The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:
Parish of St. John the Baptist
Dear Board Member:
Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in regular session at East St. John Preparatory Academy, 400 Ory Drive, LaPlace, Louisiana, on Thursday, February 10, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
An agenda for the meeting is attached.
Sincerely, s/Lynett Hookfin
The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. and called for a moment of silent meditation. The Lord’s Prayer was recited, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Board Member Sherry DeFrancesch.
PRESENT: Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
ABSENT: Holden, Jones, Johnson
There were 8 members present and 3 members absent.
ITEM 3a. Public Comment. Meetings of: January 12, 2022 Board Workshop; January 13, 2022 Public Hearing; January 13, 2022 Board Meeting; and January 24-25, 2022 Board Retreat
MOTION BY: Wallace
MOTION: To approve the minutes from the meetings of: January 12, 2022 Board Workshop; January 13, 2022 Public Hearing; January 13, 2022 Board Meeting; and January 24-25, 2022 Board Retreat
Roll Call:
8 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
3 Absent – Holden, Jones, Johnson
The motion carried.
*Mr. Burl asked that the record reflect the following regarding requests he made at the January 24-25, 2022 Board Retreat, which were not listed in the minutes:
1. CRI/URI – Corrective Action Plan for each school labeled
2. How administration will address the high volume of absences
3. Summer SHINE program, Edmentum, students not being enrolled in the correct classes and how it’s affecting their grades.
ITEM 4. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT. Dr. Lynett Hookfin, Superintendent.
ITEMA 4a. Golden Apple Award
Ms. Kendria Spears stated the following: “This year, St. John the Baptist Parish will be honoring outstanding personnel for having lasting, positive impacts on scholars’ lives and school community. A person that has a significant and positive impact on the lives of scholars. This year, we will be recognizing Mr. Ulysses Jarrow. Mr. Jarrow has been with the district in the transportation department for over 13 years. He is a LDOE Certified School Bus Driver Trainer, Certified LA Coaching School Bus Driver trainer, a certified trainer and user of the transportation software. During the pandemic, he created and maintained meal delivery routes to ensure our scholars were fed. He ensured that all school bus drivers have Covid 19 PPE, to ensure that our scholars and drivers are safe. He worked countless hours to ensure our Summer Shine program was successful. Days after Hurricane Ida made landfall, he worked countless hours to ensure that our school system continued to operate. He prepared and adjusted bus routes to address the needs of our district to provide transportation to our scholars following Hurricane Ida. He was promoted from bus driver to Transportation Assistant. Please join me in recognizing Mr. Ulysses Jarrow as our St. John the Baptist Parish Apple Award recipient for this 2022 School Year.” Mr. Jarrow thanked “God first because truly, without God living on the inside of me, I would not be able
to complete the task at hand. So as long as we keep God first, we can do anything we put our minds to. Thank you.”
Mr. Jones arrived at 6:06 p.m. and was recorded as present.
Mrs. Holden arrived at 6:10 p.m. and was recorded as present.
ITEMA 4b. Destination Graduation
Mrs. Kendria Spears explained that Destination After Graduation is our scholars’ roadmap to success. Our core belief is that St. John the Baptist Parish scholars will be equipped with the necessary skills to become productive young citizens. SJBP initially introduced Destination After Graduation to ensure all senior and graduating juniors had a post graduation plan in place prior to graduation. She introduced Mr. Claude Hill (Principal WSJH) and David Lewis (Principal ESJH).
Mr. Hill stated that WSJH has a total of 34 graduates. 7 graduates have met graduation requirements by January 2022.
• Scholars on track to graduate is 27 of the 34
• Scholars already accepted into college is 10
• Scholarships offered is 5
• Scholars entering the military is 1
• Scholars entering the workforce is 17
• Number of FASFA applications completed is 22
Mr. David Lewis gave a snapshot of ESJH:
• Total enrollment of ESJH is 1,188
• Of the 1,188 – there are 246 graduates
• 33 of the 246 are early graduates
• 340 are virtual
• 48 of the 246 potential graduates still need to be worked with to ensure graduation
• FASFA – 177 completed applications
• 6 student athletes (5 football and 1 volleyball) honored in the National Signing Day
• 5 Scholars entering the workforce through the NCCR Welding Certification
• 2 scholars going to the National Guard and 2 going to the Army
ITEMA 4c. NIET Surveys
Mrs. Schum asked for a report of the quantitative data and asked when the district has to make a decision? Dr. Hookfin stated as soon as possible (within the next few weeks), with the rationale that the district is still under fiscal restraints. Once the survey is done, administration will bring the information to the Board and we will make a decision. Mrs. Schum asked if a decision from administration will be given by the end of March and asked that the financial part of that decision be included in that information. Dr. Hookfin replied yes.
