside, and the Director of Marketing, Ms. Phyllis Madere, were present to give each student of the year an embroidered duffle bag and the district students of the year received a $100 savings bond from Iberia Bank.


Dr. Millet announced the Students of the Year:


            5th Grade School-Level Student of the Year Winners

East St. John Elementary                       Kirsten Cases

Emily C. Watkins Elementary                 Neya Smith

Fifth Ward Elementary                            Rayshaad Lennix

Garyville/Mt. Airy Magnet                        Tyjonae Raymond

John L. Ory Magnet                                Brittany White

Lake Pontchartrain Elementary               Monteja James

LaPlace Elementary                               Gabriella Villavicencio

West St. John Elementary                      Kasia Lewis


            8th Grade School-Level Student of the Year Winners

East St. John Elementary                       Elisha Jones

Fifth Ward Elementary                            Caylan Williams

Garyville/Mt. Airy Magnet                        Derek Simoneaux

John L. Ory Magnet                                Cheyenne Ortiz

Lake Pontchartrain Elementary               Leonard Harris

LaPlace Elementary                               Sarah Fryoux


            12th Grade School-Level Student of the Year Winners

                        East St. John High                                 Kwadernica Rhea

West St. John High                                Rasheda Gros


The selection committee performed the difficult task of selecting the parish winners in each category from these fine candidates.  Dr. Millet congratulated the following students, who were selected to represent St. John the Baptist Parish in the regional competition as Students of the Year:


12th Grade District Student of the Year:

Kwadernica Rhea                       East. John High School


8th Grade District Student of the Year:

Cheyenne Ortiz                          John L. Ory


5th Grade District Student of the Year

Gabriella Villavicencio                 LaPlace Elementary


The Chair called for a recess at 6:32 p.m., for all participants and their families to enjoy refreshments.


A motion was made by Mr. Madere, seconded by Mr. Bacas, to reconvene in Regular Session.  There were no objections and the Board reconvened in Regular Session at 6:42 p.m.


b.         East St. John High School – School Improvement Plan.  Dr. Millet read the following introduction:


”Mrs. Patricia Triche is currently in her third year as principal at ESJH.  She began to serve as principal for the 2007-2008 school year.  It is important to note that during her short tenure there, ESJH’s Growth School Performance Score (SPS) grew 20 points from a 2007 score of 57 to a 2009 score of 77.  Another highlight is that the school’s dual enrollment has grown from single digits to a current total of 237 students.  Mrs. Triche, along with her school leadership team, will present an overview of their school improvement plan.”  Mrs. Triche then shared a PowerPoint with the Board and audience.  Mrs. Triche explained, in detail, the School Improvement Plan for East St. John High School.  Mrs. Triche thanked faculty members for their hard work and contributions to the school.  Ms. Rene Hartley, Master Teacher at East St. John High School, introduced herself and explained to the Board, some points that are focused on during professional development at the high school.  Mr. Burl asked when the last time the high school was evaluated.  Dr. Millet stated that January 24, 2010 was the latest evaluation at East St. John High School.  Mr. Burl asked what was being done to address the English Departments difficulties.  Mrs. Triche stated that several events have occurred, namely improving content and context alignment, mapping the curriculum, and implementing A+ Learning Software.


Dr. Millet thanked Mrs. Triche and the faculty and staff of East St. John High School for the great job they are doing and for the informative presentation to the School Board on their School Improvement Plan.


Dr. Millet congratulated West St. John High School Girls Basketball Team for their District Co-Champions status.


Dr. Millet also congratulated East St. John High School Girls Basketball Team for their winning season and their 14th consecutive year qualifying for the playoffs.


ITEM 5. EDUCATIONAL PRESENTATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS BY THE BOARD OR STAFF. a.  CSRS - Facilities Plan Update.  Mr. Bob Cooper, CSRS stated that at a Special Meeting on February 8, 2010, an emergency was declared for the purposes of repairing the roof at Leon Godchaux.  He reported that 5 formal, sealed proposals had been received and that Roofing Enterprises, inc. was the low bidder.  Mr. Cooper stated that work would begin by March 15, 2010 and there was a 20 year warranty on the new roof.


Mr. Floyd Luster, CSRS, gave the Board an update on all ongoing projects.  He reported that bids are due on March 4, 2010 for the running tracks and the tracks would be completed by the second week of August.


ITEM 6. PERSONNEL MATTERS:  Dr. Leigh Ann Beard, Director of Human Resources.

Personnel Changes (Requires action by the Board).  Dr. Beard presented the following Personnel Changes for approval:




      A.   New Hires

            1.  Sonia Fields, Teacher, Garyville/Mt. Airy Magnet

            2.  Schellia Robertson, Teacher, Fifth Ward Elementary

            3.  Jenna Dow, Teacher, Emily C. Watkins Elementary


      B.  Resignations

            1.  Monica Keller, Teacher, LaPlace Elementary, February 1, 2010

            2.  Angele Ancale, Teacher, LaPlace Elementary, February 1, 2010


      C.  Retirement

            1.  Gail Creecy, Principal, West Side John Elementary, February 22, 2010


      D.  Extended Sick Leave

            1.  Ingrid Fong-Daley, Academic Support Teacher, Emily C. Watkins, January 18-March 5, 2010                 



  1. Extended Sick Leave

1. Conchata Lewis, Janitor, Leon Godchaux, December 18, 2009-February 18, 2010

            2. Joyce Lewis, Lunch Technician, East St. John High, January 11-February 2, 2010


A motion was made by Mr. Wise, seconded by Mr. Jack, to accept the Personnel Changes as presented.  There were no objections and the motion carried.  Mr. Sanders was absent.


