The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in regular session at Lake Pontchartrain Elementary School, 3328 Highway 51, LaPlace, Louisiana, on Wednesday, May 26, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Lynett Hookfin





The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:06 p.m.  She called for a moment of silent meditation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


ITEM 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The Chair called for Public Comment.


PRESENT:        Holden, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

ABSENT:          Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson


There were 6 members present and 5 members absent.


ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Chair called for Public Comment.


ITEM 3a.  Approval of Minutes of the Meetings of: May 11, 2021 Board Workshop and May 13, 2021 Board Meeting


MOTION BY:     Jones

SECOND BY:   Wallace

MOTION:  To approve the minutes from the meetings of May 11, 2021 Board Workshop and May 13, 2021 Board Meeting

Roll Call: 6 Yeas Holden, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

5 Absent – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT.   Dr. Lynett Hookfin, Superintendent.


Mr. Jones arrived at 6:13 p.m., and was recorded as present.


ITEM 4a.  Public Comment.  Update on Milesville Polling Precinct - Dr. Lynett Hookfin


Dr. Hookfin stated that an official letter had been sent from her office to the St. John the Baptist Parish Registrar of Voters, St. John the Baptist Parish President, and the St. John the Baptist Parish Clerk of Court, informing them that this property being offered for sale once a valuation is determined.  We will act upon direction from these government entities if further action is required of us.




ITEM 5a.  Public Comment.  Recognition of ACT ELITE Scholar – Dr. Juanita Hill


Dr. Hill recognized Trinity Jacques for her academic excellence, which includes:  Platinum on the ACT Work-keys, Scored 33 on English Content Area, Scored 34 on Reading Content Area and a Composite Score of 29.


ITEM 5b.  Public Comment.  Recognition of Emergent Bilingual Students – Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson

Mrs. Thompson read the following information, both in Spanish and English:


El examen de dominio del idioma inglés (ELPT) está diseñado para evaluar el dominio del idioma inglés de los estudiantes que cumplen con los criterios de participación de los estudiantes de inglés (EL) a medida que avanzan desde el jardín de infantes hasta el grado doce. Los estudiantes son competentes cuando alcanzan un nivel de habilidades en el idioma inglés necesario para producir, interpretar, colaborar y tener éxito en las tareas académicas en inglés relacionadas con el contenido del nivel de grado de manera independiente. Una vez que dominen el ELPT, los estudiantes pueden ser considerados para la reclasificación. Se necesita cualquier combinación de los Niveles 4 y 5 en las cuatro pruebas de dominio para ser competente. Estos 6 estudiantes alcanzaron el Nivel 5, que es Avanzado en las 4 pruebas de dominio.


The English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) is designed to assess the English-language proficiency of students who meet the participation criteria for English Learners (ELs) as they progress through their kindergarten through grade twelve education. Students are proficient when they attain a level of English language skills necessary to independently produce, interpret, collaborate on, and succeed in grade-level content-related academic tasks in English. Once proficient on ELPT, students can be considered for reclassification.  Any combination of Levels 4 and 5 in all four domain tests are needed to be proficient. These 6 students attained Level 5 which is Advanced in all 4 domain tests.


Saker Abdulla 2nd Grade

Katia Rivera Sanchez 3rd Grade

Chelsy Turcios-Torres 3rd Grade

Guadalupe Hernandez 6th Grade


Gucheng Chad Yu 7th Grade


Esmeralda Arroyo-Palacios 10th Grade


Congratulations to all these students!


ITEM 5c.  Public Comment.  Celebrating School Resource Officers – Mrs. Patricia Triche


Mrs. Triche read the following and presented small tokens of appreciation to our School Resource Officers:  Lt. Sanford; Dep. Gabriel; and Sgt. Larry Williams!  Thanks for all you do for our scholars!


“Dear heroes – School Resource Officers who walk among us, never seeking glory or praise, you only wish to help, serve, and save. You are selfless and fair.  You are the protector of our freedom and always do what’s right.  We appreciate you and hope you know how much you mean to us.  Without your service and sacrifice, we would all lose.  This recognition is meant to say thank you for your service to St. John the Baptist Parish School Board.  We pray for your safety, and believe in you and support you every step of the way.  SJBP has the most awesome School Resources Officers!


Mr. Burl arrived at 6:15 p.m. and was recorded as present.








ITEM 8a. Public Comment. Mrs. Nia Mitchell-Williams – Request approval of Revised Policy GBRK: Vacation Time


Public Comment.  Cindy Graham stated that the Board approved this policy change on July 17, 2020, so she doesn’t understand why we are re-approving this policy.


