ITEM 1:  The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet

in special session at at Emily C. Watkins Elementary School, 944 La. Hwy. 628, LaPlace, Louisiana, on Thursday, July 24, 2014, at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Kevin R. George



The Chair called for a moment of silent meditation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Rev. Nicholas opened the meeting with a prayer.




PRESENT: Messrs. Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche.

ABSENT:  Jack, Sanders


There were 9 members present, 2 absent.


ITEM 3.  Approval of Minutes – Meeting of July 17, 2014.


MOTION BY:    Mr. Nicholas

SECOND BY:   Mr. Bacas

MOTION:          To approve the minutes of the meeting of July 17, 2014.


No objections.

The motion carried.

9 Yeas - Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche..

2 Absent – Jack, Sanders


Mr. Jack arrived at 6:07 p.m. and was recorded as present.

ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Mr. Kevin R. George, Superintendent.

Mr. George stated that the district is prepared for the first day of school.  All information is updated on the web site, including bus routes, school times, the new school calendar, supply lists, etc. He also stated that a “Recovery Brief” was created, in conjunction with All South – and a copy will be sent to all faculty members next week to share with parents at their Open Houses.





Mr. George then presented the Business and Finance Department, as well as Executive Director Felix Boughton with a plaque in recognition of two awards the Department received:  The Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Association of School Business Officials International (13th consecutive year); and the Certificate of Achievement in Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association (11th consecutive year). 




ITEM 7a.  Mr. Felix Boughton/Mr. Hugh Martin – To consider and take action with respect to adopting a resolution with respect to the Municipalities Continuing Disclosure cooperative Initiative of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Mr. Hugh Martin congratulated Mr. Boughton and his Finance Department for the awards in financial reporting recently received.

MOTION BY:    Mr. Jones

SECOND BY:  Entire Board

MOTION:  To adopt the resolution with respect to the Municipalities Continuing Disclosure cooperative Initiative of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

No objections.

The motion carried.

10 Yeas - Messrs. Jack, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent – Sanders



The following resolution was offered by                                                         and seconded by                                                                 :




A resolution with respect to the Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperative Initiative of the Securities and Exchange Commission.


WHEREAS, the Issuer is a political subdivision of the State of Louisiana; and

WHEREAS, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") has announced its Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperative Initiative (the "MCDC Initiative") relating to certain disclosure obligations in offering documents relating to municipal securities pursuant to Rule 15c2-12 (the "Rule") under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the "Exchange Act"); and

WHEREAS, the Issuer has issued one or more series of bonds (collectively, the “Bonds”) that may be subject to the terms of the MCDC Initiative; and

WHEREAS, an official statement was prepared in connection with the primary offering of each series of Bonds; and

WHEREAS, such official statement included certain information with respect to the Issuer's past compliance with its prior continuing disclosure undertakings entered into pursuant to Section (b)(5) of the Rule (the "Prior Undertakings"); and

WHEREAS, the Issuer may desire to participate in the MCDC Initiative with respect to its Prior Undertakings; and

WHEREAS, the Finance Director of the Issuer shall consult with counsel to the Issuer, including Bond Counsel, to determine compliance with its Prior Undertakings in official statements delivered in connection with the Bonds; and

WHEREAS, this governing authority desires to authorize the Finance Director of the Issuer, after such review and after consultation with counsel, to determine whether the Issuer should participate in the MCDC Initiative and to take all necessary actions in connection therewith; and

WHEREAS, the deadline established by the SEC for reporting under the MCDC Initiative is currently September 9, 2014;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Parish School Board of the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of School District No. 1 of the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana (the “Issuer”), that:If the Finance Director, in its sole discretion, determines such filing is advisable, the Issuer is hereby authorized to participate in the MCDC Initiative and file with the SEC the Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Initiative Questionnaire (the "Questionnaire") in connection with the Bonds of the Issuer, and the Finance Director is hereby authorized to execute the Questionnaire for, on behalf of and in the name of the Issuer.  The Questionnaire shall be in the required form, with information to be completed by the Finance Director upon the advice of counsel to the Issuer. The signature of the Finance Director upon the Questionnaire, or as may be otherwise required for or necessary, convenient or appropriate to effect the purposes of this resolution, is deemed to be conclusive evidence of his due exercise of the authority vested in such officer hereunder.

