December 10, 2020 – 6:00 p.m.

Via Zoom Teleconference & Streamed Live on St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools Facebook Page


Due to the resurgence of the Covid-19 virus in our community and in the best interest of safety for both the public and agenda participants, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in regular session via teleconference utilizing Zoom Video Conferencing. The meeting will be streamed live on St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools’ Facebook Page so that members of the public may view the meeting in real time. All public comments regarding agenda items should be sent to: before 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 10, 2020.  Public comments must include all three (3) of the following:  1. First and Last Name; 2. Agenda Item Number you are commenting on; 3. Your comment.  All public comments will be read aloud before each agenda item is discussed.


The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet on Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. via teleconference (Zoom).  The meeting will be open to receive Public Comment at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be in recess until 6:00 p.m. to allow for Public Comment to be received and will reconvene in regular session at 6:00 p.m.


The agenda is attached for the meeting.


The President then recessed the meeting for 30 minutes to allow for public comment. 




The Chair reconvened the meeting in Regular Session at 6:02 p.m. He called for a moment of silent meditation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Mrs. Debra Schum.


ITEM 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The Chair called for Public Comment.


PRESENT:         Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

ABSENT:            Holden, Jones, Johnson, Triche


There were 7 members present and 4 members absent. 


ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Chair called for Public Comment.



MOTION BY:    Wallace

SECOND BY:   Schum

6 Yeas – Keller, DeFrancesch, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Nay – Burl

4 Absent – Holden, Jones, Johnson, Triche


Mr. Jones arrived at 6:04 p.m. and was recorded as present.


ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Mr. Cory Butler, Interim Superintendent.


ITEM 4a.  Public Comment.  Recognition of Christmas Card Winners


Ja’Kereyon Perrilloux is the Christmas Card Contest winner in the 1st-4th grade category. 

Ja’Kereyon is a second-grader at Garyville/Mt. Airy Math and Science Magnet School. Her favorite things are learning and drawing. She said she came up with her winning Christmas Card design because she thought it would be “pretty cool to draw a gingerbread house.” Her favorite subject is math because she likes to learn new things. Master Teacher Ty Meyers said Ja’Kereyon is a great student who is always willing to help her peers, always has a smile on her face and who she has never seen have a bad day. 


Seth Raiford is the Christmas Card Contest winner in the 5th-8th grade category. 

Seth is an eighth-grade student at John L. Ory Communication Arts Magnet School. He has been a member of the Visually Talented Art Program since third grade. His favorite thing about being an artist is being able to explore techniques such as shading and texture to get his ideas across. His favorite subject is science because he likes to know how things work. Ory Principal Monica Brown said, in addition to being a talented artist, Seth is responsible, respectful and an all-around excellent representative of the type of student Ory strives to educate. 


Our Christmas Card Contest winner in the 9th-12th grade category is Jared Perez, a student in the St. John STEM Magnet Program. 

Jared is an 11th-grader and a member of the Visually Talented Art Program who says he first became interested in art in sixth grade and uses it as a way to relax. Despite his artistic talents, Jared’s favorite subject is math because it challenges him and pushes him to work harder. STEM Principal Dr. Glenn Chenier said Jared is not just artistic but highly intelligent and will often be the student raising his hand repeatedly in class to answer difficult questions. 


ITEM 4b.  Celebrate a Scholar ~ Keith Hart, East St. John Preparatory


Principal Gayden hosted a “Watch Party” at school to celebrate Keith Hart!  She shared this information on Keith:  We are East St. John Prep where our students Dream, Think, Believe and Achieve as they are prepared for success as leaders and lifelong learners. We are happy to recognize Keith Hart, an outstanding scholar who maintains and displays passion, tenacity and perseverance when it comes to reaching his personal and academic goals. He is a 7th grader, the son of Lentrice Taylor and Keith Hart Jr and is happy to represent Reserve as his home, where he enjoys spending time with his friends and family. He has a personality that is unmatched and leaves every person he encounters (both young and old) thinking with greater insight after learning about all of the new and interesting subjects that he eagerly presents to others in conversation and as he says when “challenging us to think a little bit deeper”. He is full of energy and always thinking outside of the box and eager to share the connections that he’s made in learning to his real life. When asked what his favorite subject was he replied math  for two reasons “I like the way math is found everywhere you look” and “to keep it real, I need to be good in math to help me manage my money and bills when I get older and become a successful business man” As you can see, Keith is not shy about speaking his mind  or pushing the thinking of anyone who he feels he can teach something new to.  Because of this, he is known on campus to keep us on our toes, but also to always teach us something new about lessons and about life too. We are proud of Keith here at ESJ PREP.  Proud of how hard he is working when he is online, never missing a class, always on time and prepared, engaging in conservation and excited about helping his classmates and teachers and we are also excited about the level of dedication that his maintains when working towards his future goals which is to become dog breeder and veterinarian. He is serious about working in a field caring for and protecting animals and spends much of his time outside of school planning his future, looking into colleges that appeal to his goals, researching professions and exploring top notch industry leaders to learn more about their journey to success, and reading as much as he can about the business and his options for pursuing his dream. Whether you want to discuss multi-step equations, testing hypothesis, World War II, Author’s point of view, money, politics, dog breeding, cars or more….Keith will always be a thought partner and represents  well rounded thinking and active listening that inspires and motivates everyone to never give up and to always show respect for self, others and the environment.”


ITEM 4c.  Public Comment.  Board Workshop


Dr. Hookfin updated the Board on the information discussed in the workshop.  Topics for next workshop:  Strategic Plan, Policy Updates, 90 Day Plan.  She stated that Mr. Lavell Edmondson (Marathon Petroleum) was with us tonight to speak to the Board regarding the launching a foundation for the sole purpose of supporting the school system.  With the creation of this foundation, it will make it easier for Marathon to make long-term investments in St. John the Baptist Parish Schools.  This creation of a Board to serve this foundation will ensure the longevity of the foundation for many years.


Mr. Johnson arrived at 6:20 p.m. and was recorded as present.


ITEM 4d.  Public Comment.  Public Comment.  Hybrid Learning Update


Dr. Hookfin stated that due to the recent spike in COVID-19, we have returned to a Hybrid Learning Model for the time being.  The new model has half the students in the classrooms on Monday & Tuesday and the other half in the classrooms on Thursday & Friday.  The reason behind this is to deeply sanitize the schools mid-week.  (All students have the option of 100% Virtual.)  We will dedicate Wednesdays to Virtual Learning and deep-sanitization, to ensure that all our campuses are fully cleaned and thoroughly sanitized.  Dr. Hookfin thanked the custodians for all their hard work in keeping us all as safe as possible.


