ITEM 1:  The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in special session at West St. John Elementary School, 2555 LA Hwy. 18, Edgard, Louisiana, on Thursday, January 16, 2014, at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Kevin R. George



Vice President Keith Jones was seated as Chair.


The Chair called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 




PRESENT: Messrs. Keller, Triche, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Jones.

ABSENT:  Messrs. Jack, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Nicholas.


There were 6 members present, 5 absent.


ITEM 3a. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Meetings of December 6, 2013 and January 8, 2014.


MOTION BY:             Dr. Keller

SECOND BY:           Mr. Bacas

MOTION:  To approve the minutes from the meetings of December 6, 2013 and January 8, 2014.


No objections.

The motion carried.

6 Yeas - Keller, Triche, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Jones

0 Nays

5 Absent – Messrs. Jack, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Nicholas


ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Mr. Kevin R. George, Superintendent.

a.    Louisiana School Board Association’s Continuing Learning Units


Mr. George read the following report:


The Louisiana School Board Association recognizes any school board member that attains twenty (20) or more continuing learning units of training in the calendar year as a Certified Board Member.  This year, I am pleased to announce that 7 of our board members achieved that goal for 2013.  These credit hours must be recorded in the official record of the School Board, therefore, I will announce the total credit hours for each of our board members.


Mr. Russell Jack, District 1

         – 18.75 Credit Hours

Mr. Albert Burl, District 2

         – 14.5 Credit Hours

Dr. Gerald Keller, District 3

         – 26 Credit Hours – LSBA DISTINGUISHED BOARD MEMBER

Mr. Patrick Sanders, District 4

         – 15.5 Credit Hours

Mrs. Sherry DeFrancesch, District 5

         – 20.5 Credit Hours – LSBA DISTINGUISHED BOARD MEMBER

Mr. Keith Jones, District 6

         – 26 Credit Hours – LSBA DISTINGUISHED BOARD MEMBER

Mr. Phillip Johnson, District 7

         – 22.5 Credit Hours – LSBA DISTINGUISHED BOARD MEMBER

Mr. Russ Wise, District 8 

         – 33 Credit Hours – LSBA DISTINGUISHED BOARD MEMBER

Mr. Lowell Bacas, District 9

         – 27.5 Credit Hours – LSBA DISTINGUISHED BOARD MEMBER

Rev. Rodney Nicholas, District 10

         – 13.5 Credit Hours

Mr. Clarence Triche, District 11

         – 28 Credit Hours – LSBA DISTINGUISHED BOARD MEMBER


Mr. Jack, Mr. Burl and Mr. Nicholas arrived at 6:06 p.m. and were recorded as present.


b.    Update – All South Engineers


Ms. Cindy Janecke gave the following report:


FEMA Public Assistance Alternative Procedures Pilot Program for Permanent Work


Following Super Storm Sandy, FEMA developed the Alternative Procedures Pilot Program to help expedite Public Assistance projects that had not yet begun construction.  The Hurricane Isaac related repairs to East St John High School and Lake Pontchartrain Elementary School were both eligible projects, under FEMA’s guidelines.  The pilot program allows the school board to consolidate fixed FEMA funding from multiple buildings, and have the flexibility to make needed repairs or code upgrades to the schools whether or not those repairs were initially funded by FEMA.


Superintendent Kevin George notified GOHSEP that St. John School Board would be pursuing the Alternative Procedures Pilot Program on December 10, 2013.  Since then, All South and their team have been working with GOHSEP and FEMA to develop a scope of work for the repairs at each school and to cap the eligible FEMA funding.  All South submitted the school board’s request to FEMA on January 16, 2014.  FEMA has until February 20, 2014 to come to an agreement with the school board and GOHSEP on the consolidated funding package.  After that date, the school board will be locked into a fixed, but flexible amount for repairs at both schools.


Scope of Work for East St John High School and Lake Pontchartrain Elementary



As a condition of FEMA funding and as a requirement of insurance, FEMA provided funding for mitigation efforts at both ESJHS and LPE.  Those mitigation efforts will primarily be for the construction of a sheet pile and earthen levee around the perimeter of each facility.  This activity will prevent current storm water retention and protect the schools from flooding in future storm events.


All South worked closely with GOSHEP and FEMA‘s Mitigation teams to refine FEMA’s preliminary levee designs and to develop systems that would more effectively protect both schools.  As a result, FEMA allocated an additional $5 Million for the high school and $1.5 Million for the elementary school in funding and corresponding scopes of work.



Over the last few months, All South and their team have develop a repair program which will return the schools to their pre-Isaac condition, and allow for some code upgrades, not covered by FEMA. This scope and final capped funding is currently under FEMA’s review, with a determination to the school board no later than February 20, 2014.


Next Phase

The High School architect Broadmoor will refine his repair design to incorporate the final scope and develop a final set of plans.  Survey, permitting, geotechnical work and coordination with DOTD, the parish and other entities will begin.  No ground disturbing activities can begin on either project until FEMA has obligated the funding, which could be 2-3 months after the final cost agreements.


Mrs. DeFrancesch arrived at 6:24 p.m. and was recorded as present.












ITEM 9a.  Mr. Felix Boughton – Announce the intention to call a general obligation bond election, renewal of existing ad valorem millages and rededication of sales taxes.


MOTION BY: Dr. Keller

SECOND BY:           Mr. Wise


MOTION:        Motion that Notice is hereby given that the Parish School Board of the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana (the "School Board"), plans to consider a resolution ordering and calling an election to authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds, to be held within School District No. 1 of the Parish of St. John the Baptist, renewal of existing ad valorem taxes and rededication of sales taxes at the School Board meeting on Thursday, February 20, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. at the Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Hwy. 44, Reserve, Louisiana.


