The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:
Parish of St. John the Baptist
Dear Board Member:
Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in Special Session at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana, on Thursday, July 21, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.
An agenda for the meeting is attached.
Sincerely, s/Rebecca Johnson
The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. and called for a moment of silent meditation, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Board Member Clarence Triche.
PRESENT: Holden, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
ABSENT: Burl, Johnson
There were 9 members present and 2 members absent.
ITEM 4. Public Comment. Mrs. Debra Schum – To waive policy to correct the resolution establishing and defining the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board election districts in accordance with federal and state statutes
Public Comment: Shondrell Perrilloux
SECOND BY: Wallace
MOTION: To approve the corrected resolution establishing and defining the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board election districts in accordance with federal and state statutes
Roll Call:
9 Yeas – Holden, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
2 Absent - Burl, Johnson
The motion carried.
Mr. Kevin Bellanger, South Central Planning, apologized for the error that was made in the written version of the resolution. He assured the Board that maps that were given are the correct maps. He accepted full responsibility publicly for the error and stated that he will put that in writing in the form of a letter. Mr. Jones asked if South Central Planning is going to reimburse the district monetarily. Mr. Bellanger stated that he will discuss that and will let the Board know. Mrs. Mitchell-Williams stated that she is not asking for a monetary refund, but wants to make sure the public understands that the error was not made by the Board, that the Board has done nothing wrong and this was a technical error made by South Central Planning.
ITEM 5. Public Comment. Request approval of corrected Resolution establishing and defining the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board election districts in accordance with federal and state statutes
MOTION BY: DeFrancesch
SECOND BY: Wallace
MOTION: To approve the corrected Resolution establishing and defining the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board election districts in accordance with federal and state statutes.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas – Holden, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
2 Absent - Burl, Johnson
The motion carried.
Section I.
WHEREAS, as specified in Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:71.1 the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board is required to redraw the boundaries of the voting districts every ten (10) years in accordance with the decennial census; and,
WHEREAS, the Census was taken in 2020, and the population data was released by the Census Bureau in August of 2021; and,
WHEREAS, boundaries of any election district for a new apportionment plan from which members of a school board are elected shall contain whole precincts established by the parish governing authority; and,
WHEREAS, if a school board is unable to comply with applicable law regarding redistricting and reapportionment, including adherence to traditional redistricting principles, in the creation of its redistricting or reapportionment plan through the use of whole precincts, the school board may, in the creation of its redistricting or reapportionment plan, divide a precinct into portions which are bounded by visible features which are census tabulation boundaries. No such precinct shall be divided into more than two school board districts. No school board district shall contain more than three divided precincts; and
WHEREAS, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board has examined, reviewed, and considered various alternative alignments based upon the findings of the United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census; now
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board establishes the considered map alignment entitled Alternative 1, and that the aforementioned districts are hereby established:
District 1
District 1 contains all of precincts 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, and portions of 1-4 described as follows:
Precinct 1-4
Beginning at the intersection of the straight line extension of the centerline of Persimmon Street and the Canadian National Railroad; thence, easterly along the Canadian National Railroad to its intersection with centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street); thence, northwesterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Main Street; thence, northeasterly along the centerline of Main Street to its intersection with the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway); thence, southeasterly along the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with the centerline of Walnut Street; thence, southwesterly along the centerline of Walnut Street and its extension to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 628 (East 5th Street); thence, southeasterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 628 (East 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of the St. Charles/St. John the Baptist Parish boundary; thence, southwesterly along the centerline of the St. Charles/St. John the Baptist Parish boundary to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Mississippi River; thence, northerly and northwesterly along the center flow channel of the Mississippi River to its intersection with the centerline of the straight line extension of the centerline of Persimmon Street; thence, northerly along the centerline of Persimmon Street and its straight centerline extension to its intersection with the Canadian National Railroad, the point of beginning.