ITEM 4e.  Public Comment.  Public Comment.  COVID-19 Update


Ms. Iman Montgomery gave an update on the COVID-19 numbers in our schools.  There has been a significant increase in not only our district, but nationwide.  As of today, we have had 63 total cases in our school district.  Prior to November 11, 2020, we only had 13.  November 11th fell 2 weeks after Halloween, so that may explain the spike.  She gave kudos to all our nursing staff, teachers and administrators for their efforts in screening at their sites. ‘


 Ms. Montgomery stated that the guidelines for returning to work have changed a little:  On December 7, 2020, the Louisiana Department of Health, following the CDC guidelines, issued new guidance on quarantine.  The quarantine period is now 10 days, as opposed to 14 days.  If you are in quarantine on day 7, and your Day 5 test was negative, you can return to school/work. 


She asked that everyone please mask up and keep us safe!  St. John Parish is currently at about a 6% positive rate, which is relatively low as compared to our neighboring parishes.


ITEM 4f.  Public Comment.  Public Comment.  Update on District Positions


Dr. Hookfin reported:  We still have a CFO vacancy currently being advertised.  This week we had our 1st round for the Asst. Superintendent position and next week we will begin interviews for the GMMS Principal interviews.










ITEM 8a.  Public Comment.  Mr. Patrick H. Sanders – Request approval of 2021 School Board Meeting Calendar


MOTION BY:   Jones

SECOND BY:   Defrancesch

MOTION:          To approve the 2021 School Board Meeting Calendar


Following discussion, there was a



SECOND BY:   Mitchell

MOTION:  To amend the presented calendar to include January 28, 20221, February 25, 2021 and March 25, 2021 as School Board Work Sessions and to determine the sites of board meetings on a month-to-month basis.

Roll Call:

8 Yeas – Holden, Keller, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

2 Nay – Burl, Jones

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried.




ITEM 9a.  Public Comment.  Ms. Iman Montgomery - Request the board approval to award contract for Excess Worker’s compensation and Employer’s Insurance Policy


MOTION BY:   DeFrancesch

SECOND BY:   Wallace

MOTION:  To award the contract for Excess Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Insurance Policy to Star Insurance at an annual cost of $96,829.

No objections.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried.


ITEM 9b.  Public Comment.  Mr. Cory Butler – Request Board approval to waive introduction policy to allow for approval of Item 9c – Discipline Policies


The Chair called for public comment:

Carolyn Batiste - I am asking the Board to Not Waive Introduction Policy, I would like to see this brought to the public for discussion. The website did state there was a meeting on Tuesday, I saw it 3:00 this meeting surely could Not have gone to press for the public to see when the L'Observateur comes out on Wednesday, Day Late. The Code of Discipline was Revised on 8/17 Code Book approved on 9/9,was this a meeting?  Board approved Code Book on 9/10 I know this is about being sure the verbiage concerning Virtual Learning is to be included, again there should have been a timely notice of this meeting to the public for engagement from Committee, Parents and Community members. The Code Book states Parents and the Community will be notified of these meetings through fliers, community events, newspaper notices, and public service announcements, Not Happening.


MOTION BY:   Holden

SECOND BY:   Wallace

MOTION:  To waive introduction policy to allow for approval of Item 9c – Discipline Policies

No objections.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried.


Mr. Butler explained that all policies and procedures, as well as the law, have been followed in posting all notices regarding the discipline policy changes.


ITEM 9c.  Public Comment.  Mr. Cory Butler - Request approval of Revised Discipline Policies:  BD - School Board Policy; JD - Discipline; JDD - Suspension and JDE – Expulsion

Executive Committee:  To approve Revised Discipline Policies:  BD - School Board Policy; JD - Discipline; JDD - Suspension and JDE – Expulsion


The Chair called for public comment:

Carolyn Batiste - I am asking the Board to Not Approve this Revision to Discipline Policies until a meeting is called after proper notification.


MOTION BY:  Wallace

SECOND BY:   Holden

MOTION:  To approve Revised Discipline Policies:  BD - School Board Policy; JD - Discipline; JDD - Suspension and JDE – Expulsion.

No objections.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried.






The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board shall formulate policies to guide the action of those to whom it delegates authority.  These guides shall constitute the policies governing the operation of the school district.  They shall be recorded in writing and made a part of the official School Board Policy Manual


The formulation and adoption of School Board policies shall constitute the primary method by which the School Board shall exercise its leadership in the operation of the school district.  When establishing School Board policies, the School Board shall prioritize student achievement, financial efficiency, and workforce development on a local, regional, and statewide basis.  The study and evaluation of reports concerning the execution of its written policies shall constitute the basic method by which the School Board shall exercise its control over the operation of the school district.


The policies of the School Board are meant to be interpreted in terms of Louisiana laws, rules and regulations of the Louisiana Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, and all other regulatory agencies within the local parish, state, and federal levels of government.




For a policy to be adopted by the School Board, it must receive a simple majority of School Board members present and voting.  A policy recommended to the School Board shall be introduced at one meeting and officially adopted at the next meeting, unless the School Board votes otherwise.  This practice provides School Board members time to study the proposed policy and to give interested parties an opportunity to respond. 


The formal adoption of School Board policies shall be recorded in the minutes of the School Board.  The official minutes shall constitute the authority for any change made in the Policy Manual.


The School Board is recognized as the legal body authorized to approve policies for the School District, and shall not delegate or relinquish that authority to another party or group.  The School Board welcomes comments and suggestions on local policy matters, and will comply with all laws addressing proper involvement of other parties in the policy process.




The School Board shall periodically direct the systematic review of its policies.  The Superintendent shall appropriately involve representative groups of administrators, teachers, supervisors, students, support personnel and lay citizens relative to policies affecting each group.


The School Board shall appoint establish a discipline policy review committee selected as required by state law in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:416.8 whose selection of members shall be neither discriminatory nor arbitrary in nature.  The purpose of the discipline policy review committee shall be to review discipline policies of the School Board to assure consistency with state law, receive input into the effectiveness of established policy, and make recommendations to improve policy provisions, and to assist the School Board in the orderly operation of the school district.  In particular, state law requires a policy review committee to review the School Board’s student discipline policies annually to make recommendations for appropriate revisions. 


A public hearing shall be held on the recommendations to improve policy revisions and to assist the School Board in the orderly operation of the school district before the School Board considers revising any of the discipline policies.  State law also requires the administrators, teachers and parents of each public school to meet annually and develop or review the discipline regulations for their school and assure compliance with School Board policy and state law.




The School Board shall direct the Superintendent to establish and maintain an orderly plan for disseminating School Board policies and administrative rules and regulations.


School Board policies and administrative rules and regulations shall be made accessible to all employees of the school district directly or indirectly affected by those policies.  School Board policies and administrative rules and regulations shall also be made accessible to members of the School Board, students and members of the community served by the school district. 