Mr. Burl asked that the Board be provided a copy of the NIET sustainability plan.
Ms. Johnson stated that we have 43 registered participants for the 2022 NIET Conference in Dallas. The LA Bold grant allotted 52 reimbursable spots to the conference. Reimbursable meaning all travel, accommodations, registrations, and meals. Attendees: 1 Board member, 2 cabinet members, 4 curriculum team members, 5 principals, 4 assistant principals, 10 master teachers, 6 mentor teachers, 6 literacy coaches, 3 classroom teachers, 2 IEP coordinator/inclusion support.
Mr. Burl stated that it is not wise to have that high number of instructional leaders out of the district for this conference just before testing. Mrs. Schum stated that although professional development is very important, she asked Dr. Hookfin if she has considered any other plan to potentially minimize the loss of teachers in the classroom. She asked, in reference to our size district, how do we compare with districts our size with the number of participants attending this conference. Dr. Hookfin stated that there are 43 registrants, but that does not mean they will all attend, and we will look at the coverage being provided at the school sites. She stated that this year, we will have less participants than in the past years, but she will get the numbers from other districts to the Board as requested by Mrs. Schum.
The Chair asked, if it is the pleasure of the Board, to move items 5d and 5e to be addressed at this time.
MOTION BY: Sanders
MOTION: To amend the agenda and address Items 5d and 5e at this time.
Roll Call:
10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
1 Absent – Johnson
The motion carried.
ITEM 5d. Dr. Juanita Hill – Recognition of the Students of the Year
Dr. Hill presented the following Students of the Year:
Dr. Hill announced the District Students of the Year:
5th Grade- Darius McGee – East St. John Prep
8th Grade – Basjia Baxter – East St. John Prep
12th Grade – Addison Cooper – East St. John High
Dr. Hill thanked the sponsors: Louisiana Federal Credit Union; Marathon Petroleum; Reserve Telecommunications. Thanks to Ms. Iman Montgomery with Marathon for taking the lead on this. Special thanks to Reserve Telecommunications for providing the electronic tablets for the scholars!
ITEM 5e. Dr. Curt R. Green – SJBP Teacher of the Year Selections Recognition
Dr. Green announced the following Teacher of the Year Selections:
District Teachers of the Year:
Elementary School – Sandra Mutin
Middle School – Latoya Sessions
High School – Nathan Joseph, III
Following a 5-minute recess to clear the room of visitors, there was a
MOTION: To amend the agenda and address Item 9a at this time.
Roll Call:
8 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
3 Absent – Holden, Jones, Johnson
The motion carried.
ITEM 9a. Public Comment. Mr. Patrick Amadee - Executive Session to discuss pending litigation in St. John the Baptist Parish School Board vs Marathon Petroleum, La. Board of Tax Appeal No. L01160
SECOND BY: Sanders
MOTION: To convene in Executive Session to discuss pending litigation in St. John the Baptist Parish School Board vs Marathon Petroleum, La. Board of Tax Appeal No. L01160 .
Roll Call:
8 Yeas – Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
3 Absent – Holden, Jones, Johnson
The motion carried.
The Board convened in Executive Session at 7:04 p.m.
MOTION: To reconvene in Regular Session.
Roll Call:
10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
1 Absent –Johnson
The motion carried.
The Board reconvened in Regular Session at 7:33 p.m.
ITEMA 4d. Community Forums
Dr. Hookfin reported that Monday, January 31, 2022, we had a productive and exciting Westbank community forum. The plan is to have both Eastbank and Westbank community forums continuously to talk about where we are going in this district, where we plan to be in the next 5 years and to speak about our district finances and how we will allocate our funding to enhance instructional programs. I plan to get input from community members and allow them to have a voice with the opportunity to ask questions. Dr. Hookfin requested that Board members attend the forums in their area. She thanked Mrs. Schum and Mrs. Holden for being at the Westbank forum. She stated that she will be planning more specific dates.
ITEMA 4e. ESJH Academics and Building Updates
Mrs. Johnson stated that the following plan will be implemented to allow for full day in-person learning at ESJH:
ESJH Return to In-Person Learning Plan
The following plan and timeline will be implemented to allow ESJH scholars to return to full day, in-person learning daily.
