The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in regular session at West St. John Elementary School, 2555 Louisiana Hwy. 18, Edgard, Louisiana, on Thursday, July 8, 2021, at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.


Sincerely, s/Lynett Hookfin





The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.  She called for a moment of silent meditation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


ITEM 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS: The Chair called for Public Comment.


PRESENT:        Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

ABSENT:          DeFrancesch, Johnson


There were 9 members present and 2 members absent.


ITEM 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Chair called for Public Comment.


Public Comment:  Shondrell Perrilloux spoke against the approval of minutes, citing pending litigation.


Legal Counsel Orenthal Jasmin stated to the Board that it is his recommendation to waive policy and enter into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation: Docket #76968, Shondrell Perrilloux vs St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools.


MOTION BY:   Sanders

SECOND BY:  Triche

MOTION:    To waive policy to amend the agenda to include an Executive Session to discuss pending litigation: Docket #76968, Shondrell Perrilloux vs St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools.

9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

2 Absent – DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.



SECOND BY:  Wallace

MOTION:  To convene in Executive Session to discuss pending litigation: Docket #76968, Shondrell Perilloux vs St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools.

9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

2 Absent – DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.


Executive Session:  6:16 p.m.


MOTION BY:   Jones

SECOND BY:  Triche

MOTION:  To reconvene in Regular Session.

9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

2 Absent – DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.


Regular Session:  6:24 p.m.


ITEM 3a.  Approval of Minutes of the Meetings of: June 29, 2021 Special Meeting


MOTION BY:     Triche

SECOND BY:   Schum

MOTION:  To approve the minutes from the meeting of June 29, 2021 Special Meeting

Roll Call:

9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

2 Absent – DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.


MOTION BY:   Schum

SECOND BY:  Wallace

MOTION:    To waive policy to amend the agenda to address Items 7a, 9a, and 9b at this time.

9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

2 Absent – DeFrancesch, Johnson

The motion carried.




ITEM 7a.  Public Comment.  Mr. Jason Akers (Foley & Judell, L.L.P.) – Request approval of a resolution making certain findings with respect to and authorizing the Parish School Board of the Parish of St. John, State of Louisiana, to incur debt and issue a Revenue Anticipa­tion Note in a principal amount not to exceed Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($9,500,000); approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of the Revenue Anticipation Note; authoriz­ing the execution and delivery of other documents required in connection therewith; and authorizing the officers of the Parish School Board to do all things necessary in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Revenue Anticipation Note. (Requires action)


Mr. Akers stated that this resolution authorizes the Board to proceed with the loan, subject to approval by the Bond Commission (expected to be July 15, 2021).  The Board’s approval will accept the offer from Capital One Public Funding for the purchase of the note, on a draw-down basis, meaning funds will only be available as needed.  Administration will be required to go through a procedure to “draw down” the funds as needed. Ms. DeeDee Riggins added that the interest rate is .097%


MOTION BY:   Sanders

SECOND BY:  Triche

MOTION:    To approve the resolution making certain findings with respect to and authorizing the Parish School Board of the Parish of St. John, State of Louisiana, to incur debt and issue a Revenue Anticipa­tion Note in a principal amount not to exceed Nine Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($9,500,000); approving the form of and authorizing the execution and delivery of the Revenue Anticipation Note; authoriz­ing the execution and delivery of other documents required in connection therewith; and authorizing the officers of the Parish School Board to do all things necessary in connection with the issuance, sale and delivery of the Revenue Anticipation Note.

8 Yeas – Holden, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell

2 Absent – DeFrancesch, Johnson

1 Abstain - Burl

The motion carried.


Mr. Burl asked that the record reflect that he chose to abstain because he did not want to “rubber stamp” any votes and feels that the Board should have been made aware of some changes before being asked to vote on it.




ITEM 9a.  Public Comment.  Dr. Lynett Hookfin – Request approval to close the Connections Program


Public Comment:  Ms. Shodrell Perrilloux stated that in light of the Board just approving a $9.5 million loan, it would be a disservice to the students to close this program.


Extensive discussion among the Board was held regarding this item. 


MOTION BY:   Schum

SECOND BY:  Keller

MOTION:    To close the Connections Program.

4 Yeas – Keller, Schum, Triche, Mitchell

4 Nays – Holden, Burl, Sanders, Wallace

2 Absent - DeFrancesch, Johnson

1 Abstain - Jones

The motion failed.


President Mitchell left the meeting at 6:56 p.m. and was recorded as absent.


In the absence of the President, Vice-President Wallace was seated as Chair.


ITEM 9a.  Public Comment.  Dr. Lynett Hookfin – Request approval to Redesign the Redirection Program


Dr. Hookfin stated that due to the fact that the Connection Program will not close, the site of the Redirection Program will not have to change.  She further stated that part of the redesign of this program is to specifically address enhancing the students’ academic progress.  This will involve the tracking of the students’ performance and reporting their progress at each Board meeting, as suggested by Mrs. Schum, as well as reporting the progress of the Connections students.


MOTION BY:   Schum

SECOND BY:  Keller

MOTION:    To give administration approval to redesign the Redirection Program.

5 Yeas – Holden, Keller, Jones, Schum, Triche

3 Nays – Burl, Sanders, Wallace

3 Absent - DeFrancesch, Johnson, Mitchell

The motion failed.


ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT.   Dr. Lynett Hookfin, Superintendent.


ITEMA 4a.  Public Comment.  Update on Staffing


Public Comment.  Yvette Scioneaux (employee) stated: Assignment letters went out in late May.  The late hire employees did not receive a letter at that time and still do not know the status of their employment.  As of today, 10-month employees are scheduled to return to work in 6 working days.  Many employees still do not know whether they have a position and on what campus they will report, or if they need to seek employment elsewhere.