Dr. Millet stated that Mrs. Gail Creecy, Principal of West St. John Elementary will be retiring effective February 22, 2010.  Dr. Millet shared that Mrs. Creecy will be greatly missed by all.  She advised the Board that applications would be accepted until February 23, 2010, interviews will be conducted on February 25, 2010 and a replacement will be named at the next Board meeting.


ITEM 7. BUSINESS AND FINANCE: Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Director of Business and Finance.


a.         Introduce policy requiring disclosure of agents fees and fee splitting agreements. Mr. Boughton stated that this item was for introduction purposes.  Mr. Boughton explained that creating this policy would be proactive in disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.


b.        Extend contract with Kevin Klibert for sales tax representation.  Mr. Boughton explained that the current contract with Kevin Klibert for sales tax representation has expired and the contract is for two years.


A motion was made by Mr. Burl, seconded by Mr. Triche to extend the contract with Kevin Klibert for sales tax representation.  There were no objections and the motion carried.  Mr. Sanders was absent.


c.        Accept proposals for property insurance for 2010-2011 fiscal year.  Mr. Boughton stated that one (1) agency had responded with 2 proposals.  Administration recommends accepting the proposal from Louisiana Insurance Services at a total premium of $904,599.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to accept the proposal from Louisiana Insurance Services at a total premium of $904,599 for property insurance for 2010-2011 fiscal year.  There were no objections and the motion carried.  Mr. Sanders was absent.


d.         Accept audit reports for June 30, 2009 as public document.  Mr. Phillip Re Bowe introduced himself and stated that the revenues have remained stable this year, but that sales tax revenues are flattening out and the Board should expect lower revenues in the coming year.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Triche, to accept the audit reports for June 30, 2009 as public document.  There were no objections and the motion carried.  Mr. Sanders was absent.


e.         Ms. Jackie Forest, Principal, Child Development Center.  Introduction of Head Start Application 2010-2011.  Ms. Forest explained to the Board that she must receive approval to apply for this refunding application.


A motion was made by the entire Board to approve the Head Start Application for 2010-2011. Mr. Sanders was absent.






a.         Dr. Gerald Keller, Board President and Mr. Patrick Sanders, Board Vice President - School zone caution light on River Road (Hwy. 44) for Fifth Ward Elementary School.  Dr. Keller stated that this item will be carried over to a later date.


b.         Mr. Russ Wise, Board Member - Discussion of Maintenance Review Procedures.  Mr. Wise stated that it has been brought to his attention that there are maintenance issues at some facilities that are not being addressed on a regular basis.  He requested that the Superintendent assemble a committee to determine everything in our physical system that requires annual or semi-annual maintenance.  Dr. Keller stated that the already-in-place Auxiliary Committee should be able to perform in this capacity.


c.         Major Michael Tregre - Discussion regarding possible partnership with St. John Parks and Recreation Department to renovate the old Leon Godchaux football field.  Major Michael Tregre introduced himself and stated to the Board that the St. John Parks and Recreation is interested in partnering with the St. John School Board in the resurrection of the old Leon Godchaux football field.  Mr. Ory asked Major Tregre specifically what the Parks and Recreation was asking of the School Board.  Major Tregre stated that at this time, the Parks and Recreation would like a commitment from the School Board to work together to renovate the football field located at Leon Godchaux.


A motion was made by the entire Board to be a party, along with St. John Parks and Recreation, to participate in the endeavor of renovating the old Leon Godchaux football field.


d.         Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Director of Business and Finance - Executive Session - Consolidated Grain and Barge vs St. John the Baptist Parish School Board.


A motion was made by Mr. Madere, seconded by Mr. Jones, to go into Executive Session.  There were no objections and the Board went into Executive Session at 8:04 p.m.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Bacas, to reconvene in Regular Session.  There were no objections and the Board reconvened in Regular Session at 8:15 p.m.


A motion was made by Mr. Wise, seconded by Mr. Madere, to authorize the Board attorney, Kevin Klibert to settle the lawsuit with Consolidated Grain and Barge.  There were no objections and the motion carried.  Mr. Jack and Mr. Sanders were not seated.


e.         Mr. Lloyd LeBlanc, Board Attorney - Legal Update.  None.


ITEM 10. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: a. Committee Reports.  None.




ITEM 12.  ADJOURNMENT:  The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, Mr. Jones offered a motion for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Madere. There were no objections.  The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.


                     /s/Gerald Keller                    

Gerald J. Keller, Ph.D.


St. John the Baptist Parish School Board


                     /s/Courtney P. Millet              

Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D.


St. John the Baptist Parish School Board