The Finance Director is further authorized to execute an agreement on behalf of the Issuer containing such standard terms as may be required by the SEC.

The Finance Director is hereby authorized to take any and all other action as may be necessary or desirable in order to carry out the provisions of this resolution.


This resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows:

School Board













Russell Jack, Jr.            








Albert "Ali" Burl, III         








Gerald J. Keller








Patrick H. Sanders








Sherry DeFrancesch








Keith Jones








Phillip Johnson








Russ Wise








Lowell Bacas








Rodney B. Nicholas








Clarence Triche









And the resolution was declared adopted on this 7th day of August, 2014.











             I, the undersigned Secretary of the Parish School Board­ of the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana, acting as the governing authority of School District No. 1 of the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana (the "Issuer"), do hereby certify that the foregoing pages constitute a true and correct copy of the proceedings taken by the governing authority of the Issuer on August 7, 2014, adopting a resolution with respect to the Municipalities Continuing Disclosure Cooperative Initiative of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

             IN FAITH WHEREOF, witness my official signature on this the 7th day of August, 2014.








ITEM 8a.  Mrs. Lanette Perrin – Request approval of Pupil Progression Plan 2014-15


MOTION BY:    Mr. Wise

SECOND BY:  Mr. Jones

MOTION:  To approve the Pupil Progression Plan 2014-15 as presented.

No objections.

The motion carried.

10 Yeas - Messrs. Jack, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent – Sanders


The entire Pupil Progression Plan can be viewed at:


The changes from last year are:


Pupil Progression Changes 2014 – 2015


·  Valedictorian/Salutatorian Honors

    A student must be enrolled at ESJH or WSJH his/her entire eleventh and twelfth grade years to be eligible for Valedictorian and Salutatorian honors.  All courses during these two years must have been obtained on campus. . Beginning with 2014 – 2015, a student shall be required to take a minimum of 2 Advanced Placement Classes and 8 Honors Classes to be considered TOP 10 at Graduation Ceremonies.

·       LAA2 in elementary grades will no longer exist.

·       High School will allow homework to be graded as informal grades.

·       The state is not requiring a set amount of hours for summer school 2015 for remediation of high stakes tests.

·       High stakes retests will not be provided by the LDOE summer 2015.

·       Benchmark Assessment grades were left out.  Benchmark Assessments created by SJBP Curriculum Facilitators will be worth 10% of each 9 weeks grade. The correction is currently being made and will be ready for the next board meeting.



ITEM 8b.  Ms. Page Eschette – Request approval of Revised Policies:  GBRC: Employee Attendance; GBA: Contracts and  Compensation; DJAA: Authorized Signatures; KG: Use of School Facilities; DJED: Bids and Quotations; IHF: Graduation Requirements; IKDB: Graduation Exercises


Ms. Eschette stated that she is asking for approval of all policies listed, with the exception of KG: Use of School Facilities. 


MOTION BY:    Mr. Wise

SECOND BY:  Mr. Jones

MOTION:  To approve policies:  GBRC: Employee Attendance; GBA: Contracts and  Compensation; DJAA: Authorized Signatures; DJED: Bids and Quotations; IHF: Graduation Requirements; IKDB: Graduation Exercises.

No objections.

The motion carried.

10 Yeas - Messrs. Jack, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent – Sanders






Contracts of employment between eligible employees and the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board shall be executed for a specified period of time and compensation in accordance with state law.  Unless otherwise stipulated, all employees shall meet all stated position qualifications and/or certification requirements before any contract shall become valid.  Renewal or issuance, when possible, of contracts of employment, as well as dismissal or nonrenewal of contract notices, with the exception of performance contracts, shall be issued on or before the last day of each school year, whenever possible.  