District 2
District 2 contains all of precincts 2-1, 2-2, and portions of 2-3 and 3-4 described as follows:
Precinct 2-3
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of United States Highway 61 (West Airline Highway) and an unnamed road west of Concha Lane in Section 62, T-11-S, R-6-E; thence, northwesterly, easterly, and northwesterly along the centerline of the unnamed road to its intersection with the center flow channel of an unnamed pipeline canal in Section 90, T-11-S, R-6-E; thence, northeasterly along the center flow channel of the unnamed pipeline canal to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Mississippi Bayou Canal; thence, northwesterly, southwesterly, northeasterly, and southwesterly along the center flow channel of the Mississippi Bayou Canal to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Garyville/Hope Canal; thence, northeasterly and northerly along the center flow channel of the Garyville/Hope Canal and its straight line extension through Lake Maurepas to its intersection with the Livingston/St. John the Baptist Parish boundary; thence, easterly along centerline of the Livingston/St. John the Baptist Parish boundary line to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Reserve Relief Canal in Lake Maurepas; thence, southerly along the center flow channel of the Reserve Relief Canal to its intersection with the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway); thence, westerly along the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with the centerline of an unnamed road west of Concha Lane in Section 62, T-11-S, R-6-E, the point of beginning.
Precinct 3-4
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) and the center flow channel of the Reserve Relief Canal; thence, northerly along the center flow channel of the Reserve Relief Canal to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate 10; thence easterly along Interstate 10 to its intersection with the straight-line extension of the center flow channel of the Guillot Canal; thence southeasterly along the straight-line extension of the center flow channel of the Guillot Canal to its intersection with the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway); thence westerly along the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Reserve Relief Canal, the point of beginning.
District 3
District 3 contains all of precinct 2-4, 3-1, and a portion of 2-3 described as follows:
Precinct 2-3
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 and West 23rd Street; thence, northwesterly along the centerline of West 23rd Street to its intersection with the centerline of Perimeter Road; thence westerly and northerly along the centerline of Perimeter Road to its intersection with the centerline of Marathon Avenue; thence continuing northerly along the centerline of Marathon Avenue to its intersection with the centerline of United States Highway 61 (West Airline Highway); thence easterly along the centerline of United States Highway 61 (West Airline Highway) to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Godchaux Canal; thence, southerly along the center flow channel of the Godchaux Canal to its intersection with the Kansas City Southern Railroad; thence, easterly along the Kansas City Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of Northwest 2nd Street; thence, southerly along the centerline of Northwest 2nd Street and its extension to its intersection with the Canadian National Railroad tracks; thence, westerly along the Canadian National Railroad tracks to its intersection with the centerline of West 7th Street; thence, southerly and southwesterly and southerly along the centerline of West 7th Street to its intersection with the centerline of Ram Alley; thence, easterly and southerly along the centerline of Ram Alley to its intersection with the centerline of Hart Drive; thence, easterly along the centerline of Hart Drive to its intersection with the centerline of West 5th Street; thence, southerly along the centerline of West 5th Street and its straight centerline extension to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Mississippi River; thence, westerly along the center flow channel of the Mississippi River to its intersection with the centerline of the straight line extension of the centerline of West 23rd Street; thence, northwesterly along the centerline of the straight line extension of West 23rd Street to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44, the point of beginning.
District 4
District 4 contains all of precinct 3-2, and a portion of 1-5, 3-4, and 4-1 described as follows:
Precinct 1-5
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) and Louisiana Highway 636 (West 2nd Street); thence northeasterly and northwesterly and northeasterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Balsam Street; thence southeasterly along the centerline of Balsam Street to its intersection with the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad tracks; thence, westerly along the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad tracks to its intersection with the straight centerline extension of Phoenix Lane; thence southerly along the centerline of Phoenix Lane to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 636 (West 2nd Street); thence easterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 636 (West 2nd Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Persimmon Street; thence southwesterly along the centerline of Persimmon Street and its straight centerline extension to its intersection with the center fow channel of the Mississippi River; thence westerly along the center flow channel of the Mississippi River to its intersection with the straight centerline extension of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street); thence northerly along the straight centerline extension of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 636 (West 2nd Street), the point of beginning.
Precinct 3-4
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) and the East 12th Street Extension; thence easterly along the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Guillot Canal; thence southeasterly along the center flow channel of the Guillot Canal and its extension to its intersection with the centerline of the Kansas City Southern Railroad Tracks; thence westerly along the centerline of the Kansas City Railroad Tracks to its intersection with the centerline extension of East 12th Street Extension; thence northerly along East 12th Street Extension to its intersection with United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway, the point of beginning.