The operation of policy or section of policy not established by law or contract may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of School Board members present and voting at a regular or special meeting.




In cases where action must be taken within the school system where the School Board has no formalized policy statement, the Superintendent shall have the power to act.  His or her decisions, however, shall be subject to review by action of the School Board at its regular meeting.  It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to inform the School Board promptly of such action and of the need for policy if in his or her best judgment, a need for such policy exists.


Revised:  August, 1994                          Revised:  October 18, 2012

Revised:  August, 1999                          Revised:  November, 2020


Ref:      Constitution of Louisiana, Art. VI, Sec. 10; La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ''17:81, 17:416.8; Board minutes, 10-18-12.





The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board recognizes its authority to maintain good order and discipline within the schools of the school district.  Therefore, the School Board recognizes the principal's authority to suspend a pupil for a specified period of time in accordance with statutory provisions. 


In each case of suspension, the school principal, or his or her designee, prior to any suspension, shall advise the student of the particular misconduct of which he/she is accused as well as the basis for such accusation, and the pupil shall be given an opportunity at that time to explain his/her version of the facts.  The principal/designee shall contact the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of the pupil to notify them of the suspension, and establish a date and time for a conference with the principal or designee as a requirement for readmitting the pupil.  Notice shall be given by contacting the parent, tutor, or legal guardian by telephone at the telephone number shown on the pupil's registration card, or by sending a certified letter to the address shown on the pupil's registration card.  The principal shall promptly advise the Superintendent or designee of all such suspensions, stating the reasons for the suspensions.


Students suspended for more than ten (10) days shall remain under the supervision of the school system using an alternative education program designed to continue the educational process in an alternative educational placement.  The student shall be placed in an alternative school or an alternative education program and shall be required to attend and participate in such school, program, or educational services.


No suspended pupil shall be allowed to leave the school premises during the school day until the parent, guardian, or other proper authorities assume responsibility for him/her, unless immediate removal from school due to danger or threat of disruption to academic process is warranted. 


If the parent, tutor, or legal guardian fails to attend the required conference within five (5) school days of notification, the truancy laws shall be effective.  On not more than one occasion each school year when the parent, tutor, or legal guardian refuses to respond to the notice, the principal may determine whether readmitting the pupil is in the best interest of the pupil.  On any subsequent occasions in the same school year, the pupil shall not be readmitted unless the parent, tutor, or legal guardian, court, or other appointed representative responds. 


In any case where a teacher, principal, or other school employee is authorized to require the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of a pupil to attend a conference or meeting regarding the pupil's behavior and after notice, the parent, tutor, or legal guardian willfully refuses to attend, the principal or his/her designee shall file a complaint, in accordance with statutory provisions, with a court exercising juvenile jurisdiction.


When a pupil is suspended for a second time within one school year, the principal may require a counseling session be held with the parent and pupil by the school counselor. If no counselor is available, the conference may be held with all the pupil's teachers and the principal or other administrator.


Any student, after being suspended on three (3) occasions for committing drugs or weapons offenses during the same school year, shall, upon committing the fourth offense, be expelled from all the public schools of the system until the beginning of the next regular school year, and the pupil's reinstatement shall be subject to the review and approval of the School Board.


The principal and other appropriate personnel shall be required to file written documentation of all suspensions.  Said documentation shall include the circumstances surrounding any suspension, the reason for suspension, and any other pertinent facts concerning the disciplinary action.  The principal shall file copies of his/her report with the Superintendent, other appropriate personnel and the parent or guardian and retain a copy for his/her records.


Upon the seizure by any teacher, principal, school security guard, or other school administrator of any firearm, knife, or other dangerous implement which could be used as a weapon or inflict injury, the principal or his or her designee shall be required to report the confiscation to appropriate law enforcement officials.




Any parent, tutor, or legal guardian of a pupil suspended shall have the right to appeal to the Superintendent or his/her designee, who shall conduct a hearing on the merits.  If the parent or legal guardian is not present for the hearing after having been properly notified, the hearing may proceed and the results of the hearing shall be mailed to the parent or legal guardian within three (3) school days by certified mail, return receipt requested.  The decision of the Superintendent on the merits of the case, as well as the term of suspension, shall be final, reserving to the Superintendent the right to remit any portion of the time of suspension.




Firearms, Knives, Other Dangerous Instrumentalities, Drugs


The principal shall be required to suspend a pupil who:


1.         is found carrying or possessing a firearm or a knife with a blade two (2) inches or longer, or another dangerous instrumentality, except as provided below under the section entitled Suspension Not Applicable; or


2.         possesses, distributes, sells, gives, or loans any controlled dangerous substance governed by state law, in any form. 


Additionally, the principal shall immediately recommend the pupil's expulsion to the Superintendent, for the above offenses, except in the case of a student less than eleven (11) years of age in pre-kindergarten through grade 5 who is found carrying or possessing a knife with a blade two (2) inches or longer, the principal may, but shall not be required to recommend the student's expulsion.  A student found carrying or possessing a knife with a blade less than two (2) inches in length may be suspended by the school principal, but, in appropriate cases, at a minimum, shall be placed in in-school suspension.


The parent or tutor of a pupil who has been recommended for expulsion, including if the recommendation is reduced to a suspension, shall have the right to request review by the School Board of such recommendation, or appeal to the parish district court, as appropriate, in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:416.


Assault or Battery of School Employees


Whenever a pupil is formally accused of violating state law or school disciplinary regulations, or both, by committing assault or battery on any school employee, the principal shall suspend the pupil from school immediately and the pupil shall be removed immediately from the school premises without the benefit of required procedures, provided, however, that such procedures shall follow as soon as practicable.  The student shall not be readmitted to the school to which the employee is assigned until all hearings and appeals associated with the alleged violation have been exhausted.




Suspension of a student shall not apply to the following:


1.         A student carrying or possessing a firearm or knife for purposes of involvement in a school class, course, or school approved co-curricular or extracurricular activity or any other activity approved by appropriate school officials.


2.         A student possessing any controlled dangerous substance that has been obtained directly or due to a valid prescription or order from a licensed physician. However, such student shall carry evidence of that prescription or physician's order on his/her person at all times when in possession of any controlled dangerous substance which shall be subject to verification.


In addition, school officials, in accordance with statutory provisions, shall have total discretion and shall exercise such discretion in imposing on a pupil any disciplinary actions authorized by state law for possession by a pupil of a firearm or knife on school property when such firearm or knife is stored in a motor vehicle and there is no evidence of the pupil's intent to use the firearm or knife in a criminal manner.




A student enrolled in grades prekindergarten through five shall not be suspended from school or suspended from riding on any school bus for a uniform violation that is not tied to willful disregard of school policies.



