The Chair called the meeting to order and read the following call:



Parish of St. John the Baptist


Dear Board Member:


Upon call of the President, the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board will meet in regular session at West St. John Elementary School, 2555 LA Hwy. 18, Edgard, LA 70049 on Thursday, January 19, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.


An agenda for the meeting is attached.




The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and called for a moment of silence, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance, led by Mr. Sanders.




PRESENT:        Holden, Burl, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Wallace, Vicknair, Mitchell-Williams



There were 11 members present and 0 members absent.


ITEM 2b. Election of Officer:  President


The Chair opened the floor for nominations for President.


Ms. Schum nominated Mr. Shawn Wallace for President.


There being no other nominations, the Chair closed nominations for President.


The Board members were asked to state their candidate of choice for President when their name was called:


Holden – Wallace

Burl – Wallace

Triche – Wallace

Morris – Wallace

DeFrancesch – Wallace

Frizzell – Wallace

Mamou – Wallace

Schum – Wallace

Mitchell-Williams – Wallace

Vicknair – Wallace

Wallace – Wallace


Wallace - 11


Mr. Shawn Wallace was declared President.


Mr. Wallace was seated as Chair and opened the floor to accept nominations for Vice-President.


Ms. Holden nominated Mr. Burl.

Ms. Schum nominated Ms. Mitchell-Williams.

Ms. Vicknair nominated Ms. Frizzell.


There being no other nominations, nominations were closed.


The Board members were asked to state their candidate of choice for Vice-President when their name was called:



Holden – Burl

Burl – Burl

Triche – Frizzell

Morris – Frizzell

DeFrancesch – Mitchell-Williams

Frizzell – Frizzell

Mamou – Frizzell

Schum – Mitchell-Williams

Mitchell-Williams – Mitchell-Williams

Vicknair – Frizzell

Wallace – Mitchell-Williams


Burl – 2

Frizzell – 5

Mitchell-Williams - 4


Regarding Board Officer elections, Board policy states that one candidate must receive a majority of the entire Board, therefore a second vote was called with the 2 board members who obtained the most votes.


The Board members were asked to state their candidate of choice when their name was called:



Holden – Mitchell-Williams

Burl – Abstain

Triche – Frizzell

Morris – Frizzell

DeFrancesch – Mitchell-Williams

Frizzell – Frizzell

Mamou – Frizzell

Schum – Mitchell-Williams

Mitchell-Williams – Mitchell-Williams

Vicknair – Frizzell

Wallace – Mitchell-Williams


Frizzell – 5

Mitchell-Williams – 5

Abstain - 1



Holden – Mitchell-Williams

Burl – Abstain

Triche – Frizzell

Morris – Frizzell

DeFrancesch – Mitchell-Williams

Frizzell – Frizzell

Mamou – Frizzell

Schum – Mitchell-Williams

Mitchell-Williams – Mitchell-Williams

Vicknair – Frizzell

Wallace – Mitchell-Williams


Frizzell – 5

Mitchell-Williams – 5

Abstain - 1


At 6:19 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Morris, seconded by Ms. Holden, to call a brief recess.  Upon roll call, there were

9 Yeas – Holden, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

2 Nays – Burl, Triche

The motion carried.

At 6:26 p.m., a motion was made by Ms. Mitchell-Williams, seconded by Ms. DeFrancesch, to reconvene in regular session.  Upon roll call, there were

11 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace



Holden – Mitchell-Williams

Burl – Abstain

Triche – Frizzell

Morris – Frizzell

DeFrancesch – Mitchell-Williams

Frizzell – Frizzell

Mamou – Frizzell

Schum – Mitchell-Williams

Mitchell-Williams – Mitchell-Williams

Vicknair – Frizzell

Wallace – Mitchell-Williams


Frizzell – 5

Mitchell-Williams – 5

Abstain - 1



Holden – Frizzell

Burl – Abstain

Triche – Frizzell

Morris – Frizzell

DeFrancesch – Mitchell-Williams

Frizzell – Frizzell

Mamou – Frizzell

Schum – Mitchell-Williams

Mitchell-Williams – Mitchell-Williams

Vicknair – Frizzell

Wallace – Mitchell-Williams


Frizzell – 6

Mitchell-Williams – 4

Abstain - 1


Ms. Frizzell was declared Vice-President.




