The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL BOARD
Parish of St. John the Baptist
Dear Board Member:
Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in regular session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana, on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
An agenda for the meeting is attached.
Heidi Trosclair
Interim Superintendent/Secretary
The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. He called for a moment of silent meditation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Everyone was asked to keep the following recently deceased employees and their families in their prayers: Hazel Montegut Ory, Paul Roussel, and Melba Collins.
ITEM 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The Chair called for Public Comment.
PRESENT: Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
ABSENT: Triche
There were 10 members present and 1 members absent. The chair asked that the minutes reflect that Mr. Triche informed him earlier in the day that he was ill and would not be present for the meeting.
The Chair acknowledged Council members that were present in the audience: Mr. Snyder, Mr. Madere, Mr. Malik and Councilwoman-elect Ms. Houston.
ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Chair called for Public Comment.
MOTION BY: Wallace
SECOND BY: Mitchell
Following discussion, Mr. Burl made a SUBSTITUTE MOTION to have the record reflect that when his substitute motion was made on Item 6 of the November 6, 2019 special meeting, it changed the tally of the votes for the candidates.
This substitute motion failed due to the lack of a second.
Upon roll all on the original motion to approve the minutes of: Meeting of October 17, 2019; Special Meeting of November 5-6, 2019, there were
9 Yeas – Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Nay – Burl
1 Absent - Triche
ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Ms. Heidi Trosclair, Interim Superintendent.
ITEM 4a. Public Comment. Dr. Juanita Hill – Accountability Update
The following information was presented by Dr. Juanita Hill:
Following the presentation, Ms. Schum asked administration to give the Board a report on what’s giving WSJH and FWE an edge in testing, as both of these schools are clearly doing something good in the assessment area. Ms. Mitchell asked for a plan, per school, as to what they will do to improve in the assessment area. Also, she asked that a comparison of how certified vs non-certified teachers’ students did on assessments.
ITEM 6a. Public Comment. Public Comment. Mrs. Serina Duke – Request approval to immediately advertise for: Purchasing Director and Executive Director of Business & Finance
SECOND BY: Mitchell
MOTION: To grant approval to immediately advertise for: Purchasing Director and Executive Director of Business & Finance
No objections.
The motion carried.
Roll Call:
10 Yeas - Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Absent - Triche
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
ITEM 6b. Public Comment. Mrs. Serina Duke – Introduction to revised Job Descriptions: 10-Month Secretary; 12-Month Secretary; Instructional Paraprofessional; Special Education Paraprofessional; Accounting Supervisor
Public Comment: Shondrell Perrilloux; Pat Bryant
Dr. Keller stated that there should be discussion regarding these changes before it is brought before the board for approval.
This item was for introduction only.
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
Mr. Boughton was not present to report on this item, therefore, it will be presented at the December meeting.
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
ITEM 8a. Public Comment. Ms. Iman Montgomery – Request Approval of Revised Policy IFD – Parent and Family Engagement.
Public Comment. Carolyn Batiste stated that numbers 7, 8 and 10 contain the word “may”, but she feels it should state “shall” instead.
Following discussion, there was a
SECOND BY: Wallace
MOTION: To approve Revised Policy IFD – Parent and Family Engagement.
Following further discussion, there was a
SECOND BY: Mitchell
MOTION: To table until a full review of this policy has been done.
The motion carried.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas - Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Nay – Burl
1 Absent - Triche
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board recognizes that parent and family engagement must be a priority of the School Board for children to learn and achieve academic success. Parents and families provide the primary educational environment for children; consequently, parents are vital and necessary partners with the School Board throughout their children's elementary and secondary school careers. The term parent shall refer to any caregiver who assumes responsibility for nurturing and caring for children, and includes parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, foster parents, stepparents, and others. The concept of parent and family engagement shall include programs, services, and/or activities on the school site, as well as contributions of parents outside the normal school setting.
It shall be the policy of the School Board and each public school in St. John the Baptist Parish, in meaningful collaboration with parents, teachers, students, administrators, and other educational resources, to establish, develop, and maintain strategies and programs that are intended to enhance the involvement of parents and other caregivers that reflect the needs of students, parents, and families served by the School Board, in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations. As part of the parent and family engagement program, it shall be the responsibility of every school to create a welcoming environment, conducive to learning and supportive for comprehensive family involvement programs that have been developed jointly with parents/families.