Garrette Trosclair, President SJAE – Stated that the 2 floating holidays are part of the 260-day employees calendar and if they lose those 2 days, they will be owed for working them.


The Chair explained that when the policy revision was approved by the Executive Committee in June of 2020 and subsequently approved by the Board, some verbiage from the Superintendent’s recommendation was left out of the minutes, therefore was left out of the revised policy.  The complete verbiage has been inserted and that’s why we are bringing it back for approval.


Following discussion, and on the advice of the School Board’s General Counsel, there was a


MOTION BY:     Jones

SECOND BY:   Wallace

MOTION:  To waive policy amend the agenda to present this item as “Introductory” and bring the policy back for approval at the next board meeting.

7 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

4 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.




ITEM 9a.  Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum – Request approval for exception to Board Policy DC:  Annual Operating Budget for the 2021-2022 School Year to allow additional time for preparation of the budget


MOTION BY:   Schum

SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:  To approve an exception to budget deadlines in Board Policy DC:  Annual Operating Budget for the 2021-2022 School Year, to allow additional time for preparation of the budget

Roll Call:

7 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

4 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9b.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Debra Schum - Approve Template/Instrument for Evaluating Superintendent



SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:  To table.

Roll Call:

7 6 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

1 Nay - Burl

4 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.


ITEM 9c.  Public Comment Mr. Courtney Joiner/Mrs. Nia Mitchell-Williams - Discussion and action necessary to review and dispose of employee grievance as required by Section 3.2 (Step IV) of the union contract.


Public Comment.  Cindy Graham stated that this grievance was denied on procedural defects.  She attempted to resolve this through administration, sending 3 emails to the Superintendent but received no response. 


The Chair read the following recommendation from the Board’s Legal Counsel:  The recommendation is that the alleged grievance be denied.  The complaints giving rise to the grievance are procedurally defective and lack merit, at least in part.  As the school system’s governing body, I also recommend that the School Board issue a directive requiring the immediate correction of all errors, if any, included in the 2020-2021 work calendar.



SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:  To deny the grievance based on the recommendation of legal counsel.

Roll Call:

7 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

4 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.




Dr. Hookfin stated that on Tuesday, Gov. John Bel Edwards announced Tuesday that he's lifting the statewide requirement that students must wear a mask in the classroom and at school events. School districts can decide on their own if they want to mandate masks for summer school, summer camps and fall classes. BESE supports lifting the mask mandate for K-12 schools and allowing local school systems to make the decision for their districts. 


Mrs. Schum stated that she feels whatever decision is made regarding masks, that consideration be taken with outdoors vs indoors activities.




Mr. Burl made a motion to waive policy to amend the agenda to include the Public Hearing Announcement regarding levying millages as an introductory item.



SECOND BY:   Holden

MOTION:  To waive policy to amend the agenda to include the Public Hearing Announcement regarding levying the millages as an introductory item.

Roll Call:

7 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

4 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.


The Chair read the following announcement for introductory purposes:




JUNE 17, 2021 – PUBLIC HEARING - 5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m.


JUNE 17, 2021 - SCHOOL BOARD MEETING – 6:00 p.m.

Levy/Roll Forward Millages


Notice is hereby given pursuant to Article 7, Section 23(C) of the Louisiana Constitution and R.S. 47:1705(B) that a public hearing of St. John the Baptist School Board in St. John the Baptist Parish will be held at its regular meeting place in LaPlace Elementary School, 393 Greenwood Drive LaPlace, Louisiana on Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. to consider levying additional or increased millage rates without further voter approval or adopting the adjusted millage rates after reassessment and rolling forward to rates not to exceed the prior year's maximum. The estimated amount of tax revenues to be collected in the next year from the increased millage is $31,742,812.35, and the amount of increase in taxes attributable to the millage increase is $9,684,171.99.  


Following the Public Hearing, on June 17, 2021 at 6:00 p.m., the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board intends to levy/roll forward the millage rates.




·         Mr. Jones asked that the Superintendent keep the community informed regarding the Milesville property.

·         Mr. Wallace reminded everyone of the ESJH Graduation tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. at the Pontchartrain Center.

·         Mrs. Schum asked that the Retreat dates begin to be looked at.

·         Mrs. Holden asked for an update on the filming at WSJH.  Mr. Claude Hill, Principal, stated that there were about 500 people on campus and although he and his staff handled it, it is not something he would recommend to happen while students are on campus in the future.




The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a


MOTION BY:    Jones

SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:           Motion for adjournment.

Roll Call:

7 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

4 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m.



________________________________                                      ________________________________

Dr. Lynett Hookfin, Secretary                                                     Nia Mitchell, President