RESERVE, LA - Meeting of April 15, 2010


The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet

in special session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana, on Thursday, April 15, 2010, at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D.



The Chair called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.




PRESENT: Messrs. Jack, Sanders, Madere, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Ory, Triche, Keller.


ABSENT: Messrs. Burl and Jones.


There were 9 members present and 2 absent.


ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of March 25, 2010. A motion was made by Mr. Madere, seconded by Mr. Triche, to accept the minutes of March 25, 2010 as printed and published. There were no objections and the motion to approve the minutes carried. Messrs. Burl and Jones were absent.


Mr. Jones arrived at 6:02 and was recorded as present.


ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D., Superintendent.


 Dr. Millet recognized the 2010 Teachers of the Year:


Elementary                                          School

Robyn Boudoin                                      East St. John Elementary

Rachel Chaney                                      Emily C. Watkins Elementary

Melissa Shuhart                                     Fifth Ward Elementary

Stacey Lasseigne                                  Garyville/Mt. Airy Magnet

Holly Moore                                           John L. Ory Magnet

Pamela Newman                                    Lake Pontchartrain Elementary

Raquel Pigee                                         LaPlace Elementary

Andrea Dumas                                      West St. John Elementary


Middle                                                  School

Monna Green                                        East St. John Elementary

Tabari Simon                                         Fifth Ward Elementary

Debbie Perkins                                      Garyville/Mt. Airy Magnet

Tamara Holland                                     John L. Ory Magnet

Katherine Herndon                                 Lake Pontchartrain Elementary

Cheree Gomez                                      LaPlace Elementary

Charles Lumar                                       West St. John Elementary

James Kline                                          West St. John High


High                                                     School

Geraldine Cox                                       East St. John High

Chantell Walker                                     West St. John High


Dr Millet announced the district winners for each category and read the following:  Elementary Teacher of the Year:  Ms. Pamela Newman started her teaching career in St. John Parish.  She has taught 2nd grade at Lake Pontchartrain Elementary since the 07/08 school year.  She graduated in May 2007 with a Masters of Art in Teaching Elementary 1st-5th grade.  In December 2007 she was Lake Pontchartrain Elementary's Teacher of the Month and in September 2009 she won the Wal-Mart 2nd grade Teacher of the Year contest.   In Ms. Newman's biography she states that her own grade school teachers influenced her decision to become a teacher.  She remembers the days and hours they took out of their time to assist her in any situation.  Another reason she became a teacher is her compassion that she has for children.  She wants to be a positive influence on all students who come through her classroom.


Middle School Teacher of the Year:  Mr. James Kline has taught Social Studies to 8th, 9th, and 10th grade students at West St. John High School.  Mr. Kline received a Bachelor of Art in Political Science from Rutgers University as well as a certificate in Public Policy from Princeton University.  He takes an active leadership role within the Teach for America Program as well as West St. John High School.  Mr. Kline was named the St. John Parish High School Social Studies Teacher of the year in November 2009 by the Louisiana Council for Social Studies; Teacher of the Year in October 2009 through the L'Observateur Newspaper's Teacher Appreciation Program; West St. John High's Teacher of the Month in October 2008; and the Praxis:  Principals of Learning and Teaching Recognition of Excellence Award by Educational Testing Services in June 2008.  In his biography Mr. Kline states "The greatest lessons I have learned in life were taught by a high school janitor and cafeteria worker, my father and mother.  It was because of these two individuals that I decided to go into public service."  Because of his fellowship at Princeton University where he worked on the issue of juvenile justice policy, Mr. Kline realized that he "wanted to work on fixing the systemic problem causing our children to end up in trouble.  With the life-long lessons my parents taught me, I was ready to jump head first into the classroom to make an impact on youngster's lives."


High School Teacher of the Year:  Ms. Chantell Walker received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Nicholls State University in December 1992, certification in Mathematics from Southern University in May 1996, Master of Arts in Education Administration and Supervision from the University of Phoenix in June 2007 and secondary counselor add on in February 2010.  Ms. Walker began her teaching career in 1995 and has also taught math at The American Academy for Girls in Kuwait, as an on-line High School math teacher for Louisiana Department of Education and Louisiana Virtual Schools.  Ms. Walker was nominated as an Outstanding Mathematics Teacher in 2009, Who's Who Among American Teachers in 2000, 2004, and 2005.  In her biography she stated "There are many factors that influenced me to become a teacher.  One factor is the relationship I had with my former teachers.  …I appreciated the time and commitment my teachers devoted to my growth and development.  My classroom teachers instilled in me a love for education that I still have today.  Another factor that influenced me to become a teacher is my constant thirst for knowledge.  I want to instill in my students that thirst for knowledge and help them reach their full potential.  I am inspired when students work hard."