At the district level, the School Board shall:
1. Involve parents and family members in the joint development and amendment of the school district’s plan Board’s Parent and Family Engagement Policy, which includes components of the district’s parent and family engagement program, to be submitted to the Louisiana Department of Education will be presented for introduction and approval by the Board. The district plan will be developed by the district and parent input will be included.
2. Provide coordination of various programs which involve parents, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist every public school in St. John the Baptist Parish in planning and implementing effective parent and family involvement engagementactivities. These activities will focus on improving academic success. to improve student academic achievement.
3. Coordinate and integrate parent and family engagement strategies with other relevant programs that promote parent involvement such as PTA, PTO, Parent Advisory Council, Parent Breakfast Club, and Parent University.
4. Conduct, with the meaningful involvement of parents and family members, an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of components and strategies of the School Board's parent and family engagement program policy and assess the effectiveness of the components and strategies usefulness. The evaluation shall attempt to identify ways of improving the academic quality of the schools served by the School Board. including identifying The annual evaluation will identify barriers to greater participation by parents in educational and parent and family engagement activities. Particular attention shall be directed to parents who are economically disadvantaged, are disabled, have limited English proficiency, have limited literacy, or are of any racial or ethnic minority background. The School Board and each school shall use findings of such the evaluation to design strategies for more effective parental and family involvement, and to revise, if necessary, the parent and family engagement policies policy and procedures. (i.e. agendas focused on information related to the school, resources to assist parents with helping their children academically, update on discipline/PBIS, update on federal requirements as it relates to family and parent engagement).
5. Distribute the Parent and Family Engagement Policy to parents and families, in a language the parents can understand information about the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board's parent and family engagement program, as well as and provide proper notification to parents via the Board’s official journal, newsletters, text messages, and Board website about specific services or special programs, as required by state or federal law.
As part of the parent and family engagement program, the School Board shall encourage each public school and require those schools receiving federal Title I funds under the jurisdiction of the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board to:
1. Convene an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to in which all parents of participating children shall be invited and encouraged to attend. to Inform parents of their school's educational programs and to explain components of the parental involvement program Parent and Family Engagement Policy, and the right of the parents to be involved.
2. Offer a flexible number of Parent and Family Engagement meetings at convenient times to maximize parental participation. and may provide transportation, child care, appropriate refreshments, and/or home visits, as such services relate to parental involvement If general funds and/or federal funds are available, transportation, childcare and light refreshments will be provided at school level parent engagement events. If a parent/guardian cannot attend the parent and family engagement activity, the parent and the Principal will discuss alternative ways to provide the family with information they missed such as: scheduling a meeting in which the parent’s schedule will allow him/her to attend, conduct a home visit with the parent liaison, or mail the parent a copy of the information provided at the meetings. The Principal should follow up with a phone call to make sure the parent received and understands the information.
3. Involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way manner, in the planning, review, and improvement of parent and family engagement programs. including The parents should be provided with an opportunity to provide input in the planning, development, review, and improvement of the school parent and family engagement policy and the joint development of the school-wide plan. parent and family engagement program plan.
4. Provide parents, especially those of participating children:
A. timely information about educational and parent and family programs;
B. a description and explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, the forms of academic assessment used to measure student progress, and the achievement levels of state academic standards;
C. if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible; and,
D. a copy of the School Board’s written Parent and Family Engagement policy.
5. if the school-wide parent and family engagement program plan is not satisfactory to the parents of participating children, submit any parent comments on the plan when the school makes the plan available to school district level personnel—these comments can be made verbally during the school parent meeting or submitted in writing to the Principal.
As part of the parent and family engagement program, policy to building a capacity for involvement, the School Board and each public school under the jurisdiction of the School Board:
1. Shall provide assistance to parents of children served by the school or School Board, as appropriate, in understanding such topics as the state's academic content standards, state and local academic assessments, and how to monitor a child's progress. and Work with educators to improve the achievement of their children and provide training to parents as requested or based on feedback from parent surveys.
2. Shall provide materials and training to help parents to work with their children to improve their children's achievement, such as literacy training and using technology, as appropriate, to foster parental involvement.