ITEM 3a.  Public Comment.  December 8, 2022; December 12, 2022; December 13, 2022; December 15, 2022;  and December 21, 2022


Public Comment:  Derron Cook, SJAE President


MOTION BY:     Mitchell-Williams

SECOND BY:   Triche

MOTION:  To approve the minutes from the meetings of: December 8, 2022; December 12, 2022; December 13, 2022; December 15, 2022;  and December 21, 2022

Roll Call:

9 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

2 Abstentions – Frizzell, Mamou

The motion carried.




ITEM 4a.  School Board Member Credit Hours Earned


Ms. Johnson read the following into the record:


LRS 17:53 mandates that all school board members must receive a minimum of six hours of training annually while serving on the school board. A school board member who receives at least sixteen hours of training during their first year of service on a school board and an additional 6 hours in each the following three years will earn the designation of “Distinguished School Board Member.”  School Board Member credit hours must be recorded in the official record of the School Board, as well as the official journal annually. 


The total credit hours for each of our board members for the 2022 calendar year:


Ms. Charo Holden, District 1

         – 23 Credit Hours 

Mr. Albert Burl, District 2

         –  0 Credit Hours

Dr. Gerald Keller, District 3

         –  20.75 Credit Hours

Mr. Patrick Sanders, District 4

         – 6.25 Credit Hours

Mrs. Sherry DeFrancesch, District 5

         – 6.25 Credit Hours

Mr. Keith Jones, District 6

         – 20.95 Credit Hours

Mr. Phillip Johnson, District 7

         – 0 Credit Hours

Ms. Debbie Schum, District 8 

          19.50 Credit Hours

Mr. Shawn Wallace, District 9

         – 13.75 Credit Hours

Ms. Nia Mitchell, District 10

         – 15.25 Credit Hours

Mr. Clarence Triche, District 11

            – 7.25 Credit Hours


ITEM 4c.  District Updates


Mrs. Johnson stated that a copy of the Strategic Plan Progress and timeline was given to each board member and a copy will be available for viewing at the Central Office.






ITEM 6a.  Public Comment.   Dr. Curt Green – Request approval of Revised Policy:  DJED – Bids and Quotations


MOTION BY:     Schum

SECOND BY:   DeFrancesch

MOTION:  To approve Revised Policy:  DJED – Bids and Quotations

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Triche, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

1 Nay - Morris

The motion carried.








The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board shall advertise and let by contract, except in cases of emergencies as provided below, all public work exceeding $250,000 or such sum as allowed by law, including labor, materials, equipment, and administrative overhead not to exceed fifteen percent (15%).  The contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder who has bid according to the contract, plans, and specifications advertised.  Public works which are estimated to cost less than the contract limit may be undertaken by the School Board with its own employees.


As an evidence of good faith of the bidder, the School Board shall require bidders for construction, improvement, repair, or other work to attach to the bid submitted, a bid bond, certified check, or cashier's check for not more than five percent (5%) of the contract work to be done.  The School Board may require a bid bond or certified or cashier's check of not more than five percent (5%) of the estimated price on bids taken for supplies and materials.


When any bid is accepted for construction or doing any public works, a written contract shall be entered into by the successful bidder and the School Board, and the successful bidder shall furnish a bond in an amount not less than one-half of the amount of the contract, for the faithful performance of his or her duties.


When using state or locally generated funds, under no circumstances shall there be a division or separation of any public work project into smaller projects, which division or separation would have the effect of avoiding the requirement that public work be advertised and let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder in accordance with statutory provisions.


The School Board shall retain the option of requiring all bids that are let out for public works be submitted electronically.




All purchases of materials or supplies exceeding the sum of $20,000 60,000 to be paid out of public funds shall be advertised and let by contract to the lowest responsible bidder who has bid according to the specifications as advertised.  In addition, purchases of materials or supplies of at least $10,000 30,000, but not more than $20,000 60,000, shall be made by obtaining not less than three (3) written quotations.  Purchases of materials or supplies of at least $2,000, but not more than $10,000.00, shall be made by obtaining not less than three (3) telephone or facsimile documented quotations. A written confirmation of the accepted offer shall be obtained and made a part of the purchase file. The School Board may require a written contract or bond when purchasing the materials or supplies.  If quotations are received that are lower than the quote accepted, a notation shall be entered into the file as to the reasons for rejection of the lower quotes.


When using state or locally generated funds, purchases cannot be divided by departments or by a school if the effect is to evade the state's public bid law.  Purchases of commodities that are bought in small but recurring amounts through the year shall be bid on an annual basis.


The School Board shall retain the option of requiring all bids that are let out for materials and supplies be submitted electronically.