· All ESJH scholars will return daily to full day, in-person learning on Monday, March 14, 2022.
· Juniors, Seniors, certain scheduled Sophomores, and Alternate Assessment scholars will attend school daily at the Leon Godchaux Junior High School site.
· Freshman and certain scheduled Sophomores will attend school daily utilizing classrooms in the following buildings:
o 400 building at ESJH
o Industrial Arts building at ESJH
Plan to ensure maximum instructional time from February 14, 2022, through March 11, 2022
· On asynchronous days during the A/B schedule, teachers will deliver live instruction through TEAMS for the duration of each period.
· Attendance will be taken during each period. Scholars that do not log in will be marked absent, not skipped. All lessons will be recorded for absent scholars. Scholars will be awarded credit for missed assignments for valid absences. District attendance policy will be followed.
· Embedded time for classwork will be the last 30 minutes of the class period. Scholars and teachers will remain logged in and the teacher will monitor scholar work and be available to assist scholars.
· Daily office hours for scholars requiring additional assistance.
· February 14th through February 25th
o Adjust scholar schedules to accommodate for operating on two separate campuses
§ Sophomore schedules will need the most adjustments
o Create schedules for custodial staff
o Organize transportation for both school sites
o Organize the delivery of food for the scholars at ESJH
· February 28th and March 1st
o Mardi Gras Holiday
· March 2nd through March 4th
o Asynchronous learning for scholars
· March 3rd and March 4th
o Staff meeting to deliver expectations, and administrative, teacher, staff, and scholar schedules
o Transition/Move from Leon Godchaux to ESJH
· March 7th through March 11th
o Continue A/B Schedule
o Meet with scholars to review return to daily in-person learning plan
o Distribute new scholar schedules if applicable
o ACT Testing (window March 8th -17th)
· March 14th
o Juniors, Seniors, certain scheduled Sophomores, and Alternate Assessment scholars will attend school daily at the Leon Godchaux Junior High School site.
o Freshman and certain scheduled Sophomores will attend school daily utilizing classrooms in the following buildings:
§ 400 building at ESJH
§ Industrial Arts building at ESJH
Timeline Considerations
· Clearance from the Fire Marshall and DHH
· Adjustments in scholar schedules
· Organize transportation and delivery of breakfast and lunch
· Transition/Move from Leon Godchaux to ESJH
· ACT testing
Addressing Unfinished Learning
· Writing workshop across the curriculum (15 min each day school-wide)
· Embedded intervention in core classes
· After-School and Saturday tutoring
o Intentional grouping of scholars based on results from diagnostics and LEAP 2025 administered in January (401 re-testers, 587 initial testers)
§ Content based aligned to Tier I curriculum w/ embedded LEAP like assessment items
Mrs. Schum asked for this schedule to be emailed to the Board.
Mrs. Mitchell-Williams suggested this information be sent to the public ASAP.
Mr. Burl asked for the action plan for “unfinished learning” for all URI/CRI schools.
ITEMA 4f. Finance Updates
Mrs. Schum asked that the disaster funds and general funds monthly in/out be shown separately.
Mrs. Mitchell-Williams asked for a budget-to-actual on a monthly basis.
ITEMA 4g. Update on COVID Cases
ITEMA 4h. Update on Building Repairs
Dr. Hookfin shared the following information and stated the information is subject to change but she will keep the public updated:
Mr. Wallace stated that administration needs to begin looking at moving ECW to their own place and give parents a heads up on what we plan to do. Mrs. Mitchell-Williams stated that she reached out to All South to have conversations about the possibility of moving ECW to the portables by ESJP because the design and layout is already in place and would be most cost effective. Mrs. Holden asked Dr. Hookfin if she has begun to look at options for ECW. Dr. Hookfin replied that priority has been to get the students back into ESJH’s building. Once that plan is finalized, her administration will begin to focus on the plan for ECW and as of today, no, we do not have anything on paper for plans for ECW.
Discussion was held regarding the use of our buildings for next school year.
ITEMA 4i. Curriculum Updates
Extensive discussion was held regarding this item.
Requested by the Board:
Mrs. Schum – plan to get virtual students back to in-person learning; plan to use less computer-based teaching
Mrs. Mitchell-Williams – benchmark data – we want to know where our students are right now
ITEMA 4j. District Updates
Following extensive discussion, Mrs. Mitchell-Williams asked administration for a comparative analysis of the August count vs the October count. Did we lose 734 students because of the storm and students have enrolled elsewhere, or did we just lose that many students?