3. Shall educate teachers, pupil services personnel, principals, and other staff, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of contributions of parents. and to in how The school administration and school board shall reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school.
4. Shall, to the extent feasible and appropriate, coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with other outreach educational programs, such as Head Start, and public pre-school and other programs. and conduct Other activities, such as parent breakfast club meetings, parent advisory council, school-wide improvement team, and Parent University, that will encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
5. Shall ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is sent to parents in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand. This information should be disseminated by giving the information to the student and have the parent sign as documentation of receipt, post information on the school/district website, social media, text messaging and the newspaper.
6. May involve parents in the development of training for teachers, principals, and other educators to improve the effectiveness of such training provide meaningful training based on feedback received from parents via surveys, discussions during parent meetings, and resources organized by the school for parents.
7. May provide necessary literacy training from federal and state funds received if the School Board has exhausted all other reasonably available sources of funding for such training.
8. May pay reasonable and necessary expenses associated with parental involvement activities, including transportation, and/or child care costs, to enable parents to participate in school-related meetings and training sessions.
9. May train parents to enhance the involvement of other parents.
10. May arrange school meetings, at a variety of times and places, or conduct in-home conferences between teachers or other educators who work directly with children. In home conferences will be conducted with parents who are unable to attend such conferences at school, in order to maximize parental involvement and participation.
11. May adopt and implement model approaches to improving parental involvement.
12. May establish a district-wide parent advisory council to provide advice on all matters related to parental involvement in programs.
13. May develop appropriate roles for community-based organizations and businesses in parental involvement activities.
14. Shall provide such other reasonable support for parental involvement activities as parents may request.
15. Shall provide, to the extent practicable, full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of immigrant and migrant migratory children, including providing necessary information and school reports required in a format, and to the extent practicable, in a language such parents understand.
School Parent Compacts
Each student in grades 4-12 and each parent or guardian of a student in grades 4-12, shall annually receive a copy of the sign Statement of Compliance School Compact, in accordance with state law. For students, the Statement of Compliance School Compact shall state that the student agrees to attend school regularly, arrive at school on time, demonstrate significant effort toward completion of homework assignments, and follow school and classroom rules. For parents, the Statement of Compliance School Compact shall state that the parent or legal guardian agrees to ensure his/her child's daily attendance at school, ensure his/her child's arrival at school on time each day, ensure his/her child completes all assigned homework, and attend all required parent/teacher/principal conferences. A copy of the school Student Compact should be posted on the school website.
Each school shall jointly develop with parents a school-parent compact that outlines how parents, school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State's standards. Such compact shall contain the following components:
1. describe the school's responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the children to meet the State's student academic achievement standards, and the ways in which each parent will be responsible for supporting their children's learning, such as monitoring attendance, and homework completion, and television watching; volunteering in their child's school and assist the classroom teacher with permission of the Principal classroom; contributing services outside the normal school setting; and participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children, and positive use of extracurricular time; the Principal should have an organize day(s) for parents to come to the school and sign up for access to the Parent Command Center—this will allow parents to have access to their child’s grades, transcripts, attendance, standardized test scores, and discipline record.
2. address the importance of communication between teachers and parents on an ongoing basis through, at a minimum:
A. parent-teacher conferences in elementary schools when scheduled, during which the compact and student academic progress shall be discussed as the compact relates to the individual child's achievement;
B. periodic reports to parents on their children's progress;
C. reasonable access to staff, opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child's class, and scheduled observation of classroom activities during a scheduled time as authorized by the school Principal; and
D. parental activities and/or contributions away from the school site that enhance academic achievement.
In conjunction with the district services rendered under the School Board's parental involvement program, the School Board shall maintain contact and communication with social service and health agencies, faith-based institutions, and community groups to support key family and community services and issues. In particular, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board has a strong relationship with and support from community and/or governmental organizations such as Families in Need of Services (FINS), Partners in Education, and District Parent/Teacher Association (PTA). One of the primary goals of these groups is to support, supplement, and assist in improving involvement of parents of children in the St. John the Baptist Parish public schools.
