RESERVE, LA - Meeting of November 17, 2011


ITEM 1:  The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in special session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana, on Thursday, November 17, 2011, at 10:00 a.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D.



The Chair called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.  




PRESENT: Messrs. Jack, Burlm Keller, DeFrancesch, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche, Sanders.


ABSENT: Jones, Johnson.


There were 9 members present, 2 absent.




ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D., Superintendent.  Dr. Millet read the following report: 


Thanksgiving Holidays

As Thanksgiving week approaches, I want to thank all of our dedicated employees of St. John the Baptist Parish School System. Please know that I am grateful and appreciative of your dedicated efforts. Particularly during this season of thanks, I encourage all of us to take a moment to reflect and consider the various ways we are thankful. It is said that God gives each of us the gift of 86,400 seconds each day. In that light, let's all join together to use those seconds wisely each and every day, especially on Thanksgiving!   Our schools and the district office will be closed November 21st through November 25th.


Congratulations To Our Football Teams

Congratulations to West St. John High for winning the District 9-1-A Championship. They will play St. John of Plaquemine tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. at home.

Congratulations also to East St. John High for being named Co-District Champions of district 8-5-A. They will play Jesuit tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. at home.

We want to invite everyone to tune in to RTC Channel 70 every hour on the Vz hour to meet the senior football players from the East St. John High School Wildcats and the West St. John High School Rams. (Board Members—if you would like a DVD of the program, please let me know.)

Good luck to both our Rams and Wildcats!



Bonnie Dinvaut will be recognized on November 29   at the opening session of LACUE on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at the Regional Technology Leader of the Year. For the past four years, Bonnie has served as the Coordinator of Educational Technology for St. John the Baptist Parish. Through an initiative called "Goodnight Paper. Good Morning iPad," Mrs. Dinvaut-Irving has aided St. John the Baptist Parish administrators to use a hand-held device, such as an iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch or Blackberry, to more efficiently record their observations of daily classroom instruction throughout the district. By using an online form application, school administrators and teacher coaches quickly post comments and recommendations and return those to the teachers by the end of the work day. The previous paper form process took much longer, delaying the implementation of recommended improvement and increasing the cost of the observation program. This endeavor supports the mission of affecting change in educational technology; the observation process has become much more streamlined and the availability of observation data is almost instantaneous. The district has been very diligent in investing in staff development and then follow-up with classroom observations to make sure that teachers are correctly using the new strategies and technology that they've been given to improve learning in their classrooms. The administrators' efforts in teacher observations have been recognized by educators throughout the state and these efforts are being presented as a model for others to follow.

Mrs. Dinvaut is a member of:


The Louisiana Association of School Executives

The Louisiana Association of Computer Using Educators

And the International Society for Technology in Education


John L. Orv ~ A Status Celebration

JLO will be hosting a "We Made the Grade Tailgate Celebration" tomorrow, November 18   to celebrate their "A" status. Families and School Board Members are invited to bring their chairs, tents, or blankets for outside. Students will pick up hamburger lunches in the cafeteria, then go outside to enjoy lunch.


Mrs. Dinvaut was present.  She thanked the Superintendent and the Board for the recognition. She also thanked the entire technology department.


Mr. Jones arrived at 10:05 a.m. and was recorded as present.




ITEM 6. PERSONNEL MATTERS: Dr. Leigh Ann Beard, Director of Human Resources.


a.   Recommendation to fill an upcoming vacancy for Coordinator of Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Response to Intervention.


Dr. Beard read the following:


On Tuesday, November 15, 2011, Mr. Herbert Smith, Assistant Superintendent; Mrs. Bonnie Dinvaut, Coordinator of Educational Technology; Ms. Giselle Juneau, Pupil Appraisal Coordinator; Ms. .Nija James, Head Start Policy Council Member; and I met as a committee to interview for the position of Coordinator of Pre-K, Kindergarten, and RtI.  The following were interviewed:


            Ms. Ashley Panepinto

            Ms. Pamelyn McKnight-Smith

            Ms. Venus Simms


As a result of the interviews, the committee recommended Venus Simms to fill this position.


