ITEM 1:  The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in special session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana, on Thursday,  August 15, 2013, at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Kevin R. George



The Chair called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 




PRESENT: Messrs. Jack, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Triche

ABSENT:  Mr. Nicholas


There were 10 members present, 1 absent.


ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of August 1, 2013; August 6, 2013; and August 8, 2013.


MOTION BY:     Mr. Jones

SECOND BY:    Mr. Bacas


MOTION:  To approve the minutes from the meetings of August 1, 2013; August 6, 2013; and August 8, 2013.


No objections.

The motion carried.


10 Yeas - Jack, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent – Nicholas


ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Mr. Kevin R. George, Superintendent.


Mr. George stated that interviews for the Asst. Superintendent position were held this past week.  He introduced Mrs. Quintina Timoll as the new Asst. Superintendent of St. John the Baptist Parish.  Mrs. Timoll introduced herself to the board and audience.


Mr. George asked Mr. Elton Oubre to give the board and update on the enrollment figures.  Mr. Oubre stated that the district is down approximately 380 students from the same day last year.  He stated that the shortfall is due to the state voucher program.  He noted that the kindergarten students are due to start school on this coming Monday, August 19, 2013.




ITEM 6.  PERSONNEL MATTERS:  Dr. Leigh Ann Beard, Director of Human Resources


ITEM 7.  BUSINESS AND FINANCE:  Mr. Felix Boughton, Executive Director of Business and Finance


ITEM 7a. Mrs. Lorraine Jackson – Request board approval to advertise for bids for the School Year 2013-2014 for Large Equipment for Cafeterias.


MOTION BY:     Dr. Keller

SECOND BY:    Mr. Bacas


MOTION:  Board approval to advertise for bids for the School Year 2013-2014 for Large Equipment for Cafeterias.


No objections.

The motion carried.


10 Yeas - Jack, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent – Nicholas




ITEM 8a. Rev. Rodney Nicholas – Request Board approval to authorize that the Superintendent be delegated the authority to sign contractual agreements only after they have been approved by a majority vote of the Board.


Due to Rev. Nicholas’ absence, this item will be carried over to the next regularly scheduled meeting.


ITEM 8b.  Mrs. Lanette Perrin -  Request approval of Pupil Progression Plan 2013-2014 as presented.


MOTION BY:     Mr. Wise

SECOND BY:    Mr. Bacas


MOTION:  Board approval of the Pupil Progression Plan 2013-2014 as presented.


No objections.

The motion carried.


10 Yeas - Jack, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent – Nicholas




ITEM 9a.  Mr. Orenthal Jasmin, Board Attorney – Legal Update




ADDENDUM ITEM 10a.  Mr. Kevin George, Superintendent – Determine the process by which to select an architect for the temporary campus of Lake Pontchartrain Elementary.


Mr. George stated that there are four options the Board could consider:  The first option would be to go through the RFQ process (approximately 60 days).  The second option would be to include it as part of the disaster management package (long term).  The third option would be to allow administration to go through a “mini” RFQ process (approximately 30 days).  The fourth option would be for the board to select a company.


MOTION BY:     Mr. Wise

SECOND BY:    Mr. Bacas


MOTION:  To allow administration to complete a “mini” RFQ process to select an architect for the temporary campus of Lake Pontchartrain Elementary.



SECOND BY:  Mr. Jack


MOTION:  To allow administration to complete a “mini” RFQ process to select an architect for the temporary campus of Lake Pontchartrain Elementary, but have administration bring back the top three selections to the board and the board will select one.


Following discussion,


MOTION BY:     Dr. Keller

SECOND BY:    Mr.  Burl


MOTION:  Call for Question.  End discussion.


Upon roll call, there were:


10 Yeas - Jack, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent – Nicholas


The motion carried.


Upon roll call of the substitute motion, there were:


9 Yeas - Jack, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Bacas, Triche

1 Nay - Wise

1 Absent – Nicholas


The substitute motion carried.


ADDENDUM ITEM 10b.  Mr. Kevin George, Superintendent – Resolution authorizing the sale of the Right of Way to the Department of Transportation and Development for State Project # H.008322.


Mr. George explained that as part of the West 10th Street Widening Project, the Dept. of Transportation is asking to purchase 6-7 feet of property in front of the School Board Office.


MOTION BY:     Mr. Jones

SECOND BY:    Mr.  Sanders


MOTION:  To approve the resolution authorizing the sale of the Right of Way to the Department of Transportation and Development for State Project # H.008322.


No objections.

The motion carried.


10 Yeas - Jack, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent – Nicholas


































Mr. Jones stated that he likes the fact that administration will be putting together a committee to select the architect.  He stated that he would like for administration to do the same when the disaster management selection committee comes back up for selection.


Dr. Keller stated that he was just made aware of the fact that the contractor for the lawn maintenance had not presented administration with a performance bond.  Initially, administration allowed the company 60 days to present one and it is now day 69 and still no performance bond.  He asked the board attorney how long does the board wait.  Mr. Orenthal Jasmin, Board Attorney stated that the contractor was now in default and is considered a breach of contract, due to the performance bond not being presented.


Mr. Wise stated that he agrees with Mr. Jones in regards to administration putting together the team for the selection of the Disaster Management Contract.


Mr. Sanders stated that it had occurred to him that tonight was the last board meeting for Mr. Smith in his official capacity as Asst. Superintendent, as he is retiring at the end of August after 43 years with St. John the Baptist Parish School System.  The board and audience gave Mr. Smith a standing ovation as he stepped to the podium to say a few words.


Several board members commented on Mr. Smith’s service to St. John Parish Schools.  Mr. Kevin R. George, current Superintendent, thanked Mr. Smith for welcoming him with open arms and stated that he appreciated all the help Mr. Smith has offered.


Dr. Keller stated that there are 3 Superintendent’s whose pictures need to be placed on the wall in the Board Room.


ITEM 12.  ADJOURNMENT - The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a


MOTION BY:     Dr. Keller

SECOND BY:    Mr. Bacas


MOTION:           Motion for adjournment.


There were no objections.

The meeting adjourned at 7:48 p.m.


________________________________                                        ________________________________

Kevin R. George, Secretary                                                        Clarence Triche, President