The execution of an employee contract between the School Board and employee shall be legally binding upon both parties.   Teachers without tenure shall be required to have a written contract.  Teachers who have gained tenure may not be required to sign a written contract each scholastic year, but shall be required to sign such employment contracts at intervals determined by the School Board.  The failure of a non-tenured teacher to sign a contract for the ensuing school session within the specified time, when required, shall be considered as voluntary termination of employment on the part of the teacher, unless under extenuating circumstances, an extension is granted by the Superintendent.  Any subsequent resignation or termination of said contract for reasons other than extreme emergencies, as determined by the School Board, shall constitute a breach of contract against which legal action may be taken by the School Board and the employee dealt with accordingly.  The Superintendent shall receive, finalize, and accept all resignations of all employees. However, the Superintendent at the next available meeting shall report said resignations to the School Board.


The Superintendent shall sign each teacher contract.


Performance Contracts


Administrative and supervisory personnel in positions that require certification shall be hired under the terms of a performance contract of not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) years, except when such employment is for a temporary position.  The School Board shall make the final decision regarding the length of any such performance contract.  Prior to the School Board’s approval of any initial or subsequent contract which involves an employee being or having been promoted to a position with a higher salary, the Superintendent shall disclose all terms of the contract to the School Board.


Termination or non-renewal of any performance contract shall be governed by the terms of the contract and applicable law.




Salary Schedules


Upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the School Board shall establish salary schedules by which to determine the salaries to be paid to teachers and all other school employees.  Salaries of all teachers shall be set by the Superintendent.  The salaries of all personnel are generally based upon an established salary schedule and associated regulations; provided, however, that salaries may be stated in and controlled by an employment contract.  The salaries as provided in any salary schedule shall be considered as full compensation for all work required and performed within each employee’s prescribed scope of duties and responsibilities.


Salary schedules established for teachers, administrators, and other certified school personnel shall be based upon the following criteria, with no one criterion accounting for more than fifty percent (50%) of the formula used to compute such employees' salaries:


1.          Effectiveness, as determined by the performance evaluation program as provided in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:3881 through 3905.


2.          Demand, inclusive of area of certification, particular school need, geographic area, and subject area, which may include advanced degree levels.


3.          Experience.


No teacher or administrator who is rated ineffective pursuant to the School Board’s performance evaluation program shall receive a higher salary in the year following the evaluation than the teacher/administrator received in the year of the evaluation.


The amount of the annual salary paid to any employee in any school year shall not be reduced below the amount of such salary paid during the previous school year, nor shall the amount of the annual salary paid to any employee be reduced at any time during an academic year.  The limitations on the reduction in the amount of the annual salary paid to any employee shall not be applicable to the correction of any accounting errors or to a reduction necessitated by the elimination of a state program or state funding.  Any salary reduction shall not apply to any local salary supplement funded, in whole or in part, from a revenue source requiring voter approval, when such voter approval has not been obtained.  The limitation on the reduction of salary shall also not apply to an employee who has been promoted and subsequently demoted. In this case, the employee’s salary shall return to the salary previously received in the lower position from which promoted.


Ordinarily, no teacher shall be placed on the payroll of the school district unless the teacher holds a valid certificate as required by law, and a copy of the teacher's contract has been filed with the Superintendent.  Exceptions may be made only when qualified teachers with valid certification are not available for employment.

Experience Credit


A year of teaching experience is defined as each scholastic year of employment as a certified teacher in public schools within any of the fifty states of the United States of America, or within any of its territorial possessions; or as a teacher in a private or parochial school, as an employee in a state department of education, or as an instructor in an institution of higher learning.  All such experience must have been as a teacher in an institution or school accredited by one of the recognized regional accrediting agencies in the United States of America (e.g., SACS).  Experience outside the United States of America, its territories or possessions must be in an institution or school accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States of America.


A year of teaching experience shall be granted if the person was employed for at least ninety-one (91) instructional days during one scholastic year, excluding holidays, as verified by the Superintendent.  However, not more than one (1) year of experience shall be granted for a period inclusive of twelve (12) consecutive calendar months.  All experience must have been on a full-time basis.


