April 23, 2020 – 5:00 p.m.

Via Zoom Teleconference & Streamed Live on St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools Facebook Page


The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call: Due to the public health emergency caused by the Covid-19 virus and the “Stay at Home” orders issued by Governor Edwards, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in regular session via teleconference utilizing Zoom Video Conferencing. (See attached Certification of Inability to Operate Due to the Lack of a Quorum.)  A link to this teleconference meeting will be placed on our website prior to the meeting so that members of the public may view the meeting. All public comments regarding agenda items should be sent to: before 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 23, 2020.  All public comments will be read aloud before each agenda item is discussed.


The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet on Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. via teleconference (Zoom).  The meeting will be open to receive Public Comment at 5:00 p.m. The meeting will be in recess until 5:30 p.m. to receive Public Comment.  The meeting will reconvene in regular session at 5:30 p.m.

The agenda is attached for the meeting.


The President then read the agenda aloud and recessed the meeting for 30 minutes to allow for public comment. 




The Chair reconvened the meeting in Regular Session at 5:30 p.m. He called for a moment of silent meditation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Dr. Keller.


Dr. Keller asked that we remember Alma Keller Adams (former educator) in our prayers.


ITEM 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The Chair called for Public Comment.


PRESENT:         Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

ABSENT:            Triche


There were 10 members present and 1 members absent. 


ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Chair called for Public Comment.


Public Comment Received from Carolyn Batiste:   Mrs. Dawn Champagne made the presentation in the absence of Mrs. Triche on items 7a,7b,7c,7d, why is this not stated in the minutes?*


* Noted for the record.



MOTION BY:    Mitchell

SECOND BY:   Schum

10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Triche, Sanders

1 Absent - Johnson


ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Mr. Cory Butler, Interim Superintendent.


Mr. Butler shared the following PowerPoint and extensive discussion was held.
















The Chair stated that Mrs. Duke requested this item be pulled from the agenda to allow for further guidance.


ITEM 6a.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Serina Duke - Request Approval of Revised Policy:  GBBA – Qualifications and Duties


The Chair called for Public Comment.


Public Comment Received from Carolyn Batiste:  Will there be a discussion on GBBA inclusion of Head Start, or will this yield to item b?.



The Chair called for Public Comment.


Public Comment Received from Carolyn Batiste:  Is this about the Policy or the part on Head Start, why would you be asking the Board to Suspend the Policy, unless there is a legitimate replacement.



SECOND BY:   Wallace

MOTION:          To table Item 6a and Item 6b.

No objections.

Roll Call:

9 Yeas - Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Not Seated – Jones

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried.




ITEM 7a.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Sara Loupe – Announce intent to levy millages for the 2020 tax roll at the May 28, 2020 School Board Meeting


Mrs. Loupe asked that the Board remove this item from the agenda, pending further information from the Assessor’s Office.  She will bring it back to the Board at the appropriate time.


ITEM 7b.  Public Comment.  Ms. Janice Gauthier – Request Board approval to advertise or extend all contracts expiring in May, pending AG’s opinion


Mrs. Gauthier stated that she is waiting on an opinion from the AG’s Office to let her know if she can extend the contracts or if she has to put them all out for bid.  Following discussion, there was a



SECOND BY:   Holden

MOTION:          To extend all contracts expiring in May for 6 months (with no increase in prices) or advertise, pending and based on the Attorney General’s opinion.

No objections.

Roll Call:

9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFranesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Not Seated – Wallace

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried


ITEM 7c.  Public Comment.  Ms. Janice Gauthier – Request Board approval to re-advertise for Fiscal Year Auditor


MOTION BY:   Keller

SECOND BY:   DeFrancesch

MOTION:          To approve the request to re-advertise for Fiscal Year Auditor.

No objections.

Roll Call:

9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFranesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Not Seated – Wallace

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried




ITEM 8a.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Michelle Seymour – Request Approval of 2020-2021 School Year Calendar


The Chair called for Public Comment.


Public Comment Received from Alvin Scioneaux:   My concerns with 2020-2021 school calendar is that during the 4th marking period there is Workkeys testing, ACT testing, EOC testing, LEAP testing CLEP testing, and AP testing. Students and teachers are shuffled around to accommodate the tests schedule. Teachers are not able to teach, because someone has to monitor the class, monitor hallways, and account for students. This is a very disruptive time for educators. Can the board add this item to the agenda in the future to address the schedule?


Following discussion, Dr. Keller made a substitute motion to table this item, but upon further discussion, he withdrew his substitute motion.


MOTION BY:   Jones

SECOND BY:   Mitchell

MOTION:          To approve the School calendar as presented.

No objections.

Roll Call:

8 Yeas - Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Nay – Burl

1 Not Seated - Wallace

1 Absent - Triche

The motion carried.