Revised: February, 2003
Approved: October 15, 2009
Revised: February 7, 2019
Ref: 20 USC 6312 (Strengthening and Improvement of Elementary and Secondary Schools)
20 USC 6318 (Parent and Family Engagement)
La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:235.2
Board minutes, 4-19-01, 10-15-09, 2-7-19
St. John the Baptist Parish School Board
ITEM 8b. Ms. Iman Montgomery – Request Approval of Revised Policy: JS – Students, Fines and Charges
MOTION BY: Wallace
SECOND BY: DeFrancesch
MOTION: To approve Revised Policy JS – Students, Fines and Charges
The motion carried.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas - Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Nay – Burl
1 Absent - Triche
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board may impose certain student fees or charges to help offset special costs incurred in the operation of specific classrooms or subjects. No student shall be deprived of proper instruction should the student not be able to pay any student fees, however. Generally, students should not be denied or delayed admission nor denied access to any instructional activity due to failure or inability of their parent or guardian to pay a fee. Report cards and other academic records cannot be withheld for failure to pay a fee, pursuant to La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:112(C).
The School Board shall publish the Student Fees, Fines and Charges policy and procedures on its website. Each school shall publish the policy on its website and include it in the school's student handbook which shall be provided to each student and his/her parent or legal guardian at the beginning of each school year in the manner determined by the School Board.
The Student Fees, Fines and Charges policy shall be reviewed annually and revised as necessary.
Fees shall mean any monetary payment or supplies required as a condition of a student being enrolled in school or participating in any curricular or co-curricular activity. Fees shall not include supplies or monetary payment for extracurricular activities. Fees shall not mean the cost of school meals.
Curricular and co-curricular activities are activities that are relevant, supportive, that are an integral part of the program of studies in which the student is enrolled, and that are under the supervision and/or coordination of the school instructional staff.
Extracurricular activities are those activities which are not directly related to the program of studies, which are under the supervision and/or coordination of the school instructional staff, and which are considered valuable for the overall development of the student.
1. A school shall not charge or assess a fee unless the fee has been set and included in the School Board’s approved Schedule of Fees.
2. Fees charged for the same item or service shall be consistent among all schools under the jurisdiction of the School Board.
3. Failure by a student, or parent on behalf of their child, to pay any required fee shall not result in the withholding of a student’s educational record.
A list of authorized fees, including their purpose, use, amount or authorized range, and how each fee is collected, shall be as listed on the Schedule of Fees (Appendix A)attached to this policy.
Economic Hardship Waivers
A student or his/her parent or legal guardian may request and receive a waiver of payment of a fee due to economic hardship. Waivers of fees shall be granted based on objective criteria relative to the student or his/her family, as listed below:
1. Is receiving unemployment benefits or public assistance including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, supplemental security income, or Medicaid.
2. Is in foster care or is caring for children in foster care.
3. Is homeless.
4. Is serving in, or within the previous year has served in, active military service.
5. Is eligible for free or reduced priced meals in schools not participating in the Community Eligibility Provision Program.
6. Is an emancipated minor.
A written request for a waiver of fees shall be submitted to the principal of the school or his/her designee for consideration. Proof of eligibility shall be included with the fee waiver request. A written decision on the waiver request shall be rendered within five (5) school days of the date of receipt of the request. Should the initial request to the principal of the school for a waiver be denied, a written appeal may be made to the Superintendent or his/her designee, who shall respond to the appeal in writing within five (5) school days of the receipt of the appeal.
All requests for economic hardship waivers of student fees and any and all supporting documentation used in considering the validity of any request for a waiver shall be confidential.
All records associated with a fee waiver request due to economic hardship shall not constitute a public record, but may be audited to ensure compliance with the School Board’s policy. A student's personally identifiable information associated with such a waiver request shall not be made public.
School supplies requested by classroom teachers of a student's parent or legal guardian shall not exceed a published amount per student per school year as determined by the School Board. Each school principal shall approve all school supplies requested by classroom teachers. Prior to assessing a fee for school supplies or developing a school supply list, consideration shall be given to the existing school supply inventory. A student shall not be denied the opportunity to participate in a classroom activity due to his or her inability to provide requested supplies.
The School Board may require parents and/or legal guardians to compensate the school district for lost, destroyed, or unnecessarily damaged books and materials, and for any books which are not returned to the proper schools at the end of each school year or upon withdrawal of their dependent child. Under no circumstances may a student of school age be held financially responsible for fees associated with textbook replacement.