Mr. Burl arrived at 6:10 p.m. and was recorded as present.


Dr. Millet announced the district winners for Outstanding Support Employee for St. John Parish and read the following:  Outstanding Elementary School Support Employee of the Year:  Ms. Brent E. Tearney has worked as a special education paraeducator in St. John Parish for 11 years.  Her principal, Ms. Cupit, wrote " Although Ms. Tearney's official job title is not "teacher", she is constantly teaching students by working with them and assisting them with their assignments.   She is a wonderful role model for all who come in contact with her each and every day.  She takes time to listen, help, and oftentimes goes overboard for students, staff, and administration.  You will seldom see her idle.  She is prompt, respectful, intelligent, and will see any task given to her through to fruition".


Outstanding Middle School Support Employee of the Year:  Ms. Sandra Mutin has worked as a Title I Computer paraeducator in St. John Parish for 3-1/2 years.  She has worked at St. John Redirection Center, LaPlace Elementary, and Lake Pontchartrain where she is presently working.    Her principal, Ms. Hastings, wrote "She is truly an outstanding employee who demonstrates excellence in her work ethics and moral conduct.  She works from the moment she arrives on campus until she leaves, which is hours after the scheduled work day has ended.  She works in improving her technological skills and understanding of the programs offered at Lake Pontchartrain Elementary. 


Outstanding High School Support Employee of the Year:  Ms. Theresa Prough has worked as a special education paraeducator in St. John Parish for 17 years.  She has worked at Milesville Elementary, Glade Elementary,  LaPlace Elementary, East St. John High where she has worked since 2004.  Her principal, Ms. Triche, wrote "She is a silent hero walking the hallways of our school.  She is a builder of confidence in teachers and students.  She is the type of employee who can always be counted on as her attendance at work is awesome.


Dr. Millet also announced that Mrs. Patricia Triche, principal of East St. John High School, has been named the Principal of the Year in St. John the Baptist Parish.  She read the following:   “Mrs. Patricia Triche earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing in 1988 a Master of Business Administration in 1990 and a  Master of Education in 2003 all from Southeastern Louisiana University.  She presented in Washington DC at the National Association Federal Education Program Administrators Conference in 2004 and 2005.    While she was principal of Garyville/Mt. Airy Magnet they were a Master Renaissance School during the 2004/2005 school year.  While she was principal of Lake Pontchartrain Elementary they were also a Master Renaissance School during the 2006/2007 school year.  In addition, Ms. Triche presented at the Louisiana Department of Education Advisory and Mentoring Conference in 2008. Ms. Triche is currently in her third year as principal at East St. John High.  She began to serve as principal for the 2007-2008 school year.  It is important to note that during her short tenure there, East St. John High's  Growth School Performance Score (SPS) grew 20 points from a 2007 score of 57 to a 2009 score of 77.  Another highlight is that the school’s dual enrollment has grown from single digits to a current total of 237 students.  In a letter of recommendation, it was stated:  "Many times I have observed Ms. Triche comforting her students regarding academic as well as home situations.  She is truly compassionate and has a sincere heart for her staff and students.  Ms. Triche sacrifices her time and energy.  She is sensitive to the needs and challenges of those in her care."  In another letter of recommendation it was stated:  "Ms. Triche loves to quote figures and findings.  The data drives her direction and points us in the right direction.  With her team of helpful administrators she comes up with a defined focus and mission and conveys that directly to us.  With her, failure is not an option.  She definitely wants the best for her students.  As an example, she recently applied to have President Obama speak at our graduation because she says our kids deserve the best.”


Dr. Millet congratulated and thanked all the winners for their service to our students.


The President called for a brief recess at 6:20 p.m.


