RESERVE, LA - Meeting of June 6, 2013


ITEM 1:  The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in regular session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, Reserve Louisiana, on Thursday, June 6, 2013, at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Herbert Smith, 



The Chair called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 




PRESENT: Messrs. Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche


ABSENT:  Messrs. Jack, Wise


There were 9 members present, 2 absent.


ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of May 16, 2013; May 23, 2013; and May 28, 2013. 


A motion was made by Dr. Keller, seconded by Mr. Jones, to accept the minutes of May 16, 2013; May 23, 2013; and May 28, 2013 meetings as printed and published. There were no objections.

The motion carried.


9 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays –

2 Absent – Jack, Wise


ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Herbert Smith, Superintendent.


a.  Celebration of Retirees – Mr. Smith read the following and plaques were presented to those present. “This evening we are recognizing those employees who have retired this school year.  These people have dedicated their careers to the students of St. John the Baptist Parish Schools.  This is certainly a memorable night for these individuals.  Please join me tonight in expressing our appreciation to these employees and friends.”


Wayne Haydel..................................... 10 yrs.

Kathy Bailey..................................... 10.5 yrs.

Clarence Brown................................... 11 yrs.

Robert Powell..................................... 11 yrs.

William Boles...................................... 13 yrs.

Trudy Cupstid..................................... 13 yrs.

Glenda Webre..................................... 16 yrs.

M. Cherie Bourg.................................. 20 yrs.

Bonnie Clement................................... 20 yrs.

Zachary Dubose.................................. 20 yrs.

Eileen Prescia..................................... 20 yrs.

John Bailey......................................... 21 yrs.

Gwendolyn Entremont......................... 21 yrs.

Cindy Gillies........................................ 21 yrs.

Lois Frank........................................... 21 yrs.

Georgia Clesi...................................... 24 yrs.

Gloria Starwood.................................. 25 yrs.

John Ellis......................................... 25.5 yrs.

Margaret Hastings............................... 28 yrs.

Hazel Lawless..................................... 29 yrs.

Sarah Tregre....................................... 30 yrs.

Diane Winchester................................ 30 yrs.

Catherine Etienne................................ 33 yrs.

Percy Williams.................................. 36.5 yrs.

Stephanie Waters................................ 38 yrs.

Debra Washington............................... 38 yrs.

Shelton Smith..................................... 39 yrs.

Suzanne Remondet............................. 44 yrs.

Sybil Burns...................................... 48.5 yrs.


The chair called for recess at 6:12 p.m.


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Bacas, to reconvene in Regular Session.  There were no objections.  The Board reconvened in Regular Session at 6:21 p.m.


b.  Report on Testing – Mrs. Heidi Trosclair shared a Powerpoint and report on how the district did on high stakes testing this year.  Despite being severely impacted by Hurricane Isaac, with many of our students displaced, the district achieved a 1% growth over last year.




ITEM 6. PERSONNEL MATTERS: Dr. Leigh Ann Beard, Director of Human Resources.  None.


ITEM 7.  BUSINESS AND FINANCE:  Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Director of Business and Finance


a. Mr. Peter Montz – Request Board approval on Quote 13.29, Grounds Maintenance.  Mr. Montz stated that there were 3 packages received.  Administration’s recommendation is for Ronald’s Lawn Service at a cost of $149,832.00. 


A motion was made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Burl, to award the Grounds Maintenance contract to Ronald’s Lawn Service.


Dr. Keller asked Mr. Montz if the company that administration is recommending has all the required licenseses and if they were domiciled locally.  Mr. Montz stated that based on the information the company provided in their quote, they do have all required licenses and are domiciled locally.


Following lengthy discussion, Mr. Jones called for question.  Upon roll call on the call to end discussion, there were:


8 Yeas – Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

1 Nay – Keller

2 Absent – Jack, Wise

The motion carried.


Upon roll call on the motion to award the Grounds Maintenance contract to Ronald’s Lawn Service at a cost of $149,832.00, there were:


8 Yeas – Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

1 Nay – Keller

2 Absent – Jack, Wise

The motion carried.


