BOARD WORKSHOP OF AUGUST 31, 2022 ~ 4:30 p.m.


The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call: HONORABLE MEMBERS OF THE SCHOOL BOARD

Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet for a Board Workshop at Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Highway 44, Reserve, Louisiana, on Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 4:30 p.m.


The agenda for the workshop is attached.



Nia Mitchell-Williams

Board President


ITEM 1.  Call to Order, Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance


The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:44 p.m. She called for a moment of silent meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance.


ITEM 2. Roll Call of Members:


PRESENT:         Jones, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams

ABSENT:            Holden, Burl, Keller, Sanders, DeFrancesch, Johnson


There were 5 members present and 6 members absent.


There was not a quorum. 


ITEM 3. Public Comment. Mrs. Nia Mitchell-Williams – Discussion: Prioritizing the Capital Projects List

Unofficial discussion was held regarding this item until Mrs. DeFrancesch arrived at 4:51 p.m., creating a quorum.

Mr. Burl arrived at 5:10 p.m. and was recorded as present.

Dr. Keller arrived at 5:55 p.m. and was recorded as present.

Marco Gonzales (Volkert) discussed with the Board members which projects were most critical and they prioritized the projects.  However, further discussion will be necessary.



Construction Project Description

Tier Level

 Cost Estimated in Bond

 Updated Cost

Funding Source







John L Ory

Car rider pick-up and drop-off Improvements & Playground




Capital Project/Bond


Performing Arts Auditorium Upgrades:  




Capital Project/Bond



West St. John Elementary



Play fields:  Includes site survey, clearing & grubbing, tree removal, new chain-link fence, gates, two backstops, site lighting, seeding & fertilization to the approx 2.25 acres adjacent to the existing school.  Also includes work to account for drainage coordination with the Parish due to the location of the outfall canal.


 $ 230,000.00





Roofing Repair: Replacement of the modified bitumen roof covering over the main building with applicable waterproofing and associated mechanical work.




Capital Project/Bond






Install new playground equipment for HeadStart and Younger Elementary Students: includes the cost for a new playground to be installed over an area of approx 3250sf, surrounded by fencing and designed for ages 2 to 5 years old for Head Start and 2 to 12 years old for standard equipment similar to Lake Pontchartrain Elementary.  Playgrounds to comply with ADAAG accessibility standards.


 $ 05,000.00


Capital Project/Bond


Exterior/Roof Repair




Capital Project/Bond


LaPlace Elementary

New Gymnasium: Range of $2.6 million for a newly constructed gym with a smaller size of approx 12,000 sf like the gym at East St John Prep.  Range of $3,500,000 for new gym of approx 14,000 sf similar to Lake Pontchartrain Elementary School gym.


 $ 3,500,000.00


Capital Project/Bond


Chiller:  includes repair of one chiller to its full operational capabilities, per Moses Engineering email correspondence and work logs.






Emily C Watkins Elementary

New Gymnasium: Range of $2.6 million for a newly constructed gym with a smaller size of approx 12,000 sf like the gym at East St John Prep.  Range of $3,500,000 for new gym of approx 14,000 sf similar to Lake Pontchartrain Elementary School gym.


 $                  3,500,000.00


Capital Project/Bond


HVAC:  includes the removal of the existing units which service the classrooms, administration and library, and replacing with a new system which allows for the simultaneous heating and cooling so each classroom may individually control its own heating and cooling mode.  Also includes upgrades to the existing Energy Recovery Ventilators throughout the building.


 $ 4,200,000.00




Roof Replacement:  Includes the estimated difference between what insurance will cover for the overall roof replacement along with the structural components and modifications necessary to meet current Code requirements.  In addition to the metal roof covering, this includes structural steel deck, insulation, prefinished eave trim, gutter system, and required waterproofing.


 $ 1,100,000.00




West St John High School

 Create STEM Lab




Capital Project/Bond


Upgrades to Locker Rooms at Dinvaut Stadium




Capital Project/Bond


Stadium Fieldhouse




Capital Project/Bond


Gymnasium Floor Upgrade/Replacement  includes removal of existing floor system in the existing 15,527 sf gym and replacing with new composite floor system.  Also includes a new interior, wall-mounted scoreboard.