Precinct 4-1
Beginning at the intersection of the center flow channel of the Guillot Canal and the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway); thence, southeasterly along the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with the centerline of Elm Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Elm Street to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street); thence southwesterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Camphor Drive; thence northwesterly along the centerline on Camphor Drive to its intersection with Cypress Street; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Cypress Street to its intersection with the centerline of Harry Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Harry Street to its intersection with the centerline of the Kansas City Southern Railroad tracks; thence, westerly along the centerline of the Kansas City Railroad tracks to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Guillot Canal; thence, northwesterly along the center flow channel of the Guillot Canal to its intersection with the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway), the point of beginning.
District 5
District 5 contains all of precinct 7-5 and portions of 4-1, 5-8, and 6-1 described as follows:
Precinct 4-1
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines the westbound lane of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) and Elm Street; thence, easterly along the centerline of the westbound lane of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with the centerline of Carrollwood Drive; thence northerly along the centerline of Carrollwood Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Dominican Drive; thence easterly along the centerline of Dominican Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Madewood Drive; thence continuing easterly along the centerline of Madewood Drive to its intersection with the centerline Volion Alley; thence southerly along the centerline of Volion Alley to its intersection with the centerline of Oak Alley; thence westerly along the centerline of Oak Alley to its intersection with the centerline of Ormond Boulevard; thence southerly along the centerline of Ormond Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of the eastbound lane of Louisiana Highway 61 (Airline Highway); thence westerly along the centerline of the eastbound lane of Louisiana Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with Louisiana Highway 3224 (Hemlock Street); thence southerly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 3224 (Hemlock Street) to its intersection with the Kansas City Southern Railroad Tracks; thence easterly along the Kansas City Southern Railroad Tracks to its intersection with the straight centerline extension of Bradford Place; thence southerly along Bradford Place to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street); thence, westerly and southwesterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Elm Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Elm Street to its intersection with the centerline of the eastbound lane of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway), the point of beginning.
Precinct 5-8
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Louisiana Highway 3224 (Hemlock Street) and United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway); thence, southeasterly along the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (Main Street); thence, southwesterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (Main Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street); thence, northwesterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Mahogany Street; thence, southwesterly along the centerline of Mahogany Street to its intersection with the centerline of Lilac Street; thence, northwesterly along the centerline of Lilac Street to its intersection with the straight extension of the center flow channel of an unnamed drainage ditch east of Bradford Place; thence southerly along the center flow channel of the unnamed drainage ditch east across Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) and between Mahogany Street and Holly Drive to its intersection with the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad Tracks; thence westerly along the Canadian National Railroad Tracks to is intersection with the centerline of Fir Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Fir Street to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street); thence easterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Bradford Place; thence northerly along the centerline of Bradford Place to its intersection with the centerline of the Kansas City Southern Railroad Tracks; thence westerly along the centerline of the Kansas City railroad Tracks to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 3224 (Hemlock Street); thence northerly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 3224 (Hemlock Street) to its intersection with the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway), the point of beginning.
Precinct 6-1
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) and the centerline of Ormond Boulevard; thence, northerly along the centerline of Ormond Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Oak Alley; thence, easterly along the centerline of Oak Alley to its intersection with the centerline of Volion Alley; thence, northerly along the centerline of Volion Alley to its intersection with the centerline of Madewood Road; thence, northeasterly along the centerline of Madewood Road to its intersection with the centerline of Fairway Drive; thence, easterly along the centerline of the Fairway Drive to its intersection with the centerline of West Frisco Drive; thence, southerly and easterly along the centerline of West Frisco Drive and its straight centerline extension to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Vicknair Canal; thence southwesterly along the center flow channel of the Vicknair Canal and its straight-line extension to its intersection with the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway); thence, northwesterly along the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with the centerline of Ormond Boulevard, the point of beginning.
District 6
District 6 contains all of precinct 5-1 and portions of 1-4, 1-5, and 5-8 described as follows:
Precinct 1-4
Beginning at the intersection the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad and the straight extension of an unnamed drainage ditch approximately 180 feet northwest of Mahogany Street; thence, northeasterly along the Mahogany Street drainage ditch and its extension to its intersection with the centerline of Lilac Street; thence, southeasterly along the centerline of Lilac Street to its intersection with the centerline of Mahogany Street; thence, northeasterly along the centerline of Mahogany Street to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street); thence, southeasterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad; thence westerly along the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad to its intersection with the straight extension of an unnamed drainage ditch approximately 180 feet northwest of Mahogany Street, the point of beginning.