Mr. Ronald Maxent, owner of Ronald’s Lawn Service introduced himself to the board.


ITEM 7b.  Mr. Peter Montz - Recommendation of the following bids/proposals:  Proposal 14.03 Pest Control, Proposal 14.04 Waste Disposal, Proposal 14.05 Fiscal Auditors, Proposal 14.06 Consignment Motor Fuels & System; Bid 14.08 Bus Parts, Bid 14.09 Copier/Computer Paper, Bid 14.10 Office Supplies, Bid 14.11 Instructional Materials, Bid 14.12 General Maintenance, Bid 14.13 Electrical Supplies, Bid 15.14 Air Conditioning/Welding Supplies, Bid 14.15 Plumbing Supplies, Bid 14.16 Custodial Supplies, Bid 14.18 Award Items, Proposal 14.19 Locksmith. 


A motion was made by  Mr. Bacas, seconded by Mr. Jones, to accept the recommended bids for:  Proposal 14.03 Pest Control, Proposal 14.04 Waste Disposal, Proposal 14.05 Fiscal Auditors, Proposal 14.06 Consignment Motor Fuels & System; Bid 14.08 Bus Parts, Bid 14.09 Copier/Computer Paper, Bid 14.10 Office Supplies, Bid 14.11 Instructional Materials, Bid 14.12 General Maintenance, Bid 14.13 Electrical Supplies, Bid 15.14 Air Conditioning/Welding Supplies, Bid 14.15 Plumbing Supplies, Bid 14.16 Custodial Supplies, Bid 14.18 Award Items, Proposal 14.19 Locksmith.    There were no objections.

The motion carried.


9 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays –

2 Absent – Jack, Wise


14.03 Pest Control – Orkin - $9,886.44

Proposal 14.04 Waste Disposal  - Progressive Waste Solutions - $76,801.92

Proposal 14.05 Fiscal Auditors – Carr Riggs Ingram

Proposal 14.06 Consignment Motor Fuels & System – Fleet Cor

Bid 14.08 Bus Parts – Auto Parts & Supplies

Bid 14.09 Copier/Computer Paper - Unisource

Bid 14.10 Office Supplies – GBP Direct

Bid 14.11 Instructional Materials – Several (Complete list available at School Board office)

Bid 14.12 General Maintenance – Fisher’s Ace Hardware

Bid 14.13 Electrical Supplies – NOTOCO Industries

Bid 15.14 Air Conditioning/Welding Supplies – Baker Distributing (AC) & Industrial Welding Supply (Welding)

Bid 14.15 Plumbing Supplies – Southern Pipe & Supply

Bid 14.16 Custodial Supplies – Economical Janitorial

Bid 14.18 Award Items – Tri Parish Trophies

Proposal 14.19 Locksmith – Silver & Gold Locksmith


ITEM 7c. Mr. Peter Montz – Request Board approval to solicit proposals for Student and Athletic Insurance and General and Fleet Liability Insurance.


A motion was made by Mr. Bacas, seconded by Mr. Sanders, to approve the solicitation for proposals for Student and Athletic Insurance and General and Fleet Liability Insurance.  There were no objections.

The motion carried.


9 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays –

2 Absent – Jack, Wise


ITEM 7d.  Mr. Peter Montz - Request Board approval to solicit bids for ESJH band instruments.


A motion was made by Rev. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Sanders, to approve the solicitation for bids for ESJH Band instruments.  There were no objections.

The motion carried.


9 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays –

2 Absent – Jack, Wise


ITEM 7e.  Mr. Felix Boughton - Introduce Comprehensive Amended Budget for 2012-13.


This item was for introduction only.  Mr. Boughton stated that there will be a public meeting held in 2 weeks on this item.


ITEM 7f.  Mr. Felix Boughton - Introduce Comprehensive Original Budget for 2013-14.


This item was for introduction only.  Mr. Boughton stated that there will be a public meeting held in 2 weeks on this item.