In lieu of formal bids, the School Board may use a reverse auction for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and other materials or consulting services, as outlined in policy DJE, Purchasing.




In cases of an emergency or extreme emergency when time is not sufficient to advertise for bids for public works or purchase of materials, the School Board or designee is permitted by law to declare through resolution that a public emergency or extreme public emergency exists and extend a contract for more than the sums mentioned without going out to bid;. However, in such cases every effort shall be made by School Board personnel to secure competitive quotations.  The accepted quote shall be confirmed and documented in writing.  State law permits a person designated by the School Board to declare the existence of an extreme public emergency.  This designated person shall be the Superintendent and/or his/her designee.  Notices of an emergency or extreme emergency shall be published in the School Board’s official journal within ten (10) days of the emergency being certified by the School Board or designee.


An emergency is defined by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §38:2211 as


“An unforeseen mischance bringing with it destruction or injury of life or property or the imminent threat of such destruction or injury or as the result of an order from any judicial body to take any immediate action which requires construction or repairs absent compliance with the formalities of this Part, where the mischance or court order will not admit of the delay incident to advertising as provided in this Part."


An extreme public emergency is defined by La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §38:2211 as


“A catastrophic event which causes the loss of ability to obtain a quorum of the members necessary to certify the emergency prior to making the expenditure to acquire materials or supplies or to make repairs necessary for the protection of life, property, or continued function of the public entity.”





All advertisements for bids for public works shall appear in the newspaper selected as the official journal for the School Board, except in emergencies as may be declared by the School Board.  Any advertisement for any contract for public works, when published, shall appear once a week for three (3) different weeks in a newspaper in the locality and the first advertisement shall appear at least twenty-five (25) days before the opening of bids.   Any advertisement for any contract or purchase of materials or supplies shall be published two (2) times in a newspaper in the locality, the first advertisement appearing at least fifteen (15) days prior to the opening of bids. 


In addition to newspaper advertisements, the School Board shall also publish advertisements and accept bids by electronic media in accordance with uniform standards promulgated by the state.  In any advertisement, the first publication shall not occur on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.         


If the School Board issues or causes to be issued any addendum modifying plans and specifications within a period of seven (7) days prior to the advertised time for opening of bids, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and any other legal holidays, the School Board shall transmit a copy of the addendum to all prime bidders who have requested bid documents by one of the following methods:  (1) facsimile transmission; (2) e-mail; or (3) hand delivery.  The transmission shall be completed within twenty-four (24) hours of the issuance of the addendum.  In addition, a copy of the addendum shall be sent by regular mail.


The School Board shall not issue or cause to be issued any addendum modifying plans and specifications within a period of seventy-two (72) hours prior to the advertised time for the opening of bids, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and any other legal holidays; however, if the necessity arises to issue an addendum modifying plans and specifications within the seventy-two hour period prior to the advertised time for the opening of bids, then the opening of bids shall be extended at least seven (7) days, but not to exceed twenty-one (21) days, without the requirement of readvertising.  The addendum shall state the revised time and date for the opening of bids.




All bids shall be opened in public in the presence of one or more witnesses, at the time and place designated in the invitation for bids.  Each bid, together with the name of the bidder, shall be recorded and open to public inspection.  However, the School Board shall not accept or take any bids including receiving any hand delivered bids, on days which are recognized as holidays by the United States Postal Service. 




In order to protect the integrity of the competitive bidding process, the determination of responsiveness by the bidder must be made from the bid documents at the time of the bid opening.  Any deviation from or failure to supply information required by the bid documents, may result in the bid being rejected as non-responsive.


The Superintendent and/or other appropriate administrators shall review, summarize and report bids to the School Board with recommendations for bid award unless the School Board grants permission for staff to evaluate, award, and notify the School Board at a later date.




If the School Board proposes to disqualify any bidder for non-responsibility (the possibility that the bidder may not satisfactorily fulfill the contract being bid), the School Board shall:


1.         Give written notice of the proposed disqualification to such bidder, and include in the written notice all reasons for the proposed disqualification;


2.         Give such bidder, who is proposed to be disqualified, the opportunity to be heard at an informal hearing to be conducted not later than five (5) business days after the issuance of the notice of the proposed disqualification, at which such bidder is afforded the opportunity to refute the reasons for the disqualification; and


3.         Conduct the informal hearing prior to the award of the public work.


No award of the contract for the public work shall be made by the School Board prior to the expiration of at least five (5) working days following the date of issuance of the written ruling from the informal hearing.




