The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in regular session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana, on Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Lynett Hookfin





The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.  She called for a moment of silent meditation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


ITEM 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The Chair called for Public Comment.


PRESENT:        DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

ABSENT:          Holden, Burl, Johnson

There were 8 members present and 3 members absent.


ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Chair called for Public Comment.


ITEM 3a.  Approval of Minutes of the Meeting:  February 11, 2021


MOTION BY:     Jones

SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:  To approve the minutes from the meeting of February 11, 2021

Roll Call:

8 Yeas - DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

3 Absent - Holden, Burl, Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT.   Dr. Lynett Hookfin, Superintendent.


ITEM 4a.  Update on COVID Vaccines


Dr. Hookfin stated that there was a district-wide vaccination event held at the Ochsner facility in LaPlace on March 5, 2021.  Administration is currently working with Ochsner to schedule another event in the near future.  Dr. Hookfin gave a special shout out to Dr. Stacey Spies for her excellent work with COVID-19 in St. John Schools.


ITEM 4b.  Update on 100% In Person Learning


Dr. Hookfin stated that we have returned to In Person Learning as of March 11, 2021 and are looking forward to welcoming all our scholars back to their campuses.


Mrs. Holden arrived at 6:07 p.m. and was recorded as present.


Mr. Burl arrived at 6:10 p.m. and was recorded as present.


ITEM 4c.  Financial Updates


Mr. Naquin (P&N) stated that P&N has overcome a big hurdle correcting and submitting the AFR Report to the state.  Other updates:  Most all bank reconciliations have been completed for the 2019-2020 year, and all W-2s  and 1099s have been successfully submitted.


ITEM 4d. Charter School Status


Mr. Wayne Stewart, atty., stated that LAPC is scheduled to open this August.  However, there are many requirements that still have to be met prior to opening.  The Charter School cannot proceed with opening until the judge receives all required documents and has given the approval.  Many of these requirements are due next week (3-15-2021).  Mr. Stewart stated that there has been little to no comu7nication between LAPC and St. John School Board’s counsel.  LAPC has 3 years from the date of the signed contract to open and have yet to receive a signed lease for the property they are proposing to lease.  Through email correspondence, the President of LAPC has indicated that they plan to open this year.




ITEM 5a.  Celebrating our Counselors


Mrs. Patricia Triche recognized Counselor Mrs. Elizabeth Leatherwood, as she was unable to attend last month’s meeting.


ITEM 5b.  Celebrating our Principals


Mrs. Triche recognized our Principals.  She read the following:  If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. Your leadership during this pandemic has been steadfast, dedicated, and compassionate.  Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.  You all certainly rose above this pandemic to serve this school system.  I wish I could have given each of you a pot of gold, but you have a hat filled with goodies and a pot of skittles.  You all harness personal courage, capture the hearts and minds of others and empower new leaders to make the world a better place. Thank you for all that you do!!

East St. John Preparatory                      Ms. Johnika Gayden-Gains                    Years as Principal - 3

Emily C Watkins                                     Ms. Peri Eldridge                                  Years as Principal – 2

Garyville Mt. Airy Magnet                       Mrs. DeShanna Batiste                          Years as Principal – 1

LaPlace Elementary                               Dr. Zina Jones                                      Years as Principal - 3

East St. John High                                  Mr. David Lewis                                    Years as Principal - 11

Fifth Ward Elementary                            Dr. Brandy Vaughn                                Years as Principal- 3

John L. Ory Magnet                                Mrs. Monica Brown                                Years as Principal - 3

Lake Pontchartrain Elementary               Dr. Shelly Chauvin                                 Years as Principal - 3

St. John Alternative Program                  Mrs. Sylvia Bailey                                  Years as Principal - 6

West St. John Elementary                       Mrs. Chantell Walker                             Years as Principal - 7

West St. John High                                 Mr. Claude Hill, Sr.                                Years as Principal - 6

STEM Magnet High School Program       Dr. Glenn Chenier                                 Years as Principal - 5


ITEM 5c.  Recognition of Louisiana’s Assistant Principal of the Year – Mr. Robert Schaff


Mrs. Patricia Triche read the following:  Robert Schaff, assistant principal at John L. Ory Communication Arts Magnet School, has been named by the Louisiana Association of Principals as the 2020-21 Louisiana Assistant Principal of the Year. 