A motion was made by Mr Bacas, seconded by Mr. Triche, to approve the recommendation of the committee for Venus Simms to fill the position of Coordinator of Pre-K, Kindergarten, and RtI.


Following discussion, Mr. Nicholas asked that the record reflect that he had read the federal guidelines for Head Start and had made the Board aware of these guidelines. Dr. Millet stated that she is well aware of the federal guidelines.


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Burl, seconded by Mr. Nicholas that we keep the current employee in that position.


Following further discussion, a substitute motion was made by Mr. Wise to go into Executive Session.  Mr. Lloyd LeBlanc, board attorney, stated that it is not legal to go into Executive Session without it being listed on the agenda. Mr. Wise withdrew this motion.


Mr. Johnson arrived at 11:20 a.m. and was recorded as present.


Following further discussion, Mr. Triche called for question, seconded by Mr. Bacas.  Upon roll call, there were:


11 Yeas (Unanimous)

The motion carried.


Upon roll call on the substitute motion to keep the current employee in this position, there were:


4 Yeas (Jack, Burl, Nicholas, Sanders)

5 Nays (Keller, DeFrancesch, Wise, Bacas, Triche)

2 Abstentions (Jones, Johnson)

The motion failed.


Upon roll call on the original motion to approve the recommendation of the committee for Ms. Venus Simms to fill this position, there were:


5 Yeas (Keller, DeFrancesch, Wise, Bacas, Triche)

4 Nays (Jack, Burl, Nicholas, Sanders)

2 Abstentions (Jones, Johnson)

The motion failed.


Dr. Millet asked legal counsel and the Board for direction and clarity because both motions failed.  Mr. Lloyd LeBlanc stated that position remains as it was and the employee who was in the position will remain.


ITEM 7.  BUSINESS AND FINANCE:  Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Director of Business and Finance


a. Recommendation on group health insurance contract.


Mr. Boughton stated that the insurance committee met and was recommending the Blue Cross HMO 14 plan at an increase of 4.00% over last year’s contract.


A motion was made by Mr. Wise, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to accept the recommendation of the Blue Cross HMO 14 plan at a 4.00% rate increase.


Mr. Herman Clayton, SJAE, stated that there is another plan that SJAE is now recommending and asked that, although it is more expensive, the Board support the Blue Cross HMO 13 plan.  Ms. DeFrancesch asked Ms. Iona Holloway, SJAE, if she, as a long-time insurance committee member, had changed her mind and was not supporting the decision of the insurance committee.  Ms. Holloway stated that she had, in fact, changed her mind and was in favor of Blue Cross HMO 13 plan. Mr. Boughton stated that there was no guarantee that a reduction in force could or would be avoided if the board continues to fund items that were not budgeted.


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Jack to approve the Blue Cross HMO 13 plan.  This motion failed due to the lack of a second.


A substitute motion was made by Dr. Keller, seconded by Mr. Jones to accept the Blue Cross HMO 14 plan recommended by the insurance committee and to use $100,000 of the sales tax money to offset the increase of employee cost.  Upon roll call on the substitute motion to accept the Blue Cross HMO 14 plan recommended by the insurance committee and to use $100,000 of the sales tax money to offset the increase of employee cost. Upon roll call, there were:


11 Yeas (Unanimous)

The substitute motion carried.


b. Recommendation on bus mechanic contract.  Mr. Boughton stated that the lowest proposal was submitted by Mr. Dale P. Cambre at a cost of $248,000.00 per year and that was the finance committee’s recommendation.


A motion was made by Dr. Keller, seconded by Mr. Triche, to accept the lowest proposal, which was submitted by Mr. Dale P. Cambre at a cost of $248,000.00 per year.


Following a long discussion, a substitute motion was made by Mr. Jones to offer 50% of this contract to Mr. Dale P. Cambre and 50% of this contract to Mr. Lennix of Tyrone Auto Repair.  This motion failed due to the lack of a second.


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Burl, to offer the contract to Mr. Lennis at a cost of $255,000.00 per year.