The School Board, after the opening of bids, shall require each bidder or bidding entity to attest or submit an attestation that the sole proprietor, partner, incorporator, director, manager, officer, or other like individual who owns at least ten percent (10%) of the bidding entity, has not been convicted of, or has not entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to any of the crimes or equivalent federal crimes listed in La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §38:2227.


In awarding bids or contracts, the School Board shall be authorized to reject the lowest bid from a business in which any individual with ownership interest of five percent (5%) or more has been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to any a state felony crime or equivalent federal crime committed in the solicitation or execution of a contract or bid under the state laws governing public contracts; professional, personal, consulting, and social services procurement; or the Louisiana Procurement Code.


Any contract between the School Board and a person or entity entered into as a result of fraud, bribery, corruption, or other criminal acts, for which a final conviction has been obtained, shall be null and void.


Any person whose conviction causes the nullity of a contract shall be responsible for payment of all costs, attorney fees, and damages incurred in the rebidding of the contract.



Revised:  December, 1991                                             Revised:  October 15, 2009

Revised:  December, 1992                                             Revised:  December 3, 2009

Revised:  November, 1993                                             Revised:  November, 2010

Revised:  December, 1995                                             Revised:  November, 2011

Revised:  October, 1996                                     Revised:  August 7, 2014

Revised:  October, 1997                                     Revised:  May, 2017

Revised:  November, 1999                                             Revised:  August, 2020

Revised:  June, 2002                                         Revised:  October, 2021

Revised:  August, 2003                                      Revised:  May 12, 2022

Revised:  November, 2003                                            

Revised:  November, 2006


Ref:      2 CFR 200 (Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principals, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards), 48 CFR 2.101 (Definitions); La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§9:2716, 9:2717, 38:2181, 38:2182, 38:2211, 38:2212, 38:2212.1, 38:2212.9, 38:2214, 38:2218, 38:2227, 38:2241, 38:2251, 38:2271, 39:1551, 39:1552, 39:1553, 39:1554, 39:1554.1, 39:1556, 39:1557, 39:1558, 39:1597, 39:1710; Board minutes, 6-20-96, 8-15-02, 10-15-09, 12-3-09, 8-7-14, 5-12-22.






ITEM 7a.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Janice Gauthier – Request Board approval to award a contract to the lowest responsive bidder to purchase football helmets (BSN Sports $44,069)


Ms. Gauthier stated that she had spoken with BSN and they have offered a discount in the amount of $3,000 - for a total of $41,069.


MOTION BY:     Sanders

SECOND BY:   Holden

MOTION:  To award the contract for football helmets to BSN at a total cost of $41,069

Roll Call:

11 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

The motion carried.


ITEM 7b.  Public Comment.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Janice Gauthier – Request Board approval to award a contract to four Architectural Design Firms (L&F Committee Recommendations: Lachin Architects; NY Associates; Sizeler Thompson Brown Architects; Yeates Mancil Architects), based on scoring criteria of the RFQ


MOTION BY:     Morris

SECOND BY:   Mamou

MOTION:  To award a contract to: Lachin Architects; NY Associates; Sizeler Thompson Brown Architects; and Yeates Mancil Architects, to create a pool of Architectural Design Firms for upcoming facilities work.


Roll Call:

11 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

The motion carried.


ITEM 7c.  Public Comment.  Ms. Cindy Janecke - Update on Current Construction Projects









 ITEM 9a.   Public Comment.  Announcement of  Public Meeting:  Notice is hereby given that at its meeting to be held on Thursday, February 16, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Godchaux Grammar Cafeteria, 1600 Hwy. 44, Reserve, Louisiana, the Parish School Board of the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana, plans to consider adopting a resolution ordering and calling an election to be held in School District No. 1 of the Parish of St. John the Baptist, State of Louisiana to authorize the renewal of an ad valorem tax therein.


The Chair read the Announcement of Public Meeting into the record.


ITEM 9b.   Public Comment. Atty. Evan Alvarez/Atty. Andrew Barr – Request to enter into Executive Session, pursuant to La. R.S. 42:17(A)(2), to discuss the status in the lawsuit captioned, Fulcrum Enterprises, LLC v. St. John The Baptist Parish School Board, Suit No. C-77965, 40th Judicial District Court, Parish of St. John the Baptist; and to consider action deemed necessary as a result


Public Comment:  Toni Rice


MOTION BY:     Mitchell-Williams

SECOND BY:   Frizzell

MOTION:  To convene in Executive Session to discuss the status in the lawsuit captioned, Fulcrum Enterprises, LLC v. St. John The Baptist Parish School Board, Suit No. C-77965, 40th Judicial District Court, Parish of St. John the Baptist; and to consider action deemed necessary as a result; AND to discuss an update on Collective Bargaining Negotiations

Roll Call:

11 Yeas – Holden, Burl, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

The motion carried.