Upon roll call, there were:

10 Yeas – Jack, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Triche, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Jones.

0 Nays –

1 Absent – Sanders

The motion carried.


ITEM 9b.  Mr. Russ Wise – Executive Session – Update on the status of the MFP lawsuit.


This item was moved to the end of the agenda.


ITEM 9c.  Mr. Felix Boughton – Executive Session – Pending Litigation – Sales Tax Cases


ITEM 9d.  Mr. Felix Boughton – Adopt resolution employing the firm of Rainer, Anding, Talbot & Mulhrean


ITEM 9e.  Mr. Felix Boughton – Adopt resolution employing the firms of Stutes & Lavergne


MOTION BY: Mr. Nicholas

SECOND BY:           Mr. Bacas

MOTION:     Motion to table ITEMS 9c, 9d, and 9e.

No objections.


10 Yeas – Jack, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Triche, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Jones.

0 Nays –

1 Absent – Sanders

The motion carried.


ITEM 9f.  Dr. Gerald Keller – Board approval to advertise for vendor to prepare the School Board Redistricting Plan.


MOTION BY: Dr. Keller

SECOND BY:           Mr. Bacas


MOTION:        To solicit Request for Proposals for a vendor to create a School Board Redistricting Plan that is acceptable by the Secretary of State.  RFP’s should be received by January 24, 2014 and a Special Meeting held on January 30, 2014 to accept the proposal.


Following extensive discussion, a Substitute motion was made:


SUBSTITUTE MOTION BY:           Mr. Burl

SECOND BY:           Mr. Nicholas


MOTION:     To continue with the current redistricting plan that Mr. Cedric Floyd created and hold him accountable.


Following further discussion, the Chair called for question.  Upon roll call to end discussion, there were:


6 Yeas – Keller, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wise, Bacas, Jones

4 Nays – Jack, Burl, Johnson, Nicholas

1 Absent – Sanders

The motion carried.


Upon roll call on the Substitute Motion to continue with the current redistricting plan that Mr. Cedric Floyd created and hold him accountable, there were:


3 Yeas – Jack, Burl, Nicholas

6 Nays – Keller, DeFrancesch, Triche, Johnson, Bacas, Jones

1 Abstention – Wise

1 Absent – Sanders

The motion failed.


The Chair called for a 5 minute recess at 7:14 p.m. (during the previous roll call.)


A motion was made by Mr. Wise, seconded by Mr. Johnson to reconvene in regular session.  There were no objections and the board reconvened in regular session at 7:21 p.m.


Upon roll call on the original motion to solicit Request for Proposals for a vendor to create a School Board Redistricting Plan that is acceptable by the Secretary of State.  RFP’s should be received by January 24, 2014 and a Special Meeting held on January 30, 2014 to accept the proposal, there were:


7 Yeas – Keller, DeFrancesch, Triche, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Jones.

3 Nays – Jack, Burl, Nicholas

1 Absent – Sanders


The motion carried.


ITEM 9g.  Rev. Rodney Nicholas – Eliza Eugene – Homework Hut.


Ms. Eugene stated that she is asking the board to once again support the Homework Hut by paying an additional 11 teachers for an extra 1.5 hours for 39 days.


MOTION BY: Entire Board

MOTION:        To support the Homework Hut by paying an additional 11 teachers for an extra 1.5 hours for 39 days.


No objections.

The motion carried.


ITEM 9h.  Mr. Albert Burl – Any contract, negotiated for the design and or program management should have language whereas, anything that is recommended and after a federal audit, is deemed, not approved by FEMA, the company making the recommendations, has to pay all or part of the reimbursements.


Mr. Orenthal Jasmin, Board Attorney stated that he would like the board to convene in Executive Session to discuss this item.


ITEM 9i.  Mr. Russ Wise – Discussion of meeting with the legislative delegation to talk about issues in the coming Legislative session.


Mr. Wise stated that he would like administration to set up a breakfast (or lunch) in the next couple of weeks with local delegates to discuss the upcoming legislative session in relation to educational issues.  Mr. George stated that his office would work on setting this up.


ITEM 9b.  Executive Session – Update on the status of the MFP lawsuit.


A motion was made by Mr. Burl, seconded by Mr. Wise to convene in Executive Session and to include ITEM 9h in the Executive Session.  There were no objections to this motion and the board convened in Executive Session at 7:37 p.m.


A motion was made by Dr. Keller, seconded by Mr. Nicholas, to reconvene in regular session.  There were no objections and the board reconvened in regular session at 8:07 p.m.


ITEM 9j.  Mr. Orenthal Jasmin, Board Attorney – Legal Update – None.






Mr. Burl stated that there was a pipe burst at the CDC when the weather was extremely cold and would like to know if there are blueprints (or plans) stating who installed the pipes and who should maintain them.  Mr. George stated that his office would get the requested information together.


Dr. Keller stated that the principal and custodial staff at West St. John Elementary are to be commended on the condition and cleanliness of the school. 


Also, thanks to the West Bank Civic Association for donating a wonderful meal for the board at tonight’s meeting.


Mr. Jones stated that the Board will take a group photo at the March 20, 2014 meeting.


Mr. Jones also stated that St. John Parish will host 2 parades in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday ~ on the east bank, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at East St. John Elementary School and on the west bank beginning at noon at the Library.


ITEM 12.  ADJOURNMENT - The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a

MOTION BY: Rev. Nicholas

SECOND BY:           Mr.  Bacas


MOTION:        Motion for adjournment.


There were no objections.

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


_____________________________                 ____________________________

Kevin R. George, Secretary                            Clarence Triche, President