Dr. Hookfin stated that at this time, principals are reviewing their master schedules.  There were many certified teachers teaching outside of their certified area.  Going through this RIF process, all the certification areas are being cleaned up. Moving forward, we will staff according to the number of scholars first and then look at the certification areas of those qualified to teacher the scholars.  Mr. Burl asked if employees can expect to know whether they have a position or not before the next board meeting.  Mrs. Schum stated that the next board meeting is too late, as it occurs after the beginning of school. Dr. Hookfin stated that we are moving in the staffing direction based on attorneys’ guidance.  Ms. Holden stated that because we do not have a timeline, she feels the students will suffer.  Mrs. Schum asked that the Board get the numbers of employees for each campus and asked Dr. Hookfin if the Board could do to anything to assist her with getting those numbers.


ITEM 4b.  Public Comment.  Update on District Finances


Mr. Tommy Naquin stated that the 2020 audit deadline has been extended and should be completed soon. Also, the 2021 audit is also ongoing.  Mr. Burl asked when the budget will be done because the budget is due to the state by September 15th.  Mr. Naquin stated that he doesn’t foresee a problem having the budget prepared for that date.   Further discussion was held regarding the budget and audits.


ITEM 4c.  Public Comment.  Financial Update on Loan


Public Comment.  Shondrell Perrilloux stated that she finds this loan very problematic. She suggested that we have a forensic audit done and informed the Board that she will bring this to the Dept. of Justice’s attention.


David Andras stated that with the resolution adopted, we must now wait on the Bond Commission’s approval and that meeting will take place on July 15, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.


ITEM 4d.  Public Comment.  Update on NIET Grant and Master/Mentor Teachers


Public Comment.  Garrette Trosclair (SJAE) asked whether the Master Teachers will have to reapply as they have done in the past.


Dominique Miller stated that as of today, we have not received approval from NIET.  This is because they have not received approval from the Department of Education.  She prepared a chart with 2 scenarios – the one on the left is with the NIET funding and the one on the right is without the funding.


Dr. Hookfin stated that we will be interviewing for our Master Teacher positions, with the understanding that it will cost the district money, even though it’s listed as a “no cost extension”.  Mrs. Schum stated that she reached out to NIET and they stated that they believe we will get the grant.  However, we need to let our Master Teachers know about next year.  Mrs. Miller stated that these are estimated amounts.  Mr. Burl asked if we could use ESSER funds to help pay for the master teachers.  Mrs. Miller stated that we cannot.


ITEM 4e.  Public Comment.  Update on STEM to Freshman Building Move


Public Comment.  Yvette Scioneaux (parent) stated that Dr. Chenier announced his retirement and asked when a new principal will be announced.  She also wanted to know when the next parent meeting will be held and wanted to know the percentage of students returning in person and whether there will be a full time or a part time counselor, and an asst. principal for the STEM Program.


Johnika Gayden, principal of ESJP, stated that plans for the move have been finalized.  A parent/stakeholder meeting will be held on July 14th at 5:30 p.m. at East St. John Preparatory Gymnasium.  Procedures will be shared with all at this meeting.  Mrs. Holden asked how we are organizing the crossover students for the STEM.  Ms. Gayden stated that there has been discussion regarding this. Mrs. Schum asked for the plans for moving equipment and furniture.  Ms. Gayden stated that we are set to move next week, but have an issue with having access to box trucks and/or moving trucks.  The move should not take more than a week and a half.










ITEM 9a and ITEM 9b were addressed earlier in the meeting.


ITEM 9c.  Public Comment.  Mr. Nathan Stein (Assured Compliance, Inc.) – Executive Session:  B.T.A. Docket No. L00253, Nalco Co v. St John Sales and Use Tax Office, and B.T.A. Docket No. L00187, Arcelor Mittal LaPlace, LLC


MOTION BY:  Holden

SECOND BY:  Sanders

MOTION:  To convene in Executive Session to discuss B.T.A. Docket No. L00253, Nalco Co v. St John Sales and Use Tax Office, and B.T.A. Docket No. L00187, Arcelor Mittal LaPlace, LLC.

8 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche

3 Absent – DeFrancesch, Johnson, Mitchell

The motion carried.


Executive Session:  8:03 p.m.

Mr. Burl left the meeting at 9:21 p.m. and was recorded as absent.


MOTION BY:   Keller

SECOND BY:  Holden

MOTION:  To reconvene in Regular Session.

6 Yeas – Holden, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace

5 Absent – Burl, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Triche, Mitchell

The motion carried.


Regular Session:  9:23 p.m.


MOTION BY:   Schum

SECOND BY:  Holden

MOTION:  To allow board counsel to negotiate to settle the case B.T.A. Docket No. L00187, Arcelor Mittal LaPlace, LLC.

7 Yeas – Holden, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche

4 Absent – Burl, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Mitchell

The motion carried.






Dr. Keller asked why the board meetings are not being recorded any longer.  Dr. Hookfin stated that she will make sure the meetings are recorded in the future.


Retreat dates have been set for Wednesday, July 21st and Thursday, July 22nd.




The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a


MOTION BY:    Holden

SECOND BY:   Jones

MOTION:           Motion for adjournment.

Roll Call:

7 Yeas – Holden, Keller, Sanders, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche

4 Absent – Burl, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Mitchell

The motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m.


________________________________                                      ________________________________

Dr. Lynett Hookfin, Secretary                                                                 Nia Mitchell, President