Compensation by parents or guardians may be in the form of monetary fees or community/school service activities, as determined by the School Board. In the case of monetary fees, fines shall be limited to no more than the replacement cost of the textbook or material, but may, at the discretion of the School Board, be adjusted according to the physical condition of the lost or destroyed textbook. A school system may waive or reduce the payment required if the student is from a family of low income and may provide for a method of payment other than lump-sum payment.
In lieu of monetary payments, both school systems and parents/ guardians may elect to have students perform school/community service activities, provided that such are arranged so as not to conflict with school instructional time, are properly supervised by school staff, and are suitable to the age of the child.
Under no circumstances may a school or school district refuse the parent/guardian the right to inspect relevant grades or records pertaining to the child nor may the school or school district refuse to promptly transfer the records of any child withdrawing or transferring from the school, per requirements of the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
Under no circumstances may a school or school district deny a student promotional opportunities, as a result of failure to compensate the school district for lost or damaged textbooks. Students shall not be denied continual enrollment each grading period nor re-entry in succeeding school years as a result of lost or damaged books.
Students shall not be denied the use of a textbook during school hours each day. The school system shall annually inform parents and/or legal guardians of the locally adopted procedures pursuant to state law and regulation, regarding reasonable and proper control of textbooks.
General Registration Fee |
$10-$35 |
Planners, Folders, and Technology |
Collection Log |
4H |
$5-$25 |
Membership and Shirt |
Collection Log |
Beta Club Membership
$15-$50 |
Membership and Shirt |
Collection Log |
Beta Convention
$50-$200 |
Registration and Hotel |
Collection Log |
$20-$180 |
Instruments, Shirts, Warmup/Practice Uniforms, Supplies |
Collection Log |
Robotics/STEM Club
$10-$25 |
Dues and Shirt |
Collection Log |
$20-$30 |
Sheet Music |
Collection Log |
Book Club
$10-$30 |
Membership, Shirt, Books |
Collection Log |
Interact Club
$20 |
District Dues and Shirt |
Collection Log |
Pharmacy Club
$10 |
Awards, Shirt |
Collection Log |
$10-$20 |
Membership, Shirt |
Collection Log |
ProStart Competition
$150-$200 |
Competition Registration and Travel |
Collection Log |
Nursing Club
$10 |
Awards, Shirt |
Collection Log
Carpentry Club
$10 |
Supplies |
Collection Log |
Welding Club
$10 |
Supplies, Work Shirt, |
Collection Log |
Art Club
$10-$20 |
Art Museum Fee, Bus Fare |
Collection Log |
Engineering Club
$10-$25 |
Dues |
Collection Log |
Revised: October, 2001
Revised: August, 2017
Revised: October, 2019
Ref: 20 USC 1232(g-i) (Family Educational and Privacy Rights); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:8, 17:81, 17:112, 17:177, 17:178.
ITEM 9a. Public Comment. Mr. Felix Boughton – Consideration regarding ITEP Application #20161839-ITE-$8,586,946.00 – Nalco Company LLC
Public Comment. Speaking against this item were: Carolyn Batiste, Shondrell Perrilloux, Annette Houston, Demetria Carter, George Handy, Kennette Bardell, Pat Bryant.
Bruce Fatheree and James Kulesa were present at the meeting, speaking on behalf of Nalco Company, LLC
Extensive discussion was held regarding this item.
MOTION: To deny the request by Nalco regarding ITEP Application #20161839-ITE
The motion carried.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas - Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Nay – Burl
1 Absent - Triche
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
ITEM 9b. Public Comment. Mr. Felix Boughton – Consideration regarding ITEP Application #201803365-ITE-$25,382,039.00 – Marathon Petroleum Company LP
Ms. Montgomery read the following correspondence received from Marathon:
First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to put this on the agenda. Per our conversation, please be advised that Marathon Petroleum Corporation (MPC) formally request that St. John School Board delay the vote on the MPC ITEP request until the next school board meeting. This will give us an opportunity to attend and address any of the board’s questions prior to the vote. Please note that we are not asking you to remove the item from the agenda as it could imperil your right to deny the request, we are simply asking that the vote be delayed to ensure that we have an opportunity to answer questions. Louisiana statute dictates that the school board will have 60 days from the date of receipt of the application to approve or deny as long as it is on a published agenda within 30 days of receipt.