A student who is suspended for ten (10) days or fewer shall be assigned school work missed while he/she is suspended and shall receive either partial or full credit for such work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the principal or his/her designee, upon the recommendation of the student’s teacher.


A student who is suspended for more than ten (10) days and receives educational services at an alternative school site, shall be assigned work by a certified teacher and shall receive credit for school work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the teacher.  Such work shall be aligned with the curriculum used at the school from which the student is suspended.




Any school administrator or administrator's designee who is required to make a recommendation, decide an issue, or take action in a matter involving the discipline of a student shall recuse himself/herself whenever a member of the immediate family of the administrator or administrator's designee is involved in any manner in the discipline matter.  In case of recusal, the action to be taken shall be done so by the Superintendent or an impartial designee of the Superintendent.


Immediate family means the individual's children, brothers, sisters, parents, and spouse and the children, brothers, sisters, and parents of the spouse.




Suspension of students with disabilities shall be in accordance with applicable state or federal law and regulations.


Revised:  December, 1992                                 Revised:  March 21, 2013

Revised:  August, 1994                                      Revised:  October 17, 2013

Revised:  December, 1995                                             Revised:  August, 2015

Revised:  July, 1996                                          Revised:  March 17, 2016

Revised:  September, 1997                                Revised:  November, 2020

Revised:  August, 1999

Revised:  August, 2003

Revised:  August, 2005

Revised:  September, 2006

Revised:  August, 2007

Revised:  October 15, 2009




  It is the purpose of the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board (“Board”) to operate the schools in a manner that will provide an orderly process of education and that will provide for the welfare and safety of all students who attend these schools.  The school's primary goal is to educate, not discipline; however, when the behavior of the individual student comes in conflict with rights of others, corrective actions may be necessary both for the benefit of that individual and the school as a whole. 


Every teacher and other school employees in the public school system shall endeavor to hold each student to a strict accountability for any disorderly conduct in school, or on the playgrounds of the school, on any school bus, on the street or while going to or returning from school, during intermission or recess, or at any school sponsored activity or function. To assist the teacher, the Board shall establish regulations for the use of disciplinary measures within the schools and continually monitor and appraise their usefulness.  Discipline shall be administered uniformly, consistently, and in a nondiscriminatory manner.


Principals shall have both the authority and the duty to take disciplinary action whenever the behavior of any student(s) materially interferes with or substantially disrupts the maintenance of a proper atmosphere for learning within the classroom or other parts of the school.  However, no student shall be disciplined in any manner by the School Board or school administrator, teacher, or other school employee for the use of force upon another person when it can be reasonably concluded that the use of such force more probably than not was committed solely for the purpose of preventing a forcible offense against the student or a forcible offense provided that the force used must be reasonable and apparently necessary to prevent such offense.  A student who is the aggressor or who brings on a difficulty cannot claim the right stated above to defend himself/herself.


Each teacher may take disciplinary action to correct a student who engages in bullying, who disrupts normal classroom activities, who is disrespectful to a teacher, who willfully disobeys a teacher, who uses abusive or foul language directed at a teacher or another pupil, who violates school rules, or who interferes with an orderly education process.  The disciplinary action taken by the teacher shall be in accordance with such regulations and procedures established by the Board.




The Board has made virtual classes available to students in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.   Such virtual instruction may be continued thereafter and when school is closed due to inclement weather, disasters, and other emergencies.  The provisions of this Policy and those of all student handbooks and codes of conduct shall be applicable to misconduct, whether on-campus, during virtual instruction, on a school bus, on the streets to and from school, or at a school event or activity. 


The St. John the Baptist  School Board has extended its on-campus conduct expectations to the virtual classroom, with a few modifications that factor in the home setting.  Conduct that is unacceptable and which would lead to the imposition of discipline in the regular classroom is typically unacceptable in the virtual classroom as well.  Regardless of the model of instruction, student conduct is governed by La.R.S. 17:416 and the Student Code of Conduct and/or Student Handbook.   At the same time, for alleged misconduct which occurs during virtual instruction, school-based administrators shall consider the need for maintaining order and appropriate conduct, the school’s interest being impacted, and the student’s and family’s right to privacy and constitutional rights while at home or in a location that is not school property.


A student and his family shall not waive their constitutional rights by electing virtual instruction.   At the same time, students engaging in virtual instruction shall insure that, prior to logging into and during any virtual classroom, the view from their camera is free of any object, writing, picture, or other display which, if possessed on school buses, in the classroom, or on school property, would subject the student  to disciplinary action.


Students are cautioned that the virtual classroom is for instruction and for engaging with peers and teachers for educational purposes. Students must not handle or display items, toys, messages, images, or personal property or engage in conduct unrelated to the lessons taking place. Students who engage in conduct in the virtual classroom that violates the Student Code of Conduct and this Virtual Discipline Policy may be subject to discipline in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and this Policy.


The following non-exclusive list of behaviors are prohibited in the virtual classroom and may result in disciplinary action:


            Bullying and/or cyberbullying

            The use of harassing or discriminatory language

            Use of obscene language, profanity, inappropriate language, writing or drawings             Displaying obscene gestures, drawings, images, audios, videos, etc.

            Displaying pornography or nudity whether in a printed or digital context

            Committing lewd or sexual acts or simulations[1]

            Repeated disruptions of the classroom

            Display of nudity, indecent dress, disrobing, etc.

            Exhibiting disrespect for the teacher or other school personnel

            Interference with the instructional audio or video

            The handling or display of weapons or facsimile weapons

            Use or display of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or vaping devices

            Cheating on assignments, ie. sharing work, answers, etc.

            Divulging confidential information

            Violation of computer/password security

            Violations of the Board’s/School’s Acceptable Use Policy or Device Contract


The context in which student behavior occurs is important, however, and will be taken into consideration by School and District administrators in determining whether there has been a violation of the Code of Conduct. As with all other forms of misconduct, the level of discipline, if any,  for violations in a virtual setting will depend upon the age of the student, seriousness of the offense, the disruptive nature of the misconduct, whether the conduct involved violence or the threat of violence, whether the misconduct impacted the safety or orderly environment of the classroom, the student’s prior disciplinary record, etc..





A student may be immediately removed from a classroom by the teacher and placed in the custody of the principal or designee if the student’s behavior prevents the orderly instruction of other pupils, poses an immediate threat to the safety of students or the teacher, when a student exhibits disrespectful or threatening behavior toward a teacher such as using foul or abusive language or gestures directed at or threatening a student or teacher, when a pupil violates the school’s code of conduct, or when a student exhibits other disruptive, dangerous, or unruly behavior, including inappropriate physical contact, inappropriate verbal conduct, sexual or other harassment, throwing objects, inciting other students to misbehave, or destroying property.  The student should not be kept out of school past the suspension period imposed by the principal.