Any teacher holding a valid Louisiana teaching certificate in the public school system of Louisiana who has transferred to Louisiana from a public school system of another state and who, at the time of such transfer, held a valid teacher's certificate from that state, shall be given full credit under the salary schedule for the years of satisfactory teaching service previously rendered in the public school system of that state. Credit for previous teaching experience shall also be granted to anyone employed who holds a valid Louisiana teaching certificate and is employed or has been employed by another public school system in the state.


Advanced Degree


When a teacher earns additional college credit, is awarded an advanced degree, or receives additional training that would result in an increase in salary, said teacher shall be paid for the advanced degree or training beginning with the next payroll period after all necessary documentation has been received from the Louisiana Department of Education.  It shall be the responsibility of the employee to assure proper notification is given to the Superintendent or his/her designee.




The salary of any retiree who is reemployed as a full-time teacher shall be based on the salary schedule which accounts for all prior years of teaching service and pertinent experience.  The status of any retiree who is reemployed shall be the same as a full-time active employee, subject to all applicable rules, procedures, policies, and statutes that apply to all such full-time active employees.


The retirement of an employee prior to his/her re-employment as a retiree shall constitute a break in his/her service with the School Board for purposes of tenure and sabbatical leave.  The retiree shall not be allowed to carry forward annual leave days accumulated by him/her as of the date of his/her retirement, but he/she may carry forward accumulated sick leave days provided that he/she has returned to employment within five (5) years of his/her last employment as a teacher within the school system.  A retiree shall have the right to earn additional sick leave and annual leave, if applicable, on the same basis as other similarly situated newly hired employees while a retiree.


School Employees


Compensation for all school employees shall be based on applicable salary schedules or hourly rates established by the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board, with the exception that no employee shall receive less than the minimum established by state or federal law. 


For the purpose of this subsection, school employee shall mean any employee of the School Board who is not required to hold a teacher's certificate as a condition of employment, including, but not limited to, bus operator, food service worker, paraeducator, custodian, and maintenance personnel.


Single Federal Award/Cost Objective Salary/Work Time Certification


It is the policy of  the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board that where employees are expected to work solely on a single  Federal award or cost objective, charges for their salaries and wages will be supported by semiannual certifications that the employees worked solely on that program for the period covered by the certification.  Also, where an employee is expected to work partially on a single Federal award or cost objective, charges for their salaries and wages will be supported by semiannual certifications that the employees worked that part of their time on that program for the period covered by the certification.  These semiannual certificates will be prepared by the employee or supervisor official having first-hand knowledge of the work performed by the employee.


Revised:  December, 1992                       Combined with GCA and revised:  June, 2012

Revised:  November, 1993                       Revised:  October 18, 2012

Revised:  September, 1998                      Revised:  March 21, 2013

Revised:  October, 2001                          Revised:  August 7, 2014




Ref:      29 USC 201 et seq. (Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§11:710, 17:81; 17:83, 17:84, 17:84.1, 17:411, 17:413, 17:418, 17:419.2, 17:421.4, 17:422.6, 17:423, 17:424, 17:424.2, 17:424.3, 17:444, 17:491, 17:492, 17:496, 17:496.1, 17:497, 17:497.1, 17:498; Wright v. Caldwell Parish School Board, 30.448 (La. App. 2 Cir. 6/16/99);  Garcia v. San Antonio Metropolitan Transit Authority et al., 105 S. Ct. 1005 (February 1985); Harrah Independent School District v. Martin, 99 S. Ct. 1062 (1979); Board minutes, 2-2-95, 8-20-98, 12-13-01, 10-18-12, 3-21-13, 8-7-14.