ITEM 5a. Mrs. Melissa Watson – Progress at Fifth Ward Elementary
Item 5b. Ms. Vachella Jones – Magnet Program Enhancements
ITEM 5c. Dr. Juanita Hill – High School LEAP 2025 Update
Mrs. Schum asked that the state average for each subject be sent to the Board.
Dr. Keller left at 9:01 p.m. and was recorded as absent.
ITEM 6a. Public Comment. Dr. Curt Green – Request Board approval of new job description: Staff Accountant
MOTION BY: Sanders
MOTION: To approve new job description: Staff Accountant
Roll Call:
8 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
3 Absent – Keller, Johnson, Wallace
The motion carried.
ITEM 6b. Public Comment. Dr. Curt Green – Request Board approval of Revised Salary Schedule for Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Green presented the following Salary Schedule:
MOTION BY: Sanders
MOTION: To approve the salary schedule for Chief Financial Officer as presented.
Following discussion regarding whether the Board wanted to adopt a Salary “Schedule” or a “Salary Range”, there was a
SECOND BY: DeFrancesch
MOTION: To adopt a Salary Range for CFO of $102,090 to $120,000
Roll Call:
8 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
3 Absent – Keller, Johnson, Wallace
The motion carried.
ITEM 7a. Public Comment. Mrs. Janice Gauthier – Request Board approval to award a one-year contract to the lowest responsive bidder (Southern Pipe & Supplies) for Plumbing Supplies
MOTION BY: Sanders
MOTION: To approve a one-year contract to the lowest responsive bidder (Southern Pipe & Supplies) for Plumbing Supplies.
Roll Call:
8 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
3 Absent – Keller, Johnson, Wallace
The motion carried.
ITEM 7b. Public Comment. Mrs. Janice Gauthier – Request Board approval to award a one-year contract to the lowest responsive bidder (Kenworth) for Bus Parts
MOTION BY: Sanders
MOTION: To approve a one-year contract to the lowest responsive bidder (Kenworth) for Bus Parts.
Roll Call:
8 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
3 Absent – Keller, Johnson, Wallace
The motion carried.
ITEM 7c. Public Comment. Mrs. Janice Gauthier – Request Board approval to award a one-year contract for Property Insurance
MOTION: To approve a one-year contract for Property Insurance to Louisiana Insurance Agency.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
2 Absent – Keller, Johnson
The motion carried.
Last year’s premium was $1,74,729 – this year’s is $2,628,356.
ITEM 7d. Public Comment. Ms. Cindy Janecke – Request Board approval to advertise for bids for Field Lighting at West St. John High School
SECOND BY: DeFrancesch
MOTION: To give approval to advertise for bids for Field Lighting at West St. John High School.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
2 Absent – Keller, Johnson
The motion carried.
Ms. Annalika Steyn, All South Engineers, stated that estimated total cost is approximately $150,000 and if approved by the Board tonight, and repairs should be complete mid-July.
Mr. Burl asked why this was not included together with East St. John High’s Field. Frank Moses stated that the damages at Joe Keller Stadium are fixtures that were broken and realignment of lights, as opposed to replacing poles.
ITEM 8a. Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum - Update on Written Communication Plan
Mrs. Schum asked if this information is in their packets tonight, as it was supposed to be given to the Board by October 7, 2021, when the Board directed the Superintendent to put this information out weekly. Dr. Hookfin stated that this information will be shared at the Public Forums. She continued to say that the status of our buildings keep changing, so to put something in writing about buildings and it then changes, would be inappropriate. Mr. Sanders stated that it is definitely appropriate, and if things change, administration should then send the new information out to the public.
SECOND BY: Wallace
MOTION: To extend the meeting beyond 10:00 p.m.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
2 Absent – Keller, Johnson
The motion carried.
Mr. Sanders asked the record to reflect that he is asking one (1) more time to direct you (Dr. Hookfin) to give us a written communication plan, so the public can be informed.
Dr. Hookfin stated that she presented a communication plan before, but it evidently was not what the Board was looking for. She stated that she has specifically stated in emails that if there is another way in which the Board wants to see it done, please let her know.
Mrs. Mitchell-Williams asked, for the record, that the Board get a written communication plan from the Superintendent.