St. John the Baptist Parish Schools – Calendar – 2020-2021





Professional Development Days


Teacher Classroom Work Day


First Day of School for Students


First Day for Kindergarten / Universal PreK / LA4 / Model Early Students


First Day for Head Start Students







Labor Day Holiday

Early Release







End of First Nine Weeks

Begin Second Nine Weeks



Fall Break Holiday

Early Release






Professional Development Day – No School for Students


Election Day Holiday (Primary/Congressional)

23 – 27


Thanksgiving Holidays

Students Return






½ Day for Students / End of Second Nine Weeks

21 - 31

Christmas Holidays






New Year’s Holiday


Professional Development Day – No School for Students


Students Return- Begin Third Nine Weeks


Martin Luther King Holiday


Students Return



100th Day of School

Early Release








Mardi Gras Holidays

Students Return

Early Release







End of Third Nine Weeks

Begin Fourth Nine Weeks





2 - 9

Easter Holiday


Students Return






Last Day for Seniors (ESJH/WSJH)


Last Day for Students / ½ Day for Students/ End of Fourth Nine Weeks


Records’ Day


Mr. Wallace exited the meeting at 8:11 a.m. and was recorded as absent.


Mrs. DeFrancesch assumed the seat of Chair for Item 9a.




ITEM 9a.  Public Comment.  Mr. Patrick H. Sanders – Request approval of Superintendent Search Advertisement.

Mr. Sanders stated that this advertisement had been provided to all Board members and is included in the Agenda Packet.  Mr. James Guerra with JG Consulting was on the call to answer questions.  (Also introduced was: Raymond Allmo and Alton Frailey). Following extensive discussion on this item, including tweaking the timeline and adding the base starting salary, there was a


MOTION BY:   Sanders

SECOND BY:   Schum

MOTION:          To approve Superintendent Search Advertisement, including the minimum base salary of $165,000.

No objections.

Roll Call:

8 Yeas - Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Schum, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Nay – Jones

2 Absent – Wallace, Triche

The motion carried.


Mr. Sanders resumed the role of Chair.


ITEM 9b.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Debra Schum – Direct Superintendent to develop a Strategic Plan, both for academics and administrative, to address the COVID 19 virus pandemic


The Chair called for Public Comment.


Public Comment Received from Carolyn Batiste:   I agree, we do need to be working on a Plan. In the Plan we need to be sure that we have included some means of explaining what happened to our scores in the last Testing. We have had too many changes in our schools. Stability, Classroom Management and Presentation, Curriculum, Instructors with Content Knowledge is the key to every classroom in schools, with most improved Parent Engagement with their children. Whenever we are given the charge to open the system to Teaching and Learning again, we must be READY TO THREAD THAT NEEDLE through the whole District.


Public Comment Received from Tara Cox:  Good Evening.  I am writing this from a parents perspective, but also from an educators perspective. I am concerned that St. John the Baptist Parish Schools is falling behind other parishes in providing adequate technology to the students.  The Stay at home order has brought to light many issues that the school system is facing and has shown that St. John is behind the curve in many ways.   While St. John Schools scrambled for almost TWO weeks to figure out how they were going to continue educating students, other parishes like Ascension and the high schools in St. James, were able to use their 1-1 devices and continue the education process immediately.  By using this technology, students are able to communicate with their teachers through Google Education, Microsoft Teams products and using IXL programs and teachers were able to provide immediate feedback and help their students. With the exception of the search for a superintendent, the school board should focus on allocating money to provide 1-1 technology for all students grades 4-12, upgrading the technology in the schools (I have seen the old and broken computers that students are having to use first hand), updating the servers to handle 1-1 education, AND expanding the technology department with qualified technicians.   I understand this will be difficult, especially some students do not have the funds to provide the computer insurance or internet, however, it needs to be done.  The school board could easily look at how Ascension Parish is able to adequately provide this service to both students and teachers.  


Public Comment Received from Alvin Scioneaux:  Ireviewed the answers to my initial questions which is posted on the SJBP website  Message Regarding School Closures – Coronavirus Closure Information and Resources – St. John The Baptist Parish Public Schools.  The concerns for the residents of SJBP is the education of our kids.  The education of SJBP kids should be the number 1 priority for SJBP school board. The decisions SJBP school board makes from this point forward will show that if the kid’s education are their number 1 concerns. If the kids are not getting educated, SJBP does not need all the teachers, does not need all the administrators, does not need all the coaches, does not need all the cooks, does not need all the secretaries, and does not need all the bus drivers. What are the decisions of SJBP school system? The Governor’s address with the Interim State Superintendent stated that the district will make most of the decision addressing the needs of the students, since the schools should have a better understanding of the students need. I would like SJBP school system to let parents know if edgenuity courses will be available for the students to take over the Summer or in the Fall at home? Many SJBP students are missing out on the quality of education that will have them ready for the challenges of life. The current plan is that schools schedule will remain as is for the 2020 – 2021 school year. School was closed since March 13th. What information is getting publicized from SJBP school system to the student’s parents on the direction the school is considering. Parents don’t want to wait until the Summer or the Fall and find out if the residence are OK with the decisions SJBP schools have decided.  What are my options to ensure the education of my children in the public school system?