Employees of the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board shall be expected and required to report to their designated work locations in the prescribed manner and at the prescribed time work activity is to commence.  Employees shall also be expected to remain at work for the entire work period excluding any rest and meal periods permitted.  Tardiness, unexpected absence, or failure to report to work as scheduled may result in disciplinary action.  In cases of anticipated absence or where the employee cannot report to work as scheduled, the employee shall notify his/her supervisor as soon as possible after the employee becomes aware that he/she will be absent from work.  Continual absence by the employee shall be conveyed to the employee’s supervisor on a regular basis.  The frequency of contact that may be required shall be determined by the supervisor.




No teacher or other employee shall leave the school campus or work location without having first obtained permission from the principal/building administrator or designee.  Teachers shall be required to sign out, stating the reason for leaving school.  Upon returning, the teacher shall sign back in and note the time of his/her return.  An employee's immediate supervisor may authorize an absence during the business day.  The Superintendent or designee must grant permission for a period of one day or more.


Unauthorized Absence


Any employee who is absent from work and who has not received an authorized leave shall be considered on unauthorized leave.  Any employee on unauthorized leave shall receive no pay for those days which constituted the unauthorized leave and may be subject to dismissal and/or other disciplinary actions.


Job Abandonment


If an employee is absent for ten (10) or more days without explanation or approved leave, the School Board may consider the job as abandoned and the employee terminated, unless the employee can provide acceptable and verifiable evidence of extenuating circumstances, as determined by the Superintendent. 




It is the responsibility of the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board to accurately record, track and monitor the attendance and work hours of all employees.  The School Board will use a computerized attendance system as the official attendance system.


1.          Upon arrival, every employee shall record his/her arrival time using the School Board’s attendance system.


2.          At the end of the scheduled work day, every employee shall record his/her departure time by using the School Board’s attendance system.  Overtime for support personnel shall only be pre-approved by the Superintendent.  Employees cannot depart late and claim overtime unless pre-approved by the Superintendent.  If overtime is approved, the support employee shall record their time when he/she finishes the assigned job.  Overtime shall be paid based solely on the employee’s recorded departure time from the School Board’s attendance system for the minimum hours required by the contract.


3.          From time to time, employees may have to leave work early for personal reasons.  This is allowed as long as it is pre-approved by his/her supervisor.  Employees must log out any time they leave the work site for personal reasons.  If the employee returns that day, he/she must log back in using the Board’s attendance system.


Monitoring Daily Attendance/Reporting


1.          It is the site supervisor’s responsibility to ensure that employees are logging in and out correctly and for the accuracy of attendance data.  When employees are absent, codes are used to track the absences.


2.          Employees can charge their own absences for sick or emergency leave. 


3.          If an employee would like to charge an absence other than sick or emergency the employee must notify his/her immediate supervisor.


4.          The site supervisor shall run attendance reports and correct all attendance errors.


5.          By the 2nd of the month employees will receive a notice of all absences charged against him/her for the prior month.  It is the employee’s responsibility to make sure that he/she receives this monthly notice and immediately notify his/her supervisor if he/she does not receive this notice.


6.          If an employee disputes an absence, he/she must dispute that absence through the site supervisor.  All employee requests for corrections must be submitted by the 10th of the month for the prior month to the site supervisor.  Site supervisors shall make any corrections that are supported by the necessary documentation by the 13th of the month.   Attendance for the prior month becomes final on the 13th of each month.


7.          Employees may appeal absences with a written request to the Superintendent.  The written request must provide appropriate documentation as determined by the Superintendent.  This appeal must be received by the Superintendent before January 31 for July through December absences and July 31 for January through June absences.

8.          It is the responsibility of the site supervisor to monitor these attendance policies, to ensure that all employees under his/her direction are following these policies, and report to the Superintendent any employee who fails to follow these policies.



Revised:  April, 2007

Revised:  October 18, 2012

Revised:  August 7, 2014

Ref:      La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ''17:81, 17:1186, 17:1201, 17:1202, 17:1203, 17:1204, 17:1206, 17:1208, 17:1208.1; Board minutes, 10-20-05, 3-15-07, 10-18-12, 8-7-14.