ITEM 8b. Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum – Update on Superintendent’s written plan to address academic deficiencies at each school site
Mrs. Schum stated that the Board asked for this information in the past and Dr. Hookfin was supposed to give this information to the Board at the Retreat. The Board never received it. Mrs. Mitchell-Williams asked for you (Dr. Hookfin) to send this information via email to the Board at the Retreat.
Dr. Hookfin stated that in order to recoup from learning loss and ensure that every individual scholar is getting what they need academically, we will have to definitely focus on differentiated instruction. Due to the fact that I have received feedback regarding this information from you and others, I am going to refrain from giving additional information since I’ve already received feedback about this particular plan. Mrs. Mitchell-Williams advised that Mrs. Schum put her request in writing via email.
ITEM 9a. This item was address earlier in the meeting.
ITEM 9b. Public Comment. Mr. Robert Schaff – Student Expulsion Appeal Hearing No. 2022-01 (Open or Closed)
The student/parent asked for a closed session.
MOTION BY: Wallace
SECOND BY: DeFrancesch
MOTION: To convene in Closed Session for Student Expulsion Appeal Hearing No. 2022-01
Roll Call:
9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
2 Absent – Keller, Johnson
The motion carried.
The Board convened in Closed Session at 10:09 p.m.
MOTION BY: DeFrancesch
SECOND BY: Wallace
MOTION: To reconvene in Regular Session.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
2 Absent – Keller, Johnson
The motion carried.
The Board reconvened in Regular Session at 11:23 p.m.
MOTION: In the case of Expulsion Appeal 2022-01, to reinstate the student to in-person learning and continue to follow the guidelines that will be stipulated by Child Welfare and Attendance.
Roll Call:
7 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Wallace, Mitchell-Williams
3 Absent – Keller, Johnson, Triche
Mrs. Schum recused herself from this vote.
The motion carried.
ITEM 9c. Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum - Update on hiring CF0 (Number of applicants to date, where advertised, number of applicants to date that have a CPA, specific timeline and proposed dates for interviews and for hiring of the CFO).
Dr. Curt Green gave the following update:
· As of February 8, 2022, we have received 12 applications
· The position was advertised using the following sources:
o SJBP TalentEd
o SJBP Twitter
o SJBP Facebook
o Teach Louisiana
o EduOpenings
o LinkedIn
o Indeed
o Shared with the following organizations:
§ LA School Business Officials
§ National Association of Black Accountants Chapters (NO/BR)
§ Government Finance Officers Association
§ Association of Government Accounts
· Of the applications received, there was 1 applicant who referenced having a CPA
· Screening of applications begin on February 8, 2022, by HR
· An opportunity to interview notification was sent to 10/12 qualifying applicants on February 8, 2022, via email
· 1st round interviews will be held on February 17th starting at 9:00 am via Zoom
· 2nd round interviews will be held on February 22nd starting at 9:00 am via face-to-face
· Notification for onboarding will be sent to the employee on February 22nd
· New CFO start date March 2nd
ITEM 9d. Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum – In alignment with Board Policy DC: Annual Operating Budget and Policy DIB: Financial Reports and Statements, Direct the Superintendent to Provide the School Board with monthly financial reports that include: Monthly Budget to Actual and Monthly Income vs Monthly Expenditures (provided for each month from July 2021 to the present date and ongoing monthly thereafter) to be presented at the Feb. 10th Board meeting.
SECOND BY: Mitchell-Williams
MOTION: To direct the Superintendent to provide the School Board with monthly financial reports that include: Monthly Budget to Actual and Monthly Income vs Monthly Expenditures (provided for each month from July 2021 to the present date and ongoing monthly thereafter).
Roll Call:
6 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell-Williams
5 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Triche
The motion carried.
