RESERVE, LA - Meeting of August 8, 2013


ITEM 1:  The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in special session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, Reserve Louisiana, on Thursday, August 8, 2013, at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Kevin R. George



The Chair called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


ITEM 2.  Roll Call of Members:


PRESENT: Messrs. Jack, Burl, Sanders, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

ABSENT:  Mr. Keller, DeFrancesch


There were 9 members present, 2 absent.


ITEM 3. Mr. Kevin R. George, Superintendent - Award the disaster management recovery contract to the vendor/proposer that received the 2nd highest point total from the Disaster Management Selection Committee.


MOTION BY:     Mr. Bacas



MOTION:  To award the disaster management recovery contract to the vendor/proposer that received the 2nd highest point total from the Disaster Management Selection Committee.


SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY:         Mr. Sanders

SECOND BY:    Rev. Nicholas


MOTION:  To advertise for an RFP in order to proceed with choosing a vendor for the Disaster Management Recovery.


Mrs. DeFrancesch arrived at 6:08 p.m. and was recorded as present.


Mr. Whitney Joseph spoke in favor of the substitute motion.


Mr. Joe Caldarera stated that he was one of the companies that submitted a proposal and was perplexed as to why the Board has not considered his company as an option.


Following discussion, Mr. Jones called for question.


Mr. Orenthal Jasmin was asked to give his opinion as to whether the call for question was in order.  Mr. Jasmin stated that the person calling for question must first obtain the floor from the chair, and since Mr. Triche had not yet recognized Mr. Jones, the call for question was not in order.


Upon Roll Call on the substitute motion to advertise for an RFP in order to proceed with choosing a vendor for the Disaster Management Recovery, there were:


8 Yeas – Jack, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Nicholas

2 Nays- Bacas, Triche

1 Absent – Keller


The motion carried.


ITEM 4. Mr. Kevin R. George, Superintendent - Reconsider the Board’s action regarding the awarding of the contract to handle the appeal of the disaster management contract funding awarded by FEMA.


This item was withdrawn.


ITEM 5.  Mr. Kevin R. George, Superintendent - Status of Lake Pontchartrain Temporary Campus.


MOTION BY:  Rev. Nicholas

SECOND BY:  Mr. Jones


MOTION:  To authorize administration to advertise for BIDS for the Lake Pontchartrain Elementary Temporary Campus.


No objections.

Motion carried (10-1) Keller absent


Mr. Jasmin, Board Attorney, requested a 5 minute recess to clarify the terminology used on this motion.


MOTION BY:     Mr. Jones

SECOND BY:    Rev. Nicholas


MOTION:  To recess.


No objection.

The motion carried.


The Board recessed at 6:35 p.m.


MOTION BY:     Mr. Burl

SECOND BY:    Mr. Jones


MOTION:  To reconvene in Regular Session.


No objections.

The motion carried.


The Board reconvened in Regular Session at 6:41 p.m.


Mr. Jasmin stated that he wanted to make sure the motion read that the board was authorizing BIDS as opposed to RFP’s for the temporary campus only, as the temporary campus is classified as a public works project.


ITEM 6.  Mr. Kevin R. George, Superintendent - Authorize one-time payment of $550 to full time personnel (as of August 12, 2013) that do not qualify for the ¼ cent sales tax distribution.  Payment will be made on the last Friday in August.  Funding will come from the 2.75% growth funds.


MOTION BY:     Entire Board



MOTION:  To authorize one-time payment of $550 to full time personnel (as of August 12, 2013) that do not qualify for the ¼ cent sales tax distribution.  Payment will be made on the last Friday in August.  Funding will come from the 2.75% growth fund.


No objections.

The motion carried.


ITEM 7.  Board Items of Interest.


Superintendent George invited to the public to speak regarding the Lake Pontchartrain Campus.


Ms. Angela Thomas spoke in opposition of having classes as the Adult Education Center in Garyville.  She stated that it was her opinion that the campus was not safe and sanitary and had a problem with food being bussed in.


Several other parents stated that they do not like the idea of their students going to the campus in Garyville.


Mr. George stated that he will set up a meeting within a week at the site so that administration could address the concerns of parents while at the site and attempt to make things better.


ITEM 8.  Adjournment - The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a


MOTION BY:     Rev. Nicholas

SECOND BY:    Mr. Jones


MOTION:           Motion for adjournment.


There were no objections.

The meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.


________________________________                                        ________________________________

Kevin R. George, Secretary                                                        Clarence Triche, President