A student removed from the classroom shall be assigned school work missed and shall receive either partial or full credit for such work, upon the recommendation of the student’s teacher, if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the principal or his/her designee.


Any student removed from class in kindergarten through grade 6 shall not be permitted to return to class for at least thirty (30) minutes unless agreed to by the teacher.  A student removed from class in grades 7 through 12 shall not be permitted to return to class during the same class period, unless agreed to by the teacher initiating the disciplinary action.


Whenever a teacher is struck by a student, the student, in addition to any other discipline given, shall be permanently removed from the teacher's classroom, unless the teacher objects, or unless the principal, with the concurrence of the building level committee, finds the striking incident to be entirely inadvertent.


Upon the student being removed from class and sent to the principal's office, the principal or designee shall conduct a counseling session with the student to discuss the particular misconduct. Once removed, the student shall not be readmitted to the classroom until the principal has implemented one of the following disciplinary measures:


1.      In-school suspension

2.      Detention

3.      Suspension

4.      Initiation of expulsion hearings

5.      Assignment to an alternative school

6.      Requiring the completion of all assigned school and homework which would have been assigned and completed by the student during the period of suspension.

7.      Any other disciplinary measure authorized by the principal with the concurrence of the teacher or building level committee.


For purposes of this section, classroom shall include on-campus or virtual classes.


Parental Notification


The principal or his/her designee shall provide oral or written notification to the parent or legal guardian of any student removed from the classroom.  Such notification shall include a description of any disciplinary action taken.


When a student has been removed from a classroom, the teacher may require the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of the student to have a conference with the teacher in the presence of the principal or his or her designee before the student is readmitted.  Upon the student’s third removal from the same classroom, the teacher and principal shall discuss the pupil's disruptive behavior and contemplated disciplinary measures to be taken before the principal implements such measures.  If appropriate, the principal may send a Request for Assistance form to the building level committee requesting review and assistance or to the Supervisor of Child Welfare and Attendance requesting referral to court through Families in Need of Services (FINS).  In addition, a conference between the teacher or other appropriate school employee and the student’s parent, tutor, or legal guardian shall be required prior to the student being readmitted.  If the disruptive behavior persists, the teacher may request that the principal transfer the student into another setting.




In accordance with Policy IHAD, Parent Conferences, any case where a teacher, principal, or other school employee is authorized to require the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of a student to attend a conference or meeting regarding the student’s behavior, and after notice, the parent, tutor, or legal guardian willfully refuses to attend, the principal, or his/her designee, shall file a complaint, in accordance with statutory provisions, with a court exercising juvenile jurisdiction.  Notice of the conference, specifying the time and date of the conference, shall be given by contacting the parent, tutor, or legal guardian by telephone at the telephone number shown on the student’s registration card or by sending a certified letter to the address shown on the student’s registration card.




Any teacher or other school employee may report to the principal any student who acts in a disorderly manner or is in violation of school rules, or any misconduct or violation of school rules by a student who may or may not be known to the teacher or employee.  Incidents of alleged discipline violations shall be reported on the School Behavior Report Form/School Bus Behavior Report form provided by the Louisiana Department of Education.  The forms shall be submitted in accordance with procedures outlined by the School District, the Superintendent, and school system personnel.  The principal shall review and act upon such information submitted, to determine if suspension or other disciplinary action is necessary. 


Should the principal fail to act on any report of misconduct or school violation, he/she shall explain the reasons for doing so to the Superintendent or his/her designee and to the teacher or school employee, student, parent, or legal guardian reporting the violation.




Students who regularly disrupt the normal school environment shall be considered as delinquent, and may be reported by appropriate school personnel to the juvenile court.  Any student that exhibits disruptive behavior, an incorrigible attitude, or any other discipline problems in general may be recommended by the principal for expulsion, assignment to an appropriate alternative educational placement, or transfer to adult education if the student is:


1.      Seventeen (17) years of age or older with less than five (5) units of credit toward graduation;

2.      Eighteen (18) years of age or older with less than ten (10) units of credit toward graduation; or

3.      Nineteen (19) years of age or older with less than fifteen (15) units of credit toward graduation.




Any school administrator or administrator's designee who is required to make a recommendation, decide an issue, or take action in a matter involving the discipline of a student shall recuse himself/herself whenever a member of the immediate family of the administrator or administrator's designee is involved in any manner in the discipline matter.  In case of recusal, the action to be taken shall be done so by the Superintendent or an impartial designee of the Superintendent.


Immediate family means the individual's children, brothers, sisters, parents, and spouse and the children, brothers, sisters, and parents of the spouse.




Discipline of students with disabilities shall be in accordance with applicable state or federal law and regulations.




Suspension shall mean that student is temporarily prohibited from participating in his/her usual placement within school.  This usually involves temporary removal from school. 


In-school suspension shall mean (1) student is removed from his/her usual classroom placement to an alternative educational placement for a minimum of one complete school day, and (2) no interruption of services occurs.  (An alternative educational placement may be located on or off the school site, provided that the student continues to receive instructional services and remains under the supervision of school personnel or their designees.) 


Detention shall mean activities, assignments, or work held before the normal school day, after the normal school day, or on weekends.  Failure or refusal by a student to participate in assigned detention shall subject the student to immediate suspension.  Assignments, activities, or work which may be assigned during detention include, but are not limited to, counseling, homework assignments, behavior modification program, or other activities aimed at improving the self-esteem of the student.


Expulsion shall mean the removal of a student from school for at least one school semester.


In-school expulsion shall mean (1) Student is temporarily removed from his/her usual classroom placement to an alternative educational placement for a period of time specified by the Office of Child Welfare and Attendance, and (2) no interruption of instructional services occurs.  (An alternative educational placement may be located on or off the school site, provided that the student continues to receive instructional services and remains under the supervision of school personnel of their designees.)


Virtual instruction shall mean instruction provided to a student through an electronic delivery medium including but not limited to electronic learning platforms that connect a student in a remote location to classroom instruction.


Revised:  December 6, 2012



Ref:    42 USC 12112et seq. (Equal Opportunity for Individuals with Disabilities)

42 USC 12132et seq. (Discrimination in Public Places)

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:223, 17:224, 17:233, 17:239, 17:252, 17:416, 17:416.1, 17:416.13

Regulations for Implementation of the Exceptional Children's Act, Bulletin 1706, Louisiana Department of Education

Board minutes, 10-15-09, 12-6-12



The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board may expel a pupil from school if an offense committed by the pupil is serious enough to warrant such action or is in violation of state law.  Upon the recommendation for expulsion of a pupil by the principal, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall conduct a hearing to determine the facts of the case and make a finding of whether or not the student is guilty of conduct warranting a recommendation of expulsion. Notification of the time, date, and place of the expulsion hearing shall be mailed to the parents.  Following the hearing, the Superintendent or his/her designee shall notify the parents of the decision rendered.