The Board convened in Executive Session at 7:11 p.m.


MOTION BY:     Mitchell-Williams

SECOND BY:   Frizzell

MOTION:  To reconvene in Regular Session

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

1 Absent - Burl

The motion carried.


The Board reconvened in Regular Session at 8:14 p.m.


MOTION BY:     Schum

SECOND BY:   Mitchell-Williams

MOTION:  In the matter of Fulcrum Enterprises, LLC v. St. John The Baptist Parish School Board, Suit No. C-77965, 40th Judicial District Court, Parish of St. John the Baptist, to ratify Special Counsel seeking appellate review.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

1 Absent - Burl

The motion carried.


ITEM 9c.   Public Comment.  Mrs. Rebecca Johnson – Executive Session:  Update on Collective Bargaining Negotiations


No action was taken on this item.


ITEM 9d.   Public Comment. St. John Association of Educators – Request Board approval to ratify the Agreement to Extend the Collective Bargaining Agreement through midnight of February 16, 2023


MOTION BY:     Schum

SECOND BY:   Mamou

MOTION:  To ratify the Agreement to Extend the Collective Bargaining Agreement through midnight of February 16, 2023

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

1 Absent - Burl

The motion carried.










            WHEREAS, effective on January 1, 2019, the St. John Association of Educators, LAE-NEA (hereinafter “the Union”) and the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board (hereinafter “the School Board”) entered into a Collective Bargaining Agreement (hereinafter “the CBA”) that recognized the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of Bargaining Unit Members (as defined in Article 1.7 of the CBA); and


            WHEREAS, the term of the CBA expired on June 30, 2022; and


            WHEREAS, by Tolling Agreement dated July 20, 2022, the Union and the School Board agreed to extend the term of the CBA through December 31, 2022; and


            WHEREAS, the Union and School Board have been diligently working to reach agreement on the terms of a new Collective Bargaining Agreement; and


            WHEREAS, the Union and the School Board wish to extend the term of the CBA so that they have adequate time to complete their negotiations, obtain approval of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement from the full School Board and obtain ratification of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement from the membership of the Union.


            NOW, THEREFORE:


            The Union and the School Board hereby agree that all terms and conditions of the CBA shall remain in force and effect through midnight on February 16, 2023.


            IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized representatives of the Union and School Board have affixed their signatures hereto.


ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST                                              ST. JOHN ASSOCIATION

PARISH SCHOOL BOARD                                OF EDUCATORS, LAE-NEA



By:       ______________________________      By:       ______________________________

            It’s Duly Authorized Agent and                           It’s Duly Authorized Agent and

            Attorney-in-Fact                                                 Attorney-in-Fact


Title:     ______________________________      Title:     ______________________________



Date:    ______________________________      Date:    ______________________________




ITEM 9e.   Public Comment. Ms. Melissa Watson – Introduction of New Policy:  Head Start Emergency Bus Procedures


The following policy was presented for introduction:







ITEM 9f.  Public Comment.  Mrs. Rebecca Johnson – Introduction of 2023-2024 School Calendar



ITEM 9g.   Public Comment. Mrs. Charo Holden – Discussion regarding the partially-suspended policy regarding the public usage of St. John the Baptist Parish Public Schools Facilities (L&F Committee recommends allowing for non-profit only at this time @ the discretion of the Superintendent)


Ms. Holden pulled this item from the agenda without discussion.






-          Ms. Mitchell-Williams stated that she will be out of town for the February Board Meeting.

-          Ms. Schum asked that a date be set for a workshop on bond projects.

-          Mr. Morris asked that a date be set for the Board to walkthrough the schools.




The agenda having been completed, and there being no further business, there was a


MOTION BY:    Mitchell-Williams

SECOND BY:   Frizzell

MOTION:           Motion for adjournment.

Roll Call:

10 Yeas – Holden, Triche, Morris, DeFrancesch, Frizzell, Mamou, Schum, Mitchell-Williams, Vicknair, Wallace

1 Absent - Burl

The motion carried.


The meeting adjourned at 8:22 p.m.


________________________________                                      ________________________________

Rebecca Johnson, Secretary                                                      Shawn Wallace, President