Mr. Clayton, SJAE, asked the board to look at the validity of the proposals submitted.  Ms. Alfreda Devare spoke against offering the contract to Mr. Dale Cambre.


Dr. Keller stated that he could not support offering the contract to someone other than the lowest proposal submitted.


A substitute motion was made by Mr. Wise, seconded by Mr. Johnson, to table this item until the next meeting because of issues being raised.  Upon roll call to table this item, there were:


2 Yeas (Johnson, Wise)

9 Nays (Jack, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche, Sanders)

The motion to table failed.


Upon roll call on the substitute motion to offer the contract to Mr. Lennix at a cost of $255,000.00 per year, there were:


7 Yeas (Jack, Burl, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Nicholas, Sanders)

4 Yeas (Keller, Wise, Bacas, Triche)

The motion carried.


Mr. Herbert Smith, Assistant Superintendent, asked the Board to clarify when the contract would be in force.  Mr. Lennix stated that he would begin immediately.


ITEM 8. OLD BUSINESS.  a. Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Director of Business and Finance - Amendment to school rental policy requiring all users to provide proof of and maintain $1,000,000 of general liability insurance.  Mr. Boughton stated that this item was for introduction.


ITEM 9.   NEW BUSINESS.  a.  Dr. Leigh Ann Beard, Director of Human Resources - Request approval of revised Head Start Policy Council Bylaws.


A motion was made by Mrs. DeFrancesch, seconded by Mr.  Triche, to approve the revised Head Start Policy Council Bylaws.  There were no objections.

The motion carried (Mr. Jones and Mr. Jack were not seated.)


b.  Dr. Leigh Ann Beard, Director of Human Resources - Request approval of revised Head Start Eligibility and Selection Priority Criteria Policy.


A motion was made by Mr. Bacas, seconded by Mr. Nicholas, to approve the revised Head Start Eligibility and Selection Priority Criteria Policy.  There were no objections.

The motion carried (Mr. Jack was not seated.)


c.  Mr. Albert Burl, Board Member - Update on the Evaluation that was conducted by Chenevert Architects on Emily C. Watkins.


Mr. Todd Mann, CSRS updated the board on the evaluation conducted by Chenevert Architects on Emily C. Watkins.  Dr. Millet stated that a packet of information had been placed at each Board member’s places regarding this item.


d.  Mr. Albert Burl, Board Member - Contingency Plan for Emily C. Watkins.  This item was discussed with Item 9c.


e.  Rev. Rodney Nicholas, Board Member - Discuss need to activate ”r;Request for Proposals” for new school board lawyer.  This item was not addressed.


f.  Rev. Rodney Nicholas, Board Member - Head Start Program items of interest, approval of reports, (budget, financial, attendance), annual self-assessment, and policy council changes.  This item was not addressed.


g. Rev. Rodney Nicholas, Board Member - Eliza Eugene, Blessed to be a Blessing, nonprofit presentation.  Ms. Eliza Eugene gave an overview of the organization and asked the Board for $10,000.00  to pay for tutoring for the students who live in the LaPlace Public Housing.  Dr. Millet stated that because the Title I budget was submitted during the summer, this would not be possible for this school year.


A motion was made by Mr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Burl, to pay 2 teachers for 8 hours a week at least until February on a month to month basis, up to the amount of $10,000.00. Dr. Millet asked Mr. LeBlanc for clarity.  The school system will hire 2 teachers and pay their stipend and benefits.


Following discussion, upon roll call, there were:


10 Yeas (Jack, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche, Sanders)

1 Nay (Wise)

The motion carried.


h.  Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Direction of Business and Finance - Executive Session - update on Negotiations.  Mr. Boughton stated that this item would be carried over.


i.  Lloyd LeBlanc, Board Attorney - Legal Update. None.


ITEM 10. ADMINSTRATIVE MATTERS: a. Committee Reports. None.




ITEM 12. ADJOURNMENT: The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, Mr. Bacas offered a motion for adjournment, seconded by Mrs. DeFrancesch. There were no objections. The meeting adjourned at 12:55 p.m.


________________________________                                        ________________________________

Courtney P. Millet, Ph.D., Secretary                                           Patrick H. Sanders, President