ITEM 7g.  Mrs. Lorraine Jackson – Request board approval of bid awards for the SY 2013-2014 for Bread, Processed Foods, Frozen Foods, Meat/Meat Products, Milk, Cleaning Supplies, Paper Supplies, and Small Equipment for Cafeterias.


A motion was made by Mr. Sanders, seconded by Rev. Nicholas to approve the bid awards for the SY 2013-2014 for Bread, Processed Foods, Frozen Foods, Meat/Meat Products, Milk, Cleaning Supplies, Paper Supplies, and Small Equipment for Cafeterias. There were no objections.

The motion carried.


9 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays –

2 Absent – Jack, Wise


Bread – Flowers Baking of Baton Rouge

Processed Foods – Diamond Food Distributors (60 Items) and Pon Food Corporation (100 Items)

Frozen Foods – Diamond Food Distributors (25 Items) and Pon Food Corporation (32 Items)

Meat/Meat Products – Diamond Food Distributors (15 Items) and Pon Food Corporation (27 Items)

Milk - Kleinpeter Farms Dairy Products

Cleaning Supplies – Economical Janitorial/Supplies (13 Items) and Pon Food Corporation (2 Items)

Paper Supplies - Economical Janitorial/Supplies (57 Items) and Pon Food Corporation (7 Items)

Small Equipment for Cafeterias – Alack Refrigeration (51 Items); Economical Janitorial (11 Items) and Cayards, Inc. (6 Items)


ADDENDUM 7h.  Request that the Board agree to absorb the 5.27% cut to the Head Start Basic Grant funding.


A motion was made by Rev. Nicholas, seconded by Mr. Sanders, to agree to absorb the 5.27% cut to the Head Start Basic Grant funding. There were no objections.

The motion carried.


9 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays –

2 Absent – Jack, Wise






ITEM 9a. Rev. Nicholas – Introduction to include “Items of Interest” on all School Board Meeting Agendas.


This item was for introduction only.


ITEM 9b.  Mr. Felix Boughton – Executive Session – Update on Negotiations.


ITEM 9c.  Mr. Felix Boughton – Executive Session – Pending Litigation with FEMA.


A motion was made by Mr. Sanders, seconded by Rev. Nicholas to convene in Executive Session for both Item 9b and Item 9c.  There were no objections.  The board convened in Executive Session at 7:01 p.m.


A motion was made by Mrs. DeFrancesch, seconded by Mr. Sanders to reconvene in Regular Session.  There were no objections.  The board reconvened in Regular Session at 7:22 p.m.


ITEM 9d.  Mr. Orenthal Jasmin, Board Attorney - Legal Update.




ADDENDUM ITEM 9e.  Mr. Raydell Morris, Disaster Management Service Committee Chairman -  Request approval for Disaster Management Services


Mr. Raydell Morris, chairman of the Disaster Management Service Committee stated that he wanted to thank the board for allowing them to do the task assigned to them.  Mr. Morris stated that the committee decided to recommend HGI (total score of 2467.5) to the board.


A motion was made by Mr. Sanders, seconded by Dr. Keller that based on the committee’s recommendation, motion to hire HGI for Design, Grant Administration and Project Management.


Following extensive discussion, upon roll call, there were:


9 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays –

2 Absent – Jack, Wise

The motion carried.


Mr. Herbert Smith asked the board for direction as to length of time for the change of project management to take place.  Mr. Jasmin stated that he would let administration know by Monday if there is a time limit.


The chair declared a recess at 7:36 p.m.


A motion was made by Mr. Burl, seconded by Dr. Keller, to reconvene in Regular Session.  There were no objections.  The board reconvened in Regular Session at 7:45 p.m.


ADDENDUM ITEM 9g.  Rev. Rodney Nicholas, Board Member – Change of St. John School Board Leadership, President and/or Vice-President.


Rev. Nicholas asked that this item be carried over to the next regular meeting.




ITEM 11. ADJOURNMENT: The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, Mr. Burl offered a motion for adjournment, seconded by Mrs. DeFrancesch. There were no objections. The meeting adjourned at 7:46 p.m.


________________________________                                        ________________________________

Herbert Smith, Secretary                                                            Clarence Triche, President