Precinct 1-5
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) and Fir Street; thence, southeasterly along the centerline of Fir Street to its intersection with the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad tracks; thence, easterly along the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad tracks to its intersection with the straight centerline extension of Persimmon Street; thence, southwesterly along the centerline of Persimmon Street to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 636 (West 2nd Street); thence westerly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 636 (West 2nd Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Phoenix Lane; thence northwesterly along the centerline of Phoenix Lane and its straight centerline extension to its intersection with the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad; thence easterly along the centerline of the Canadian National Railroad to its intersection with the centerline of Balsam Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Balsam Street to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street); thence northeasterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Fir Street, the point of beginning.
Precinct 5-8
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) and the straight extension of the center flow channel of an unnamed drainage ditch east of Bradford Place; thence, southeasterly along the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway) to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (Main Street); thence, southwesterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (Main Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street); thence, northwesterly along the centerline of Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) to its intersection with the centerline of Mahogany Street; thence, southwesterly along the centerline of Mahogany Street to its intersection with the centerline of Lilac Street; thence, northwesterly along the centerline of Lilac Street to its intersection with the center flow channel of an unnamed drainage canal west of Mahogany Street; thence, northerly along the center flow channel of the unnamed drainage canal west of Mahogany Street across Louisiana Highway 44 (West 5th Street) along the eastern side of Bradford Place and its extension to its intersection with the centerline of United States Highway 61 (Airline Highway), the point of beginning.
District 7
District 7 contains all of precincts 4-2 and 4-3.
District 8
District 8 contains all of precincts 7-2 and 7-3.
District 9
District 9 contains all of 6-4, and portions of 6-1 and 6-3 described as follows:
Precinct 6-1
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of West Frisco Drive and Fairway Drive; thence easterly along the centerline of Fairway Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Greenwood Drive; thence northerly along the centerline of Greenwood Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Newport Drive; thence southeasterly along the centerline of Newport Drive to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Vicknair Canal; thence southwesterly along the center flow channel of the Vicknair Canal to its intersection with the centerline extension of Frisco Drive; thence proceeding westerly and northwesterly and northerly along Frisco Drive and West Frisco Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Fairway Drive, the point of beginning.
Precinct 6-3
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Cambridge Drive and Woodland Drive; thence easterly along the centerline of Cambridge Drive to its intersection with the centerline of English Colony Drive; thence southerly along the centerline of English Colony Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Plymouth Drive; thence westerly along the centerline of Plymouth Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Cambridge Drive; thence northerly along the centerline of Cambridge Drive to its intersection with Woodland Drive, the point of beginning.
District 10
District 10 contains all of precincts 4-14, 6-4, 7-7 and a portion of 6-3 described as follows:
Precinct 6-3
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Fairway Drive and Yorktowne Drive; thence, northeasterly along the centerline of Yorktowne Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Newport Drive; thence westerly a short distance along the centerline of Newport Drive to its intersection with the center flow channel of the Vicknair Canal; thence northerly along the center flow channel of the Vicknair Canal and its straight-line extension to its intersection with the centerline of Interstate 10; thence easterly along the centerline of Interstate 10 to its intersection with the straight-line extension of the center flow channel of the Lasseigne Canal; thence southwesterly along the center flow channel of the Lasseigne Canal to its intersection with the centerline of Woodland Drive; thence, westerly along the centerline of Woodland Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Cambridge Drive; thence southwesterly along the centerline of Cambridge Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Fairway Drive; thence, northwesterly along the centerline of Fairway Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Yorktowne Drive, the point of beginning.
District 11
District 11 contains all of precincts 4-13, 5-4, and 5-7.
ITEM 6. Board Items of Interest
*School Board Meeting of August 4, 2022 will be at Lake Pontchartrain Elementary School (Cafeteria)
*The Board Retreat will take place on August 15-16, 2022 at the Embassy Suites in Baton Rouge.
*August 8, 2022 is the first day for students
ITEM 7. Adjournment
The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a
MOTION BY: Sanders
MOTION: Motion for adjournment.
Roll Call:
9 Yeas – Holden, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams
2 Absent - Burl, Johnson
The motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.
________________________________ ________________________________
Rebecca Johnson, Secretary Nia Mitchell-Williams, President