At the hearing, the principal and/or teacher concerned may be represented by any person appointed by the Superintendent or designee and the concerned teacher shall be permitted to attend and present any relevant information.  Until the hearing, the pupil shall remain suspended.


Upon the conclusion of the hearing and upon finding the student guilty of conduct warranting expulsion, the Superintendent or designee shall determine whether such student shall be expelled and the specified period of expulsion, or if other disciplinary action shall be taken.  Unless otherwise stipulated by state statutes, the period of expulsion shall not be less than one school semester and may carry over into the next school year, if necessary.  During an expulsion, the Superintendent shall place the student in an alternative school or in an alternative educational placement.


The parent or tutor of the pupil may, within five (5) days after the decision to expel has been rendered, request the School Board to review the findings of the Superintendent or designee at a time set by the School Board.  Such review shall also be available to the parent or tutor of a pupil who was recommended for expulsion but whose discipline was reduced to a suspension.  After reviewing the findings of the Superintendent or designee, the School Board may affirm, modify, or reverse the action of the Superintendent or designee.




Any student, age sixteen (16) or older, or under sixteen (16) and in grades six (6) through twelve (12), who is found guilty of being in possession of a firearm on school property, on a school bus or in actual possession at a school-sponsored event, pursuant to a hearing, shall be expelled from school for a minimum period of four (4) complete school semesters and shall be referred to the district attorney for appropriate action.


Any student in kindergarten through grade five (5) who is found guilty of being in possession of a firearm on school property, on a school bus, or in actual possession at a school-sponsored event, pursuant to a hearing, shall be expelled from school for a minimum period of two (2) complete school semesters and shall be referred to the district attorney for appropriate action.


The Superintendent, however, may modify the length of the minimum expulsion required in the above paragraphs on a case-by-case basis, provided such modification is in writing.




Any student, sixteen (16) years of age or older, found guilty of possession of, or knowledge of and intentional distribution of or possession with intent to distribute any illegal narcotic, drug, or other controlled substance on school property, on a school bus or at a school-sponsored event, pursuant to a hearing, shall be expelled from school for a minimum period of four (4) complete school semesters.


Any student who is under sixteen (16) years of age and in grades six (6) through twelve (12) and who is found guilty of possession of, or knowledge of and intentional distribution of or possession with intent to distribute any illegal narcotic, drug, or other controlled substance on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored event pursuant to a hearing shall be expelled from school for a minimum period of two (2) complete school semesters.


Any case involving a student in kindergarten through grade five (5) found guilty of possession of, or knowledge of and intentional distribution of or possession with intent to distribute any illegal narcotic, drug, or other controlled substance on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored event, pursuant to a hearing, shall be referred to the School Board through a recommendation for action from the Superintendent.




Pupils may also be expelled for any of the following reasons:


1.      Any pupil, after being suspended for committing violations of any discipline policies or other rule infractions, depending on the severity of the behavior, may be expelled upon recommendation to the Superintendent by the principal and after an appropriate hearing is held by the Superintendent or designee.

2.      Any student who is found carrying or possessing a knife with a blade which equals or exceeds two (2) inches in length.

3.      In accordance with federal regulations, a pupil determined to have brought a weapon to a school under the School Board's jurisdiction shall be expelled for a minimum of one calendar year.  The Superintendent may modify the expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis.  A weapon, in accordance with federal statutes, means a firearm or any device which is designed to expel a projectile or any destructive device, which in turn means any explosive, incendiary or poison gas, bomb, grenade, rocket, missile, mine or similar device.

4.      Any student, after being suspended on three (3) occasions for committing drugs or weapons offenses during the same school year, shall, upon committing the fourth offense, be expelled from all the public schools of the system until the beginning of the next regular school year, and the pupil's reinstatement shall be subject to the review and approval of the School Board.

5.      The conviction of any pupil of a felony or the incarceration of any pupil in a juvenile institution for an act which had it been committed by an adult, would have constituted a felony, may be cause for expulsion of the pupil for a period of time as determined by the School Board; such expulsions shall require the vote of two-thirds of the elected members of the School Board.






Expulsion of students with disabilities shall be in accordance with applicable state or federal law and regulations.




Expulsion shall not apply to the following:


1.      A student carrying or possessing a firearm or knife for purposes of involvement in a school class, course, or school approved co-curricular or extracurricular activity or any other activity approved by appropriate school officials.

2.      A student possessing any controlled dangerous substance that has been obtained directly or due to a valid prescription or order from a licensed physician.  However, such student shall carry evidence of that prescription or physician's order on his/her person at all times when in possession of any controlled dangerous substance which shall be subject to verification.


In addition, school officials, in accordance with statutory provisions, shall have total discretion and shall exercise such discretion in imposing on a pupil any disciplinary actions authorized by state law for possession by a pupil of a firearm or knife on school property when such firearm or knife is stored in a motor vehicle and there is no evidence of the pupil's intent to use the firearm or knife in a criminal manner.




A student enrolled in grades prekindergarten through five shall not be expelled from school for a uniform violation that is not tied to willful disregard of school policies.




Required Parent Conference


In each case of expulsion, the school principal, or his or her designee, shall contact the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of the pupil to notify them of the expulsion, and establish a date and time for a conference with the principal or designee as a requirement for readmitting the pupil.  Notice shall be given by contacting the parent, tutor, or legal guardian by telephone at the telephone number shown on the pupil’s registration card or by sending a certified letter to the address shown on the pupil’s registration card.


If the parent, tutor, or legal guardian fails to attend the required conference within five (5) school days of notification, the student may be considered a truant and dealt with according to all applicable statutory provisions.  On not more than one occasion each school year when the parents, tutor, or legal guardian refuses to respond, the principal may determine whether readmitting the pupil is in the best interest of the pupil.  On any subsequent occasions in the same school year, the pupil shall not be readmitted unless the parent, tutor, or legal guardian, court, or other appointed representative responds.


In any case where a teacher, principal, or other school employee is authorized to require the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of a pupil to attend a conference or meeting regarding the pupil's behavior and after notice, the parent, tutor, or legal guardian willfully refuses to attend, the principal or his or her designee shall file a complaint, in accordance with statutory provisions, with a court exercising juvenile jurisdiction.