Mr. Schaff has been an assistant principal for 12 years. He serves on the Advisory Council on Student Behavior and Discipline State Committee, the St. John the Baptist Parish Discipline Committee, and was the webmaster for the Louisiana Association of Child Welfare and Attendance from 2003-2014. He also served as a Louisiana Department of Education District Leader Induction Program Mentor from 2006-08.  "Mr. Schaff has a tremendous work ethic and ability to effectively lead. Most importantly, he is always an advocate for our scholars," John L. Ory Communication Arts Magnet School Principal Monica Brown said.  Among his accomplishments as assistant principal at his school are improving John L. Ory's existing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support by consistently rewarding scholars and faculty and implementing Class Dojo, a school communication platform. Mr. Schaff earned his bachelor's degree from Louisiana State University and his master of education from Southeastern Louisiana University.   We are so proud to have Mr. Schaff as a part of our SJBP TEAM!!










ITEM 9a.  Public Comment.  Public Comment.  Dr. Lynett Hookfin – Request Board approval to enter into engagement agreement with JonesWalker to set up a Foundation to support St. John students and teachers


Public Comment:  Mrs. Yvette Scioneaux asked what the purpose of the foundation is, the expectation of students, and the expectation of the staff.


Dr. Hookfin stated that the sole purpose of the foundation is to help provide excellent education and Marathon has already donated $10,000 to cover the cost of the foundation set-up.


MOTION BY:     Sanders

SECOND BY:   Schum

MOTION:  To grant approval for administration to enter into engagement agreement with JonesWalker to set up a Foundation to support St. John students and teachers.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas - Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Burl, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9b.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Patricia Triche – Request Board approval of Head Start Narrative and Budget 2021-2022  


MOTION BY:     Keller

SECOND BY:   Jones

MOTION:  To approve the Head Start Narrative and Budget 2021-2022 as presented.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas - Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Burl, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9c.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Patricia Triche – Request Board approval of Head Start Training and Technical Assistance Plan 2021-2022


MOTION BY:     Triche

SECOND BY:   Jones

MOTION:  To approve the Head Start Training and Technical Assistance Plan 2021-2022 as presented.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas - Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Burl, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9d.  Mrs. Patricia Triche – Request Board approval of Head Start 2021-2022 School Year COLA Funding Adjustment


MOTION BY:     DeFrancesch

SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:  To approve the Head Start 2021-2022 School Year COLA Funding Adjustment as presented.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas - Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Burl, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9e.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Patricia Triche – Request Board approval of 2020-2021 Head Start Self-Assessment


MOTION BY:     Triche

SECOND BY:   Jones

MOTION:  To approve the 2020-2021 Head Start Self-Assessment as presented.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas - Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Burl, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9f.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Patricia Triche – Request Board approval of Head Start Cost Allocation Plan


MOTION BY:  Wallace

SECOND BY:  Triche

MOTION:   To approve the Head Start Cost Allocation Plan as presented.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas - Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Burl, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9g.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Debra Schum – Requesting Board approval to authorize the Superintendent to staff St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools, utilizing a staffing formula in accordance with state requirements.


Extensive discussion was held regarding this item.  Mr. Burl asked what the state requirements are.  Mrs. Schum stated that the class ratios are:  Grades 6-12 is 33:1; Grades K-5 is 25/26:1.  The requirements are outlined in Bulletin  741.  Dr. Hookfin stated that we are seeking to utilize a formula, but scholars learn differently, and decisions will be made based on learning models and we will ensure that the classrooms have the least impact as possible.  Following further discussion, there was a



SECOND BY:  Sanders

MOTION:   To authorize the Superintendent to staff St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools, utilizing a staffing formula in accordance with state requirements.