 $  615,000.00


Capital Project/Bond


2 New Scoreboards Baseball and Softball Fields


 $ 170,000.00


Capital Project/Bond


Football Stadium Sound System Upgrades




Capital Project/Bond


Exterior and Roofing Repairs not covered in Hurricane Ida work











East St.John High School

Create STEM Lab




Capital Project/Bond


Gymnasium Floor Upgrade/Replacement  includes removal of existing floor system in the existing 16,217 sf gym and replacing with new composite floor system.  Also includes a new interior, wall-mounted scoreboard.


 $ 642,000.00


Capital Project/Bond


2 New Scoreboards Baseball and Softball Fields




Capital Project/Bond




Football Stadium Sound System Upgrades




Capital Project/Bond


Security:  Phase 1 ($714,000)includes 8' high fencing surrounding the campus, single point of entry to the building, new storefront doors for controlled access, enhanced surveillance system and enhanced campus signage.  Phase 2 ($216,000)includes interior door upgrades to include automatic locking and hardware, swipe card reader for faculty and staff, enhanced rear parking spaces and safety film for storefront and entry windows






Visitor Side Seating Upgrades at Joe Keller Stadium: Includes the addition of permanent bleachers at the visitor side of the existing stadium for approx 5,040 additional seats.  Accounts for a permanent, slab-anchored, steel frame system with aluminum seats.




Capital Project/Bond


Joe Keller Stadium parking:   Includes site modification and addition of approx 250 parking spaces at north end of stadium


 $ 1,200,000.00




Roof replacement: replacement of the modified bitumen roof covering over the Main Building, Gym and Cafeteria.  Also includes patching of the insulated roof deck, parapet framing and applicable waterproofing.


 $ 2,800,000.00


Capital Project/Bond


Weight Room Equipment from Wilder Fitness Equipment


 $ 18,625.00




Paint building






Central Office

Roofing/Exterior Repairs not covered in Hurricane Ida work




Capital Project/Bond


Board Room Renovations: includes renovations and enhancements to the COB including renovations to the Board Room along with structural repairs as needed in addition to enhanced site pavement for parking and fencing for increased security for the bus yard.


 $ 735,000.00




Leon Godchaux

Roofing/Exterior Repairs not covered in Hurricane Ida work




Capital Project/Bond


CDC and Milesville

Roof repairs not covered in Hurricane Ida work




Capital Project/Bond



Water/Sewer Upgrades: includes applicable replacement, modifications, and upgrades to lift stations, sewer plants and backflow preventers


 $ 965,000.00


Capital Project/Bond


Update Interior/Exterior Lighting




Capital Project/Bond


Restroom Upgrades




Capital Project/Bond





Deferred Maintenance and Code Upgrades - Districwide upgrades and repairs to HVAC Systems, Roofs, Restrooms, Drainage, and Site Conditions, including ADA Accessibility.  Includes HVAC repairs and upgrades to components including chillers, boilers, cooling towers, air handlers, exhaust fans and controls per Moses Engineering documentation.


 $ 605,000.00


Capital Project/Bond


Upgrade Classroom Furnishings




Capital Project/Bond


Classroom Technology Upgrades - ActivPanels in all Classrooms


 $  455,670.00


Capital Project/Bond


Technology Upgrades for fiber cable upgrades, cabinet switches and wireless access points per 2021 pricing.  This cost is the difference after of Erate grant amount of $550,000 is factored.


 $ 531,198.00




Full roof replacements for 4 to 5 flat roof buildings as needed




Capital Project/Bond


Performing Arts new construction of a future Performance Arts Center approx 12,000 sf with 250-person capacity, classrooms


 $ 8,800,000.00




Sitework associated with enhanced campus security/fencing and upgraded sitework associated with ball fields.


 $ 1,600,000.00


Capital Project/Bond










 $ 36,815,493.00


ITEM 4.  Board Items of Interest


ITEM 5.  Adjournment


The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a


MOTION BY:    Jones

SECOND BY:   Sanders

MOTION:         Motion for adjournment.

Roll Call:

6 Yeas – Keller, DeFrancesch, Schum, Wallace, Triche, Mitchell-Williams

5 Absent – Holden, Burl, Sanders, Jones, Johnson

The motion carried.

The meeting adjourned at 7:06 p.m.


________________________________                                 ________________________________

Rebecca Johnson, Secretary                                                     Nia Mitchell, President