Readmittance After All Expulsions


Any pupil expelled may be readmitted to school on a probationary basis at any time during the expulsion period on such terms and conditions as may be stipulated by the School Board.  Readmission to school on a probationary basis shall be contingent on the pupil and legal guardian or custodian agreeing in writing to the conditions stipulated.  Any such agreement shall contain a provision for immediate removal of the pupil from school premises without benefit of a hearing or other procedure upon the principal or Superintendent determining the pupil has violated any term or condition of the agreement.  Immediately thereafter, the principal or designee shall provide proper notification in writing of the determination and reasons for removal to the Superintendent and the pupil's parent or legal guardian.


Readmittance After Expulsion for Firearms, Knives, Weapons, or Drugs


In addition to the readmittance provisions for all expulsions stated above, a pupil that has been expelled for possessing on school property or on a bus, a firearm, knife, or other dangerous weapon, or possessing or possession with intent to distribute or distributing, selling, giving, or loaning while on school property or a school bus any controlled dangerous substance shall not be enrolled or readmitted to any such school on a probationary basis prior to the completion of the period of expulsion until the pupil produces written documentation that he/she and his/her parent or legal guardian have enrolled and participated or is participating in an appropriate rehabilitation or counseling program related to the reason(s) for the pupil’s expulsion.  The rehabilitation or counseling programs shall be provided by such programs approved by the juvenile or family court having jurisdiction, if applicable, or by the School Board.  The requirement for enrollment and participation in a rehabilitation or counseling program shall be waived only upon a documented showing by the pupil that no appropriate program is available in the area or that the pupil cannot enroll or participate due to financial hardship.


Review of Records


A pupil who has been expelled from any school in or out of state shall not be admitted to a school in the school system except upon the review and approval of the School Board following the request for admission.  To facilitate the review and approval for readmittance, the pupil shall provide to the School Board information on the dates of any expulsions and the reasons therefor.  Additionally, the transfer of pupil records to any school or system shall include information on the dates of any expulsions and the reasons therefor.




A student who is expelled and receives educational services at an alternative school site shall be assigned work by a certified teacher and shall receive credit for school work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the teacher.  Such work shall be aligned with the curriculum used at the school from which the student was expelled.




Any school administrator or administrator's designee who is required to make a recommendation, decide an issue, or take action in a matter involving the discipline of a student shall recuse himself/herself whenever a member of the immediate family of the administrator or administrator's designee is involved in any manner in the discipline matter. In case of recusal, the action to be taken shall be done so by the Superintendent or an impartial designee of the Superintendent.  Immediate family means the individual's children, brothers, sisters, parents, and spouse and the children, brothers, sisters, and parents of the spouse.

Revised:  December 6, 2012

Revised:  November 5, 2015



Ref:    18 USC 921(Firearms - Definitions)

20 USC 7961(Gun-Free Requirements)

La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:223, 17:416, 17:416.1, 17:416.2, 17:2092

Goss v. Lopez, 95. S. Ct. 729 (1973)

Regulations for Implementation of the Exceptional Children's Act, Bulletin 1706, Louisiana Department of Education





The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board recognizes its authority to maintain good order and discipline within the schools of the school district.  Therefore, the School Board recognizes the principal's authority to suspend a pupil for a specified period of time in accordance with statutory provisions. 


In each case of suspension, the school principal, or his or her designee, prior to any suspension, shall advise the student of the particular misconduct of which he/she is accused as well as the basis for such accusation, and the pupil shall be given an opportunity at that time to explain his/her version of the facts.  The principal/designee shall contact the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of the pupil to notify them of the suspension, and establish a date and time for a conference with the principal or designee as a requirement for readmitting the pupil.  Notice shall be given by contacting the parent, tutor, or legal guardian by telephone at the telephone number shown on the pupil's registration card, or by sending a certified letter to the address shown on the pupil's registration card.  The principal shall promptly advise the Superintendent or designee of all such suspensions, stating the reasons for the suspensions.


Students suspended for more than ten (10) days shall remain under the supervision of the school system using an alternative education program designed to continue the educational process in an alternative educational placement.  The student shall be placed in an alternative school or an alternative education program and shall be required to attend and participate in such school, program, or educational services.


No suspended pupil shall be allowed to leave the school premises during the school day until the parent, guardian, or other proper authorities assume responsibility for him/her, unless immediate removal from school due to danger or threat of disruption to academic process is warranted. 


If the parent, tutor, or legal guardian fails to attend the required conference within five (5) school days of notification, the truancy laws shall be effective.  On not more than one occasion each school year when the parent, tutor, or legal guardian refuses to respond to the notice, the principal may determine whether readmitting the pupil is in the best interest of the pupil.  On any subsequent occasions in the same school year, the pupil shall not be readmitted unless the parent, tutor, or legal guardian, court, or other appointed representative responds. 


In any case where a teacher, principal, or other school employee is authorized to require the parent, tutor, or legal guardian of a pupil to attend a conference or meeting regarding the pupil's behavior and after notice, the parent, tutor, or legal guardian willfully refuses to attend, the principal or his/her designee shall file a complaint, in accordance with statutory provisions, with a court exercising juvenile jurisdiction.


When a pupil is suspended for a second time within one school year, the principal may require a counseling session be held with the parent and pupil by the school counselor. If no counselor is available, the conference may be held with all the pupil's teachers and the principal or other administrator.


Any student, after being suspended on three (3) occasions for committing drugs or weapons offenses during the same school year, shall, upon committing the fourth offense, be expelled from all the public schools of the system until the beginning of the next regular school year, and the pupil's reinstatement shall be subject to the review and approval of the School Board.


The principal and other appropriate personnel shall be required to file written documentation of all suspensions.  Said documentation shall include the circumstances surrounding any suspension, the reason for suspension, and any other pertinent facts concerning the disciplinary action.  The principal shall file copies of his/her report with the Superintendent, other appropriate personnel and the parent or guardian and retain a copy for his/her records.


Upon the seizure by any teacher, principal, school security guard, or other school administrator of any firearm, knife, or other dangerous implement which could be used as a weapon or inflict injury, the principal or his or her designee shall be required to report the confiscation to appropriate law enforcement officials.




Any parent, tutor, or legal guardian of a pupil suspended shall have the right to appeal to the Superintendent or his/her designee, who shall conduct a hearing on the merits.  If the parent or legal guardian is not present for the hearing after having been properly notified, the hearing may proceed and the results of the hearing shall be mailed to the parent or legal guardian within three (3) school days by certified mail, return receipt requested.  The decision of the Superintendent on the merits of the case, as well as the term of suspension, shall be final, reserving to the Superintendent the right to remit any portion of the time of suspension.




Firearms, Knives, Other Dangerous Instrumentalities, Drugs


The principal shall be required to suspend a pupil who:


1.         is found carrying or possessing a firearm or a knife with a blade two (2) inches or longer, or another dangerous instrumentality, except as provided below under the section entitled Suspension Not Applicable; or


2.         possesses, distributes, sells, gives, or loans any controlled dangerous substance governed by state law, in any form. 