The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board shall require, in accordance with state law, the President and Superintendent, as secretary-treasurer, the Vice-President in the absence of the President, or any two (2) officers or persons designated by the School Board, to review all expenditures and sign any and all checks issued in payment of said expenditures.  The School Board authorizes the use of a facsimile signature device for those persons designated to sign checks.  The Superintendent shall establish and maintain appropriate procedures for assuring the proper issuance of all checks.


Contractual agreements approved by a majority vote of the School Board obligating the School Board or School District shall be signed by the Board President or the Superintendent.




Facsimile signature stamps may be used by and/or for the Superintendent and the President of the School Board for the following purposes:


1.          Processing payroll checks with the exception of substitute checks; these require actual signatures.


2.          Emergency situations that arise requiring immediate signatures and either one or both parties with signature responsibility is not available.  Example: Certain payroll deductions which according to IRS regulations, must be deposited on a timely basis.


No document shall be stamped that requires actual signatures.

The signature facsimile stamps shall be kept inside of a safe in the central office main vault.  The safe shall be kept locked at all times and only the Business Manager shall have a key to the safe and is responsible for the use of the facsimile stamps.


Whenever a facsimile stamp is used under the above described emergency situations, a copy of the stamped check shall be sent to the party whose facsimile stamp was used for their review.


Revised:  June, 1991

Revised:  August, 1991

Revised:  October, 2013

Revised:  August 7, 2014



Ref:      La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:97; Board minutes, 1-24-91, 6-13-91, 9-5-13.











The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board shall advertise and let by contract, except in cases of emergencies as provided below, all public work exceeding $100,000 or such sum as allowed by law, including labor, materials, equipment, and administrative overhead not to exceed fifteen percent (15%).  The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder who has bid according to the contract, plans, and specifications advertised.  Public works which are estimated to cost less than the contract limit may be undertaken by the Board with its own employees.


As an evidence of good faith of the bidder, the Board shall require bidders for construction, improvement, repair, or other work to attach to the bid submitted, a bid bond, certified check, or cashier's check for not more than five percent (5%) of the contract work to be done.  The Board may require a bid bond or certified or cashier's check of not more than five percent (5%) of the estimated price on bids taken for supplies and materials.


When any bid is accepted for construction or doing any public works, a written contract shall be entered into by the successful bidder and the School Board, and the successful bidder shall furnish a bond in an amount not less than one-half of the amount of the contract, for the faithful performance of his or her duties.


Under no circumstances shall there be a division or separation of any public work project into smaller projects, which division or separation would have the effect of avoiding the requirement that public work be advertised and let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with statutory provisions.


The School Board shall retain the option of requiring all bids that are let out for public works be submitted electronically.




All purchases of materials or supplies exceeding the sum of $20,000 to be paid out of public funds shall be advertised and let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder who has bid according to the specifications as advertised.  In addition, purchases of materials or supplies of at least $10,000, but not more than $20,000, shall be made by obtaining not less than three (3) written quotations. Purchases of materials or supplies of at least $2,000, but not more than $10,000.00, shall be made by obtaining not less than three (3) telephone or facsimile quotations.  A written confirmation of the accepted offer shall be obtained and made a part of the purchase file. The Board may require a written contract or bond when purchasing the materials or supplies.  If quotations are received that are lower than the quote accepted, a notation shall be entered into the file as to the reasons for rejection of the lower quotes.


Purchases cannot be divided by departments or by a school if the effect is to evade the state's public bid law.  Purchases of commodities that are bought in small but recurring amounts through the year shall be bid on an annual basis.


The School Board shall retain the option of requiring all bids that are let out for materials and supplies be submitted electronically.


In lieu of formal bids, the School Board may use a reverse auction or competitive online solicitation process for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and other materials, as outlined in policy DJE, Purchasing.




In cases of an emergency or extreme emergency when time is not sufficient to advertise for bids for public works or purchase of materials, the Board or designee is permitted by law to declare that a public emergency or extreme public emergency exists and extend a contract for more than the sums mentioned without going out to bid; however, in such cases every effort shall be made by the administration to secure competitive quotations through negotiations.  State law permits a person designated by the Board to declare the existence of an extreme public emergency.  Notices of an emergency or extreme emergency shall be published in the Board’s official journal within ten (10) days of the emergency being certified by the School Board or designee.