At 6:35 p.m. the President called the meeting back to order.  A motion was made by Mr. Bacas, seconded by Mr. Triche, to reconvene in regular session.  There were no objections.  Mr. Jones was not seated.




ITEM 6. PERSONNEL MATTERS: Dr. Leigh Ann Beard, Director of Human Resources.

Personnel Changes (Requires action by the Board). Dr. Beard presented the following Personnel Changes for approval:




      A.   Extended Sick Leave

            1.  Kathie Bailey, Teacher, West St. John High, January 18 - 20, February 18, 2010

            2.  Douglass Lawson, Pupil Appraisal, Milesville, February 18 - March 1, 2010

            3.  Tara Mitchell, Teacher - Garyville/Mt. Airy Magnet, March 8 - 11, 2010

            4.  Bonnie Grows, Teacher - St. John Child Development Center, March 10 - May 10, 2010

            5.  Kristin Breaux, Teacher - Fifth Ward Elementary, March 10 - 12, March 16 - 19, & 24, 2010

            6.  Carla Hellmers, Teacher - LaPlace Elementary, March 15, 2010

            7.  Keisha Daisy-Bolden, Teacher - Milesville, March 19 - 23, 2010

            8.  Connie Manuel, Teacher - East St. John High, March 29, 2010




      A. Extended Sick Leave

            1.  Kyan Jenkins, Bus Driver - Transportation, January 20 - March 5, 2010

            2.  Conchata Lewis, Janitor - Leon Godchaux Accelerated Program, Feb. 22 - March 26, 2010

            3.  Carolyn Young, Paraeducator - GMMS, March 15, 17, 22, 23, and April 5, 2010

            4.  Reid Day, Low Voltage Tech – Maintenance, March 17 - April 2, 2010

            5.  Betty Tucker, Janitor - LaPlace Elementary, March 22, 2010 - June 22, 2010

            6.  Conchata Lewis, Custodian - Leon Godchaux Accel. Program, March 29 - April 12, 2010

            7.  Tessa Lagrande, Bus Driver - Transportation, March 30 - April 13, 2010


      B. Leave Without Pay

            1.  Kyan Jenkins, Bus Driver - Transportation, March 6, 2010 - July 1, 2010


A motion was made by Mr. Wise, seconded by Mr. Ory, to accept the Personnel Changes as presented. There were no objections and the motion carried. Mr. Jones was not seated.


ITEM 7a.  BUSINESS AND FINANCE:  Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Director of Business and Finance

a. 3rd Quarter Budget Report - Mr. Boughton presented the following budget report and explained that this item was for information purposes only.






b. Approval of extension of Section 125 rates to 12-31-2010:  Vision, Dental, Dread Disease, Short and Long Term Disability.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to approve the extension of Section 125 rates to 12-31-2010:  Vision, Dental, Dread Disease, Short and Long Term Disability.  There were no objections and the motion passed unanimously.


c.  Waive fees for River Parish Hawks Baseball Team.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Wise to waive the fees for River Parish Hawks Baseball Team. There were no objections and the motion to waive fees for River Parish Hawks Baseball Team passed unanimously.


d. Mr. Russell Jack, Board Member - Request to waive fees for New Jerusalem Baptist Church Dance Team and West St. John Firemen.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Wise, to waive the fees for New Jerusalem Baptist Church Dance Team and West St. John Firemen.  There were no objections and the motion to waive the fees for New Jerusalem Baptist Church Dance Team and West St. John Firemen passed unanimously.


e.  CSRS, Inc. - Request permission from the Board to present an information item, Monthly Progress Update on the Master Plan.  Mr. Floyd Luster, CSRS, gave a brief summary of all ongoing projects. 


f. CSRS, Inc. - Request Board approval to award contract for the Miscellaneous Roofing Projects at Various Sites - Package 1, 3, & 4 projects to the apparent responsible bidders for the Base Bid Only for Package 1, the Base Bid and Alternate 1 for Package 3, and the Base Bid and Alternates 1 for Package 4, contingent upon low bidder meeting all LA Public Bid Law and Contract Document Requirements.   Mr. Tim Lacy, CSRS, introduced himself to the Board and recommended the following:


Package 1-West St. John High School Roof Replacement Project.  Lowest Responsible Bidder:  Ross A Grand Construction - Base Bid:  $816,000 - No alternates.  Package 3-John L. Ory and Child Development Center Roof Replacement.  Lowest Responsible Bidder:  Roofing Solutions, LLC - Base Bid:  $52,690; Alternate 1: $65,600 for a total bid for Base and Alternate 1 (Install additional ply of SBS Modified roofing membrane on the main administration/classroom building and annex) of $118,290.  Package 4-Redirection Center and School Board Office Roof Replacement. Lowest Responsible Bidder:  Roofing Solutions, LLC - Base Bid:  $264,980; Alternate 1: $120,000 for a total bid for Base and Alternate 1 (Redirection Center roof replacement using standing seam metal roof system) of $384,980.