Roll Call:

8 Yeas - DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

2 Nays – Holden, Burl

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9h.  Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum – Request Board approval to authorize the Superintendent to initiate a Reduction in Force


Public Comment:  Mr. Derron Cook (SJAE) – Asked if all other options have been examined before the RIF.


Mrs. Yvette Scioneaus – With COVID, many teachers are teaching virtually.  Is the Board looking at all uncertified before the certified teachers because many excellent teachers are currently uncertified.


Ms. Eliza Eugene – Stated that she was here to ask the Board to please look at what we can take away from the top instead of the bottom?  She asked if the “little people” will get cut first and asked the Board to re-evaluate all contracts before a Reduction in Force.  She volunteered her time and expertise to assist the School Board with this task and stated that the best way to improve our community is through education.


Extensive discussion was held regarding this item.    Ms. Schum stated that the Board is just approve the initiation and this is just to begin the process. She stated that the Board is examining every other possible way to cut costs and a Reduction in Force could be done through attrition or not filling vacancies.  Dr. Keller stated that in 1996, we had 8600 students and 1000 employees.  Today, we have 5300 students and we still have 1000 employees.  The Board currently has revenues of $6.1 million coming in and spending $7.7 million each month.  We will continue to go into a financial hole unless we cut expenses considerably.  Mr. Burl stated that he cannot support this because we currently don’t have a formula, no CFO, no HR Director and no Purchasing Director.  Also, Mr. Burl stated that he doesn’t understand how the “most effective” teachers will be determined.  He further stated that he felt this is irresponsible to do at this point  and we will lose good teachers because they are scared of not having a job next year. Ms. Mitchell stated that all certificated teachers must be evaluated, as stated by the LDOE.  Both Dr. Keller and Ms. Mitchell stated that the Board will do everything possible before cutting people, including moving schools, moving students, etc.



SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:  To authorize the Superintendent to initiate a Reduction in Force

Roll Call:

9 Yeas – Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Nay – Burl

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9i.  Public Comment. Mr. Butler Bourgeois - Request board approval to accept proposal for Excess Workers’ Compensation Policy 


MOTION BY:  Sanders

SECOND BY:   DeFrancesch

MOTION:  To accept proposal for Excess Workers’ Compensation Policy ($100,000 annually)

Roll Call:

10 Yeas - Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Burl, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried


ITEM 9j.  Public Comment. Ms. Nia Mitchell - Request Board approval of contract with Postlewaite & Netterville (P&N) for accounting services, until a Chief Financial Officer is hired, at which point this contract will become month-to-month.


Discussion was held.  Mr. Sanders asked what is different in this contract from the previous contract.  Mr. Naquin stated that the previous contract specifically stated work would be done for the 2019-2020 year.  This contract reflects work being done for the 2020-2021 year.  Also, the original contract did not mention submitting the AFR and the W-2s.  Mr. Burl asked why there is not a 30-day termination clause in the contract.  Mr. Naquin stated that his company will walk away when the school district no longer requires their services, or the language could be added to the contract, either way was acceptable to him.  Following further discussion, there was a



SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:  To approve the contract with Postlewaite & Netterville (P&N) for accounting services.

Roll Call:

9 Yeas – Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Nay – Burl

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.






Mr. Burl stated that he asked for an Organizational Chart and has yet to see one, and he feels there is no communication between the Board and the Superintendent.  Mr. Sanders stated that the Superintendent has been here since August, and it’s time the Board is given a preliminary Organizational Chart.  Also, Mr. Sanders asked for a 30-, 60-, and 90-day plan.


Mr. Triche thanked the Board President for using the voting board.




The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a


MOTION BY:    Keller

SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:           Motion for adjournment.

Roll Call:

9 Yeas – Holden, DeFrancesch, Triche, Wallace, Keller, Schum, Jones, Sanders, Mitchell

1 Nay – Burl

1 Absent – Johnson

The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.


________________________________                                      ________________________________

Dr. Lynett Hookfin, Secretary                                                     Nia Mitchell, President