All advertisements for bids for public works shall appear in the newspaper selected as the official journal for the School Board, except in emergencies as may be declared by the Board.  Any advertisement for any contract for public works, when published, shall appear once a week for three (3) different weeks in a newspaper in the locality and the first advertisement shall appear at least twenty-five (25) days before the opening of bids.   Any advertisement for any contract or purchase of materials or supplies shall be published two (2) times in a newspaper in the locality, the first advertisement appearing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the opening of bids. 


In addition to newspaper advertisements, the School Board shall also publish advertisements and accept bids by electronic media in accordance with uniform standards promulgated by the state.  In any advertisement, the first publication shall not occur on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.           


If the School Board issues or causes to be issued any addendum modifying plans and specifications within a period of seven (7) days prior to the advertised time for opening of bids, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and any other legal holidays, the School Board shall transmit a copy of the addendum to all prime bidders who have requested bid documents by one of the following methods:  (1) facsimile transmission; (2) e-mail; or (3) hand delivery.  The transmission shall be completed within twenty-four (24) hours of the issuance of the addendum.  In addition, a copy of the addendum shall be sent by regular mail.


The School Board shall not issue or cause to be issued any addendum modifying plans and specifications within a period of seventy-two (72) hours prior to the advertised time for the opening of bids, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and any other legal holidays; however, if the necessity arises to issue an addendum modifying plans and specifications within the seventy-two hour period prior to the advertised time for the opening of bids, then the opening of bids shall be extended at least seven (7) days, but not to exceed twenty-one (21) days, without the requirement of readvertising.  The addendum shall state the revised time and date for the opening of bids.




All bids shall be opened in public in the presence of one or more witnesses, at the time and place designated in the invitation for bids.  Each bid, together with the name of the bidder, shall be recorded and open to public inspection.  However, the School Board shall not accept or take any bids including receiving any hand delivered bids, on days which are recognized as holidays by the United States Postal Service.  The Superintendent and/or other appropriate administrators shall review, summarize and report bids to the Board with recommendations for final action.


If the School Board proposes to disqualify any bidder, the School Board shall:


1.          Give written notice of the proposed disqualification to such bidder, and include in the written notice all reasons for the proposed disqualification; and


2.          Give such bidder, who is proposed to be disqualified, the opportunity to be heard at an informal hearing, at which such bidder is afforded the opportunity to refute the reasons for the disqualification.




The School Board, after the opening of bids, shall require each bidder or bidding entity to attest or submit an attestation that the sole proprietor, partner, incorporator, director, manager, officer, or other like individual who owns at least ten percent (10%) of the bidding entity, has not been convicted of, or has not entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to any of the crimes or equivalent federal crimes listed in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §38:2227.


In awarding bids or contracts, the School Board shall be authorized to reject the lowest bid from a business in which any individual with ownership interest of five percent (5%) or more has been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to any a state felony crime or equivalent federal crime committed in the solicitation or execution of a contract or bid under the state laws governing public contracts; professional, personal, consulting, and social services procurement; or the Louisiana Procurement Code.


Any contract between the School Board and a person or entity entered into as a result of fraud, bribery, corruption, or other criminal acts, for which a final conviction has been obtained, shall be null and void.


Any person whose conviction causes the nullity of a contract shall be responsible for payment of all costs, attorney fees, and damages incurred in the rebidding of the contract.