A motion was made by Mr. Madere, seconded by Mr. Jones to approve the contracts for various roofing projects as presented and recommended.  There were no objections and the motion to approve the contracts for various roofing projects as presented and recommended passed unanimously.


g. CSRS, Inc.- Request Board approval to award contract to apparent responsible low bidder for the LaPlace Elementary School Temporary Buildings project contingent upon low bidder meeting all LA Public Bid Law and Contract Document Requirements. CSRS presented and recommended the following:


Portable Building Package at LaPlace Elementary School.  Lowest Responsible Bidder:  LANCO Construction, Inc. - Base Bid:  $467,400; Alternate 1:  $26,500 for a total bid for Base and Alternate 1 (Provide all labor, equipment, material, and incidentals as required to add an administration portable) of $493,900.


A motion was made by Mr. Bacas, seconded by Mr. Wise to award the contract to the apparent responsible low bidder for the LaPlace Elementary School Temporary Buildings project as presented and recommended.  There were no objections and the motion to approve the contract to the apparent responsible low bidder for the LaPlace Elementary School Temporary Buildings project passed unanimously.


h. CSRS, Inc. - Request Board approval of the recommendations for Architectural Services from the following firms for the following projects:  RFQ 09-13 East St. John High School Renovations and Additions, and RFQ 09-14 Child Development Center Renovations.  Mr. Christopher Payne, Dupont, introduced himself to the Board as a representative of the A&E Selection Committee.  He stated the committee convened on April 25, 2010, and the committee reviewed a total of 17 architectural firms for the East St. John High School Renovations project and a total of 12 architectural firms for the Child Development Center Renovations project.  After reviewing all firms, the committee then short-listed the firms and unanimously decided to award the projects to Chenevert Architects.


A motion was made to approve the recommendations for Architectural Services from the following firms for the following projects:  RFQ 09-13 East St. John High School Renovations and Additions, and RFQ 09-14 Child Development Center Renovations to Chenevert Architects.


After some discussion, Mr. Burl offered a substitute motion to table this item until an attorney general’s opinion could be obtained on whether Chenevert Architects could legally do business with CSRS due to the fact that the owner of Chenevert Architects was at one time a partner of CSRS.   Upon roll call, there were 3 Yeas (Jack, Burl, Sanders), 8 Nays (Madere, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Ory, Triche, Keller) and the motion to table this item (Item 7h) failed.


Upon roll call on the original motion to approve the recommendations for Architectural Services from the following firms for the following projects:  RFQ 09-13 East St. John High School Renovations and Additions, and RFQ 09-14 Child Development Center  Renovations to Chenevert Architects, there were 9 Yeas (Jack, Madere, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Ory, Triche, Keller), 2 Nays (Burl, Sanders) and the motion carried.


i.  Mr. Peter Montz, Purchasing Agent - Update on the LA Highway 628 LaPlace, LA  Turn Lane.  Mr. Paul Griggs gave a brief update on the turn lane by Emily C. Watkins.  Mr. Wise questioned when the turn lane would be in place and usable.  Mr. Griggs replied that it would be approximately 6 months.  Mr. Triche asked if the rising river water would create any problems.  Mr. Griggs replied that he did not foresee it being a problem becaue the Corps of Engineers did not impose restrictions until the river reached Stage 15, and at this point, it does not seem as if this will happen.  Dr. Millet thanked the Dept. of Transportation and Development, Senator Chaisson and also the Parish Government for all their help in making the turn lane a reality.