Additionally, the principal shall immediately recommend the pupil's expulsion to the Superintendent, for the above offenses, except in the case of a student less than eleven (11) years of age in pre-kindergarten through grade 5 who is found carrying or possessing a knife with a blade two (2) inches or longer, the principal may, but shall not be required to recommend the student's expulsion.  A student found carrying or possessing a knife with a blade less than two (2) inches in length may be suspended by the school principal, but, in appropriate cases, at a minimum, shall be placed in in-school suspension.


The parent or tutor of a pupil who has been recommended for expulsion, including if the recommendation is reduced to a suspension, shall have the right to request review by the School Board of such recommendation, or appeal to the parish district court, as appropriate, in accordance with La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §17:416.


Assault or Battery of School Employees


Whenever a pupil is formally accused of violating state law or school disciplinary regulations, or both, by committing assault or battery on any school employee, the principal shall suspend the pupil from school immediately and the pupil shall be removed immediately from the school premises without the benefit of required procedures, provided, however, that such procedures shall follow as soon as practicable.  The student shall not be readmitted to the school to which the employee is assigned until all hearings and appeals associated with the alleged violation have been exhausted.




Suspension of a student shall not apply to the following:


1.         A student carrying or possessing a firearm or knife for purposes of involvement in a school class, course, or school approved co-curricular or extracurricular activity or any other activity approved by appropriate school officials.


2.         A student possessing any controlled dangerous substance that has been obtained directly or due to a valid prescription or order from a licensed physician. However, such student shall carry evidence of that prescription or physician's order on his/her person at all times when in possession of any controlled dangerous substance which shall be subject to verification.


In addition, school officials, in accordance with statutory provisions, shall have total discretion and shall exercise such discretion in imposing on a pupil any disciplinary actions authorized by state law for possession by a pupil of a firearm or knife on school property when such firearm or knife is stored in a motor vehicle and there is no evidence of the pupil's intent to use the firearm or knife in a criminal manner.




A student enrolled in grades prekindergarten through five shall not be suspended from school or suspended from riding on any school bus for a uniform violation that is not tied to willful disregard of school policies.




A student who is suspended for ten (10) days or fewer shall be assigned school work missed while he/she is suspended and shall receive either partial or full credit for such work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the principal or his/her designee, upon the recommendation of the student’s teacher.


A student who is suspended for more than ten (10) days and receives educational services at an alternative school site, shall be assigned work by a certified teacher and shall receive credit for school work if it is completed satisfactorily and timely as determined by the teacher.  Such work shall be aligned with the curriculum used at the school from which the student is suspended.




Any school administrator or administrator's designee who is required to make a recommendation, decide an issue, or take action in a matter involving the discipline of a student shall recuse himself/herself whenever a member of the immediate family of the administrator or administrator's designee is involved in any manner in the discipline matter.  In case of recusal, the action to be taken shall be done so by the Superintendent or an impartial designee of the Superintendent.


Immediate family means the individual's children, brothers, sisters, parents, and spouse and the children, brothers, sisters, and parents of the spouse.




Suspension of students with disabilities shall be in accordance with applicable state or federal law and regulations.


Revised:  December, 1992                                 Revised:  March 21, 2013

Revised:  August, 1994                                      Revised:  October 17, 2013

Revised:  December, 1995                                             Revised:  August, 2015

Revised:  July, 1996                                          Revised:  March 17, 2016

Revised:  September, 1997                                Revised:  November, 2020

Revised:  August, 1999

Revised:  August, 2003

Revised:  August, 2005

Revised:  September, 2006

Revised:  August, 2007

Revised:  October 15, 2009

Ref:      La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ''17:223, 17:416, 17:416.1, 17:416.2, 17:416.3; Goss v. Lopez, 95 S. Ct. 729 (1973); Regulations for Implementation of the Exceptional Children's Act, Bulletin 1706, Louisiana Department of Education; Board minutes, 10-15-09, 3-21-13, 10-17-13, 3-17-16.




ITEM 9d.  Public Comment.  Executive Session - Litigation Update Mr. Jeffery Diez - Monique Coleman v. St. John the Baptist Parish School Board, 68773, Division C (40th JDC)


MOTION BY:  Wallace

SECOND BY:   Holden

MOTION:  To convene in Executive Session for the following: Litigation Update Mr. Jeffery Diez - Monique Coleman v. St. John the Baptist Parish School Board, 68773, Division C (40th JDC)  

No objections.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried.


The Board convened in Executive Session at 7:08 p.m.



SECOND BY:   Mitchell

MOTION:  To reconvene in Regular Session.

No objections.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried.


The Board reconvened in Regular Session at 7:30 p.m.


MOTION BY:  Wallace

SECOND BY:   Johnson

MOTION:  To provide settlement authority to Mr. Jeffery Diez in the case of Monique Coleman v. St. John the Baptist Parish School Board, 68773, Division C (40th JDC)  

No objections.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried.






Mr. Wallace:  Will Wednesdays will be 100% virtual.  Dr. Hookfin:  Yes, we would like to continue having teachers work remotely on Wednesdays, so that thoroughly sanitization can take place in all our buildings. 

Mr. Wallace:  ESJH Football travelling to Monroe to p-lay in the Quarter Finals.   Please keep the team and all travelling in your prayers for safe travels. 

Mrs. Schum:  Asked for a Finance Committee Meeting before the next scheduled meeting.

Ms. Mitchell:  Are we ready to go 100% virtual if necessary.  Dr. Hookfin:  Yes, we are.  All students have been given laptops and we are constantly handing out hot-spots for those who need them.

Mr. Burl:  Asked for documentation for the items he had listed on the last Board agenda.  He also asked that any paperwork handed out at the workshop be forwarded to him.  He also asked that a Land and Facilities Meeting be called for next Wednesday regarding the ½ cent sales tax.  Mr. Sanders stated that an Executive Committee should also be called.





The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a


MOTION BY:    Jones

SECOND BY:   Schum

MOTION:         Motion for adjournment.

There were no objections.

10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, DeFrancesch, Jones, Johnson, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell, Sanders

1 Absent – Triche

The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:47 p.m.

_____________________________________                               _____________________________________

Dr. Lynett Hookfin Superintendent/Secretary                                Patrick H. Sanders, President

[1] School and/or district officials may be required, as mandatory reporters, to alert local law enforcement and/or the Department of Children and Family Services if they observe conduct, messages, images, or objects that raise legitimate concern for the safety and well-being of students in the virtual classroom. This may include students handling weapons in the virtual classroom, even if it is subsequently learned that the weapon is a toy or facsimile, as it is not always possible to determine remotely whether the weapon is real or not.