Revised:  December, 1991                                                 Revised:  October 15, 2009

Revised:  December, 1992                                                 Revised:  December 3, 2009

Revised:  November, 1993                                                 Revised:  November, 2010

Revised:  December, 1995                                                 Revised:  November, 2011

Revised:  October, 1996                                                                  Revised:  August 7, 2014

Revised:  October, 1997                                                    

Revised:  November, 1999

Revised:  June, 2002

Revised:  August, 2003

Revised:  November, 2003

Revised:  November, 2006




Ref:      La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§9:2716, 38:2181, 38:2182, 38:2211, 38:2212, 38:2212.1, 38:2212.9, 38:2214, 38:2218, 38:2227, 38:2251, 38:2271, 39:1551, 39:1552, 39:1553, 39:1554, 39:1554.1, 39:1556, 39:1557, 39:1558, 39:1597, 39:1710; Board minutes, 6-20-96, 8-15-02, 10-15-09, 12-3-09, 8-7-14.







The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board, in accordance with the regulations set forth by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE), shall require students, in order to be eligible for graduation, to successfully complete at a minimum the requirements mandated by BESE and outlined in the Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741.  The School Board may impose additional requirements as it deems appropriate.



New policy:  July 15, 2008

Revised:  August 7, 2014


Ref:      La. Rev. Stat. Ann. '17:81; Louisiana Handbook for School Administrators, Bulletin 741, Louisiana Department of Education; Board minutes, 7-15-08, 8-7-14.







It shall be the policy of the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board that in order to participate in the graduation ceremony, students shall have successfully completed all requirements for graduation as prescribed by the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE).  Parents and students shall be notified of this requirement in writing by the school principal.  Parents, whose child does not meet the aforementioned requirements due to extenuating circumstances, may appeal to the Superintendent and shall have the right to appeal to the School Board.   Such appeals shall be in writing and shall be submitted to the Superintendent no later than seven (7) days prior to the official graduation ceremony.



Revised:  August 7, 2014

Ref:      La. Rev. Stat. Ann. '17:81; Board minutes, 1-19-95, 8-7-14.







ITEM 9a.  Authorize the Superintendent to enter into a professional services contract with Eliza Eugene Enterprises to ensure the greatest amount of local participation in our rebuilding efforts


MOTION BY:    Mr. Nicholas

SECOND BY:   Mr. Jack

MOTION:  To authorize the Superintendent to enter into a professional services contract with Eliza Eugene Enterprises to ensure the greatest amount of local participation in our rebuilding efforts.

The motion carried.

10 Yeas - Messrs. Jack, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent - Sanders


ITEM 9b.  Authorize the Superintendent to enter into a professional services contract Guidry Associates to ensure the greatest amount of local representation as a government relations consultant.


MOTION BY:    Dr. Keller

SECOND BY:   Mr. Bacas

MOTION:  To authorize the Superintendent to enter into a professional services contract Guidry Associates to ensure the greatest amount of local representation as a government relations consultant.

The motion carried.

10 Yeas - Messrs. Jack, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wise, Bacas, Nicholas, Triche

0 Nays

1 Absent - Sanders





Mr. Jones congratulated the SJBP Warriors for representing St. John Parish in the Dizzy Dean tournament in Southhaven, Mississippi.  He asked the Superintendent to recognize this team at the next board meeting.


Rev. Nicholas asked that an item be added to the next agenda for approval: adding prayer to the agenda.  He also asked that the DBA Policy be placed on the next agenda if Mr. Jasmin has it completed.


Dr. Keller asked Mr. Boughton to give the board an update on the status of the Godchaux Grammar School and whether or not it can/will be demolished.


Mr. Burl asked that Mr. Boughton for information on whether the baseball field at GMMS can be used for a winter league.


Mr. Burl asked the Superintendent to introduce the new members of his administrative team at the next Board meeting.

Rev. Nicholas asked administration to look into the possibility of getting a second officer at East St. John High School.


Mr. Jones thanked Ms. Robinet for allowing the Board to have the meeting at her school the day before school begins.


ITEM 12.  ADJOURNMENT - The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a

MOTION BY:    Dr. Keller

SECOND BY:   Mr. Jones

MOTION:          Motion for adjournment.

There were no objections.

The meeting adjourned at 6:29 p.m.


________________________________                                          ________________________________

Kevin R. George, Secretary                                                             Clarence Triche, President