Public Comment. Demetria Carter, Mr. Bryant, Shondrell Perrilloux
Following discussion, there was a motion made by Mr. Burl to approve the ITEP Application #201803365-ITE requested by Marathon Petroleum Company LP.
This motion failed due to the lack of a second.
Following further discussion, there was a
MOTION BY: Wallace
MOTION: To deny the request by Marathon regarding ITEP Application #201803365-ITE
Following further discussion, there was a
MOTION: To defer this item (9b) to the December meeting.
The motion failed.
Roll Call:
2 Yeas – Keller, Schum
8 Nays – Holden, Burl, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Absent – Triche
Upon roll call on the original motion to deny the request by Marathon regarding ITEP Application #201803365-ITE, there were:
9 Yeas – Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Nay – Burl
1 Absent – Triche
The motion carried.
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
ITEM 9c. Public Comment. Ms. Iman Montgomery – Request Board approval on Dental Insurance Renewal
Ms. Montgomery stated that the Insurance Committee met on October 18, 2019 and recommends approval of the Dental Insurance Renewal.
MOTION: To approve the Dental Insurance Renewal at a 0% rate increase.
The motion carried.
Roll Call:
10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Absent – Triche
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
ITEM 9d. Public Comment. Ms. Iman Montgomery – Request Board approval on Health Insurance Renewal
Ms. Montgomery stated that the Insurance Committee met on November 4, 2019 and recommends approval of the Health Insurance Renewal with BCBS.
MOTION BY: DeFrancesch
MOTION: To approve the Health Insurance Renewal at a 15.84% rate increase.
The motion carried.
Roll Call:
10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Absent – Triche
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
The Chair was deferred to Vice President DeFrancesch for the next item.
ITEM 9e. Public Comment. Mr. Patrick H. Sanders – Introduction of 2020 School Board Meeting Calendar.
This item was for introduction only.
The District Attorney’s Office was not consulted or asked to review any materials related to this issue.
ITEM 9f. Public Comment. Courtney Joiner - Mr. Courtney Joiner – Discussion and action regarding the initial candidate selection and those selected as finalist for Superintendent search process.
Public Comment: S. Perrilloux
Mr. Joiner read aloud each vote and asked each board member to confirm/verify that it was, in fact, their original vote. Note: Dr. Gerald Keller did not sign his name on the original voting sheets, however, he did verify and sign that the voting sheets given to him tonight were, in fact, his and that it is his handwriting on the sheets.
Holden: C. Robinson; M. Cage; Q. Timoll; C. Green; D. Robinson; E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Burl: C. Robinson; C. Greeen; E. Bera; K. Joseph; M. Cage; D. Kilbert
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: No audible answer
Keller: C. Robinson; K. Joseph; M. Cage; P. Triche; Q. Timoll; E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Patrick Sanders: M. Cage; Q. Timoll; K. Joseph; C. Roinson; D. Kilbert; C. Michael Robinson
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Sherry DeFrancesch: Q. Timoll; C. Robinson; C. Michael Robinson; D. Nolan, E. Bera; K. Joseph
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Keith Jones: Q. Timoll; M. Cage; K. Joseph; P. Triche; D. Kilbert; K. Smith
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Phillip Johnson: Q. Timoll; C. Robinson; D. Nolan; C. Michael Robinson; M. Cage; S. Brown
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Debbie Schum: Q. Timoll; M. Cage; K. Joseph; P. Triche; D. Nolan; C. Robinson
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Shawn Wallace: C. Watson; C. Robinson; C. Green; M. Cage; K. Joseph; Q. Timoll
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Nia Mitchell: Q. Timoll; M. Cage; C. Green; K. Joseph; D. Nolan; C. Robinson
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Clarence Triche: P. Triche; Q. Timoll; M. Cage; D. Kilbert; C. Smith; D. Nolan
As Mr. Triche was not present, Mr. Joiner asked the Chair to verify that the names read aloud were in fact the names on the sheet presented with Mr. Triche’s signature.