j.  Mr. Peter Montz, Purchasing Agent - Request Board approval to solicit the following bids and/or proposals:  Proposal 11.03 Pest Control, Proposal 11.04 Waste Disposal, Proposal 11.06 Consignment Motor Fuel and System, Bid 11.08 Bus Parts, Bid 11.09 Copier/Computer Paper, Bid 11.10 Office Supplies, Bid 11.11 Instructional Materials, Bid 11.12 General Maintenance, Bid 11.13 Electrical Supplies, Bid 11.14 Air Conditioning, Bid 11.15 Plumbing Supplies, Bid 11.16 Custodial Cleaning Supplies, Bid 11.18 Award Items, Proposal 11.19 Locksmith Services.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Ory, to approve request to solicit bids and/or proposals for the following:  Proposal 11.03 Pest Control, Proposal 11.04 Waste Disposal, Proposal 11.06 Consignment Motor Fuel and System, Bid 11.08 Bus Parts, Bid 11.09 Copier/Computer Paper, Bid 11.10 Office Supplies, Bid 11.11 Instructional Materials, Bid 11.12 General Maintenance, Bid 11.13 Electrical Supplies, Bid 11.14 Air Conditioning, Bid 11.15 Plumbing Supplies, Bid 11.16 Custodial Cleaning Supplies, Bid 11.18 Award Items, Proposal 11.19 Locksmith Services.  There were no objections and the motion passed unanimously.


ITEM 8. OLD BUSINESS. a.  Grievance #09-6 (Open or Closed)


The employee requested a closed hearing.  The Chair declared a closed session at 7:01 p.m.


A motion was made by Mr. Bacas, seconded by Mr. Madere, to reconvene in Regular Session.  There were no objections and the Board reconvened in Regular Session at 7:50 p.m.


 9.   NEW BUSINESS.  a.  Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Director of Business and Finance - Executive Session - Update on Negotiations.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Madere, to go into Executive Session.  There were no objections and the Board went into Executive Session at 7:51 p.m.


A motion was made by Mr. Ory, seconded by Mr. Bacas, to reconvene in Regular Session.  There were no objections and the Board reconvened in Regular Session at 8:38 p.m.


b. Mr. Lloyd LeBlanc, Board Attorney - Legal Update. None.


ITEM 10. ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS: a. Committee Reports. None.


ITEM 11. BOARD-RELATED ITEMS OF INTEREST.  Dr. Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D. read the following statement:  “As we all know, with the current state of the economy, everyone must continue to do less while also being vigilant about increasing productivity while reducing the bottom line. So, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you that the school district must reduce expenditures in the budget. Even though our costs continue to rise, last year the state legislature did not increase MFP-which is the Minimum Foundation Program that makes up the largest percentage of our budget. Therefore, we are dealing with escalating costs while also trying to deal with decreasing state and local funding. We have made significant progress in addressing our schools’ needs, and I’m going to keep my word that the bond money remains dedicated to improving the district’s physical plants. These improvements impact our entire community. We have already reduced spending on out of town trips and conferences, and we have streamlined the central office by over a quarter of a million dollars. Also, the funds for professional development, our demonstration classrooms, and our technology needs have come from federal funding. Unfortunately, most federal money cannot be used to pay salaries nor can the bond funds be used for salaries. As I’ve already stated, the state has reduced our MFP funding; this funding is what pays the majority of our salaries. Therefore, we have to face reality; the law says that we must meet our obligation of a balanced budget. We are being forced to consider significant cuts in order to establish that balanced budget for the up-coming school year. We are working hard to avoid waste while protecting the integrity and quality of our classrooms. Be assured that whatever challenges lie ahead, our district is committed to providing a first-class education for our students. Fortunately, I know that in the midst of these necessary budget cuts, we will continue to provide our students a high quality education.”


Dr. Keller stated that there will be a special meeting called on April 22, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. to address a scheduled tenure hearing.  Dr. Keller also announced that the May 6, 2010 regularly scheduled School Board meeting’s location has been changed to Emily C. Watkins to accommodate a high number of attendees expected due to award presentations.


ITEM 12. ADJOURNMENT: The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, Mr. Madere offered a motion for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Jones. There were no objections. The meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.


                     /s/Gerald Keller                    

Gerald J. Keller, Ph.D., President

St. John the Baptist Parish School Board


                     /s/Courtney P. Millet              

Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D.Secretary/Treasurer

St. John the Baptist Parish School Board