Dr. Hookfin asked for clarification on the date these reports are due, as the agenda item states this meeting. Mrs. Schum stated yes, the Board wants the information at this meeting, as the Legislative Auditor explained to her that the Board has the authority to ask for that information monthly. Mrs. Schum stated that the Board received this information in May 2021, June 2021, and July 2021 but we have not received it since then. Mrs. Schum stated that if the reports are not available, she is asking for the reason. Dr. Hookfin asked that the following statement be on the record in the minutes: “Due to the lack of month-end closeout procedures, the Board has never received accurate monthly budget to actual numbers except at the end of the fiscal year. In 2019-2020, transactions were not recorded, and the accounts were not reconciled. There was no way to know the district’s financial standing. December 2019, the CFO retires. Previous audits cited the need for a succession plan. No plan was implemented as per audit findings. April 2020 a new CFO hired without internal accounting staff support. The new CFO hired was unable to provide accurate monthly reports due to previous backlog of transactions. New CFO requested support from P&N. P&N worked on reconciling transactions but unfortunately, their support was limited to $20,000. Due to the limit, P&N only worked only during the month of October 2020 and had to discontinue their work. November 2020 the new CFO resigned. 2019 W-2s and annual budget were completed before resignation. December 2020 loss of $9.3 million in millage rollover revenue, although advertisement was posted the same as in the previous years. January 2021 the work began to implement cost savings measures to ensure that the district could make payroll and cover operating expenses. Due to the state of our books, it took approximately 6 months to review and learn the methodology used to record our transactions. In other words, the way that the books were handled and the way that transactions were recorded, some improperly, it was difficult. June 2021 an Accounting Supervisor was hired. Because of the complexity of multiple funding sources (MFP, millages, grants, etc.), transactions require substantial research before posting. Until the finance department is staffed properly, there will continuously be delays in reports. So, as you can see, it is a ripple effect, Mrs. Schum. To state that there could be no recordings of transactions for a period of time, as stated repeatedly in finance committee meetings, we went from an 18 month gap to a 6 month gap. We’re still doing the task. I thank you for allowing me to explain why these reports are not available.”
Mrs. Schum responded to Dr. Hookfin: “It is extremely unclear why on August 12, 2021, the Board was given a report by Dr. Hookfin’s team that says we have, in May of 2021 – this is our revenue, this is our expenses and this is the difference. The Board was given that information for 3 months and then it stopped, and you say we haven’t gotten accurate reports in years, so was the 3 months that we received these reports from your team inaccurate? The Board cannot be fiscally responsible without accurate information from administration.”
ITEM 9e. Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum - Direct the Superintendent to provide the board with a written report that verifies that all outstanding journal entries have been entered and updated no later than March 15, 2022 and to provide the board with weekly updates towards reaching this goal.
MOTION: To direct the Superintendent to provide the board with a written report that verifies that all outstanding journal entries have been entered and updated no later than March 15, 2022 and to provide the board with weekly updates towards reaching this goal.
Roll Call:
6 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell-Williams
5 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Triche
The motion carried.
ITEM 9f. Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum - In alignment with Board Policy DIB: Financial Reports and Statements, Direct the Superintendent to provide the LDOE and the Board a copy of the AFR report no later than March 1, 2022.
MOTION: To direct the Superintendent to provide the LDOE and the Board a copy of the AFR report no later than March 1, 2022.
Roll Call:
6 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell-Williams
5 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Triche
The motion carried.
ITEM 9g. Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum - Direct the Superintendent to schedule a minimum of 4 (East Bank and West Bank) Forums during February and March to discuss possible projects for the construction bonds and to give updates on the state of our schools.
Dr. Hookfin asked that the Board members attend the community forums in their particular area and would also like the Board members to be a part of the agenda. Mr. Burl asked that Dr. Hookfin notify the Board members when the meetings will take place in their community.
MOTION BY: Wallace
MOTION: To direct the Superintendent to schedule a minimum of 4 (East Bank and West Bank) Forums during February and March to discuss possible projects for the construction bonds and to give updates on the state of our schools.
Roll Call:
6 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell-Williams
5 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Triche
The motion carried.
ITEM 9h. Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum - Update on plan to have ESJH students attend school in person everyday.
This item was addressed earlier in the meeting.
ITEM 10a. Mrs. Nia Mitchell-Williams – Announce the members of the Curriculum Development Committee
Mrs. Mitchell Williams read the following list of Committee Members:
Charo Holden, School Board Member
Tiffany Benoit, ESJH
Melissa Watson, FWE
Chantell Walker, WSJE
Dr. Kara Washington-Lawson, LPE
Nathan Joseph, Teacher
Stephanie Maney, Teacher
Damon Jackson, Teacher
Tiffany Bigham, Parent
Dr. Hookfin stated that we received a legal opinion this morning regarding requests for proposals. Legal advised us that we need to declare an emergency declaration in accordance with the Governor’s declaration received on February 7th. Mrs. Mitchell-Williams stated that we need 2/3 of Board to vote on it, and we only have 6 Board members present. That item will have to go on the next agenda.
The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a
SECOND BY: Wallace
MOTION: Motion for adjournment.
Roll Call:
6 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Mitchell-Williams
5 Absent – Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson, Triche
The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 11:56 p.m.
________________________________ ________________________________
Dr. Lynett Hookfin, Secretary Nia Mitchell, President