Holden: C. Green; E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Burl: C. Green; E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: No
Mr. Joiner asked the Chair to verify that the names read aloud were in fact the names on the sheet presented with Mr. Burl’s signature. Answer: Yes
Keller: E. Bera; P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Patrick Sanders: D. Kilbert; C. Green
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Sherry DeFrancesch: D. Nolan; E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Keith Jones: P. Triche; D. Kilbert
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Phillip Johnson: E. Bera; C. Green
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Debbie Schum: D. Nolan; P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Shawn Wallace: C. Green; D. Kilbert
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Nia Mitchell: C. Green; D. Nolan
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Clarence Triche: P. Triche; D. Kilbert
As Mr. Triche was not present, Mr. Joiner asked the Chair to verify that the names read aloud were in fact the names on the sheet presented with Mr. Triche’s signature. Answer: Yes
Holden: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Burl: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: No
Mr. Joiner asked the Chair to verify that the name read aloud was in fact the name written on the sheet presented with Mr. Burl’s signature. Answer: Yes
Keller: P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Patrick Sanders: D. Kilbert
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Sherry DeFrancesch: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Keith Jones: P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Phillip Johnson: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Debbie Schum: P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Shawn Wallace: D. Kilbert
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Nia Mitchell: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Clarence Triche: P. Triche
As Mr. Triche was not present, Mr. Joiner asked the Chair to verify that the name read aloud was in fact the name written on the sheet presented with Mr. Triche’s signature. Answer: Yes
Holden: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Burl: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: No
Mr. Joiner asked the Chair to verify that the name read aloud was in fact the name written on the sheet presented with Mr. Burl’s signature. Answer: Yes
Keller: P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Patrick Sanders: P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Sherry DeFrancesch: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Keith Jones: P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Phillip Johnson: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Debbie Schum: P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Shawn Wallace: P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Nia Mitchell: E. Bera
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Clarence Triche: P. Triche
As Mr. Triche was not present, Mr. Joiner asked the Chair to verify that the name read aloud was in fact the name written on the sheet presented with Mr. Triche’s signature. Answer: Yes
MOTION BY: DeFrancesch
SECOND BY: Mitchell
MOTION: To ratify the votes taken on October 17, 2019.
No objections.
The motion carried.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas - Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Nay - Burl
1 Absent - Triche
Holden: Q. Timoll; C. Green; P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Burl: K. Joseph; M. Cage; C. Green
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Keller: Q. Timoll; M. Cage; P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Patrick Sanders: Q. Timoll; P. Triche; K. Joseph
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Sherry DeFrancesch: Q. Timoll; C. Green; P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Keith Jones: C. Green K. Joseph; P. Triche
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Phillip Johnson: Q. Timoll; C. Green; K. Joseph
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Debbie Schum: Q. Timoll; P. Triche; M. Cage
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Shawn Wallace: Q. Timoll; C. Green; K. Joseph
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Nia Mitchell: Q. Timoll; C. Green; C. Robinson
Mr. Joiner: Do you verify that this is your vote: Answer: Yes
Clarence Triche: P. Triche; Q. Timoll; M. Cage
As Mr. Triche was not present, Mr. Joiner asked the Chair to verify that the name read aloud was in fact the name written on the sheet presented with Mr. Triche’s signature. Answer: Yes
SECOND BY: Mitchell
MOTION: To ratify the votes taken on November 6, 2019.
Following extensive discussion, there was a
SECOND BY: Mitchell
MOTION: To call for question and end discussion.
The motion carried.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas - Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Nay - Burl
1 Absent - Triche
Upon roll call on the original motion to ratify the votes taken on November 6 2019, there were:
Roll Call:
9 Yeas - Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders
1 Nay - Burl
1 Absent – Triche
The motion carried.
Mr. Wallace: ESJH Wildcats will travel to Baton Rouge tomorrow to play in the playoffs.
Mr. Jones: Meet and Greet the Superintendent Finalists will take place on November 19, 2019: 5:00 p.m. at West St. John High School and 7:00 p.m. at East St. John High School; The following day will be the finalists interviews (open to the public), beginning at 4:00 p.m.
Mr. Burl: Stated for the record, “I been hearing rumors about certain employees who will be fired and other employees will be brought on, I just want to say that if this does happen and jobs are being advertised while the person is currently in, I will be filing more motions.”
The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a
MOTION BY: Wallace
SECOND BY: DeFrancesch
MOTION: Motion for adjournment.
There were no objections.
The meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.
________________________________ ________________________________
Heidi Trosclair, Secretary Patrick H. Sanders, President