Public Comment Received from Yvette Scioneaux:  There is a technology hardship of student in SJBP. If SJBP gives out laptops to SJBP students, how will the laptop benefit the students. The laptops give the students access to information. Where is the educational part. My concerns are the presentation of information to the students. Some of the teachers are working with their student. A teacher in a classroom is engaging the whole class, all the students. Encouraging everyone in the class to participate. If we give out laptops how is that going to increase the number of students being engaged. What else are we considering? We are currently not grading school work, because everyone may not have access to the material.  What are we going to do if this happens in the Fall. Can we attempt a test over the Summer, to see what is possible for the Fall if needed?


MOTION BY:   Schum

SECOND BY:   DeFrancesch

MOTION:          To direct the Superintendent to develop a Strategic Plan, both for academics and administrative, to address the COVID 19 virus pandemic.

No objections.

Roll Call:

9 Yeas - Holden, Burl, Jones, Keller, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Schum, Mitchell, Sanders

2 Absent – Wallace, Triche

The motion carried.


ITEM 9c.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Debra Schum – Update on Food Service Contract


The Chair called for Public Comment.


Mrs. Schum stated that she had received a photo of the food delivered to someone and it was only cans of vegetables, cans of chicken, tortillas and cereal bars.  She asked that an update be given on how many families we are serving, how many are actually receiving the food, and what the exact cost is.


Mr. Butler responded:  We are currently looking at 1723 households that have been delivered to.  The menu is controlled by the organization we are partnering with, so we do not know exactly what is being distributed.  The company that we partnered with was highly recommended by the state department.  We are currently looking at options of perhaps returning to hot meal delivery and will keep the Board updated on this item.  Mrs. Schum asked again that an exact dollar amount for this service be given to the Board.


ITEM 9d.  Public Comment.  Mr. Albert A. Burl, III – Discussion regarding technology hardships of students in St. John the Baptist Parish and possible solutions


The Chair called for Public Comment.


Public Comment Received from Cindy Graham:  In addition to the need to address the technology hardships of students, the discussion should also include the technology and supply needs of employees including access to computers, printers, ink for printers, paper, etc. 


Public Comment Received from Alvin Scioneaux: There is a technology hardship of student in SJBP. If SJBP gives out laptops to SJBP students, how will the laptop benefit the students. The laptops give the students access to information. Where is the educational part. My concerns are the presentation of information to the students. Some of the teachers are working with their student. A teacher in a classroom is engaging the whole class, all the students. Encouraging everyone in the class to participate. If we give out laptops how is that going to increase the number of students being engaged. What else are we considering? We are currently not grading school work, because everyone may not have access to the material.  What are we going to do if this happens in the Fall. Can we attempt a test over the Summer, to see what is possible for the Fall if needed?


Mr. Burl stated that Mr. Butler spoke on this earlier in the meeting.  He asked administration if we are planning to have HotSpots for students.  Mr. Butler stated that his administration is working on getting the exact numbers and will advise the Board when that task is complete.


ITEM 9e.  Public Comment.  Mr. Albert A. Burl, III – Request approval to activate the Luster Group to sanitize all school board buildings.


The Chair called for Public Comment.


Public Comment Received from Carolyn Batiste:   Very Large Undertaking. We Must be sure the Group will be Environmentally Qualified. One thing to look at: Interim Guidance for Administrators of U S K-12 Schools and Child Care programs.  The School Decision Tree is very informative.



SECOND BY:   Jones

MOTION:          To activate the Luster Group to sanitize all school board buildings and buses, and also assist the District in training our staff (custodians and bus drivers) to continue sanitizing all of our buses and buildings.

No objections.

Roll Call:

9 Yeas - Holden, Burl, Jones, Keller, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Schum, Mitchell, Sanders

2 Absent – Wallace, Triche

The motion carried.






Ms. Mitchell asked the Superintendent what we are doing for the Connection students, as she had been asked this several times on Facebook.  Mr. Butler stated that there is a continuation of Edgenuity.  He also stated that there were no parent(s) at Connections that participated in the technology survey sent in April.  He asked that Ms. Mitchell have the parent get in touch with him.


Mr. Burl asked if we could partner with the Teche Clinic to monitor employees once we return to the buildings.  Mr. Butler stated that we are having difficulty obtaining PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) such as masks and thermometers, but administration is working on this.


Mr. Jones asked how the decline in tax revenue will affect the district.  Ms. Loupe stated that we will not see the dip until May, June or July and she did not have a projected number at this time.  Mr. Jones reminded the Board that the Louisiana Board of Ethics has not extended the filing of Personal Financial Statements.  He thanked administration for the work being done, and especially our new employees, Mrs. Loupe and Mrs. Gauthier.


Mr. Sanders asked that the Board please keep in their prayers the family of a very good friend of his and Mr. Wallace, Mr. Mark Mitchell, as he passed away tonight.  Mark was the son of two former St. John educators.




The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a


MOTION BY:    Burl

SECOND BY:   Schum

MOTION:         Motion for adjournment.

There were no objections.

9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Mitchell, Sanders

2 Absent – Wallace, Triche

The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.


_____________________________________                               _____________________________________

Cory Butler, Interim Superintendent/Secretary                                                   Patrick H. Sanders, President