RESERVE, LA - Meeting of April 11, 2013


ITEM 1:  The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



            Parish of St. John the Baptist

            Dear Board Member:

            Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet

in regular session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana, at 6:00 p.m., on Thursday, April 11, 2013.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


s/Herbert Smith



The Chair called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance which was led by Mr. Bacas.




PRESENT: Messrs. Jack, Burl, Sanders, Jones, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas and Triche.


ABSENT:  Messrs. Keller and Johnson, and Mrs. DeFrancesch.


There were 8 members present and 3 members absent.


ITEM 3:  APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Meetings of March 21, 2013 and March 26, 2013.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Bacas, to accept the minutes of the March 21, 2013 and March 26, 2013 meetings as printed and published.  There were no objections.  The motion carried.  3 Absent – Keller, DeFrancesch, and Johnson.




West St. John High SchoolLady Rams Basketball Team made history!


Congratulations to the West St. John High School Lady Rams Basketball Team for advancing to the Class 1A State Finals for the first time in school history. The team received multiple recognitions. They were named District Champs for District 9-1A. They achieved an undefeated district record. They finished with an amazing record of 30-2 overall.


Mr. Smith extended special congratulations to the following:


·         Coach Lester Smith who was named Class 1A Coach of the Year

·         Jaylyn Gordon who was named Class 1A MVP and Class 1A All-State 1st Team

·         Maya Trench who was named Class 1A All-State 2nd Team


Congratulations to the Lady Rams and Coach Smith!


Mrs. Sherry DeFrancesch arrived at 6:04 p.m. and was recorded present.


Coach Smith thanked the school board and the Superintendent for recognizing the hard work the Lady Rams did this year.  The Lady Rams attended a Final Four game in New Orleans.  Saints Football Player Marcus Colston purchased tickets for the team to attend this wonderful experience.




ITEM 6:  PERSONNEL MATTERS:  Dr. Leigh Ann Beard, Director of Human Resources -



ITEM 7:  BUSINESS AND FINANCE:  Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Director of Business and Finance – Introduction Sales Tax Collection Contract.


Mr. Peter Montz, Purchasing Agent/Director presented on behalf of Mr. Boughton.  Mr. Montz presented the Sales Tax Collection Contract for introduction purposes only.  The Finance Committee has reviewed and approved the contract.  Mr. Boughton is seeking approval of the Sales Tax Collection Contract at the next school board meeting.


ITEM 8:  OLD BUSINESS:  Ms. Page Eschette, Coordinator of Federal & State Program – Approval of 2013 – 2014 School Calendar (requires action).  This item was carried over to the next school board meeting.




ITEM 9a.  Mr. Peter Montz, Interim Director/Purchasing Agent – Request Board approved on Proposal 13.28, Grounds Maintenance (requires action).


Mr. Wise made a motion to accept Proposal 13.28 as presented by Mr. Montz.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Bacas.  Questions were raised as to why 2 contractors were awarded the bid.  Mr. Montz stated that Hymel’s Turf and Landscaping, LLC submitted proposals on some areas only, while Rotolo Consultants, Inc. submitted on all areas.  Mr. Montz wanted to support a local vendor, Hymel’s Turf and Landscaping, LLC, dividing the properties between two vendors.  After much discussion, the president called for a roll call on the motion.


ROLL CALL:  5 Yeas (DeFrancesch, Jones, Wise, Bacas and Triche), 4 Nays (Jack, Burl, Sanders, and Nicholas), 2 Absent (Keller and Johnson).  Motion failed.


Superintendent Smith requested from the board on how they wanted to proceed.  Mr. Nicholas asked that Hymel’s be brought back and re-bid Rotolo’s.  Mr. Wise requested Board Attorney to do research on seeking new bids.  Mr. O. J. Jasmin, Board Attorney, informed the board that they can re-consider or start over.  Mr. Jasmin went on further to say that administration made a recommendation to the board; it is up to the board to alter the recommendation.


Mr. Burl called for a point of order.


ITEM 9b.  Mr. Peter Montz, Interim Director/Purchasing Agent – Request Board approval to solicit the following bids and/or proposals:  Proposal 14.03 Pest Control, Proposal 14.04 Waste Disposal, Proposal 14.05 Fiscal Auditors, Proposal 14.06 Consignment Motor Fuel and System, Bid 14.08 Bus Parts, Bid 14.09 Copier/Computer Paper, Bid 14.10 Office Supplies, Bid 14.11 Instructional Materials, Bid 14.12 General Maintenance, Bid 14.13 Electrical Supplies, Bid 14.14 Air Conditioning, Bid 14.15 Plumbing Supplies, Bid 14.16 Custodial Cleaning Supplies, Bid. 14.18 Awards Items, Proposal 14.19 Locksmith Services (requires action).


Mr. Sanders made a motion to accept the recommendation of Mr. Montz to solicit bids and/or proposals on the following: Proposal 14.03 Pest Control, Proposal 14.04 Waste Disposal, Proposal 14.05 Fiscal Auditors, Proposal 14.06 Consignment Motor Fuel and System, Bid 14.08 Bus Parts, Bid 14.09 Copier/Computer Paper, Bid 14.10 Office Supplies, Bid 14.11 Instructional Materials, Bid 14.12 General Maintenance, Bid 14.13 Electrical Supplies, Bid 14.14 Air Conditioning, Bid 14.15 Plumbing Supplies, Bid 14.16 Custodial Cleaning Supplies, Bid. 14.18 Awards Items, Proposal 14.19 Locksmith Services.  This motion was seconded by Mr. Jones.


There were no objections, 2 absent (Keller and Johnson) motion carried.


ITEM 9c.  Mr. Peter Montz, Interim Director/Purchasing Agent – Request Board approval to solicit bids for five school buses. (requires action).


Mr. Jones made a motion to approve soliciting bids for five school buses as presented by Mr. Montz.  This motion was seconded by Rev. Nicholas.  Mr. Wise asked that all board members review the envelopes in their places with information concerning alternative fuel school buses.  Mr. Wise made a substitute motion to include in Mr. Montz’s original bids to seek alternative fuel, such as natural gas and/or propane fuel buses.  Motion was seconded by Mr. Bacas.  Mr. Burl requested that information concerning the nearest location of stations to fuel busses and prices be included in the bids.


ROLL CALL:  9 Yeas (Jack, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas and Triche. 2 Absent:  (Keller and Johnson).  Motion passed.


ITEM 9d.  Mr. Orenthal Jasmin, Board Attorney – Legal Update - None




The Chair informed the school board members that a special school board meeting will be called for Thursday, April 18th at 10 a.m. to select committee of Disaster Management Services and that the Finance Manager, Mr. Boughton, needs to speak with the board concerning negotiations.


Mr. Burl requested that administration start promoting our bond renewal proposal scheduled to be voted on by the community in early May.



The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, Mr. Bacas offered a motion for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Jones.  There were no objections, 2 absent (Keller and Johnson).  The meeting adjourned at 6:44 P.M.


________________________________              __________________________________

Herbert Smith, Secretary                                  Clarence Triche, President