(Disruptions of the School)
Emergency procedures are outlined for the use of the principal in the event of a serious disturbance, disorder or demonstration on or adjacent to school sites. These guidelines apply to situations involving students or other groups who are not regular students in the public schools. The final decision for determining the nature of the assistance is the responsibility of the principal.
The principal, or his/her designated representative, is to notify the Superintendent, or the district official acting in the absence of the Superintendent, to discuss the nature of the situation and to determine the need for assistance from law enforcement agencies.
The principal shall assign responsible staff members to supervise the grounds and buildings, to assist with phone calls and office tasks, and to assist with dismissal of students if such action is warranted and authorized by the Superintendent's office. The principal shall advise the teachers to keep students in the classroom and to secure the classroom until properly dismissed. If students fail to follow directions from the principal or his/her designee during a disturbance, the principal shall repeat the directions and, after a reasonable time, proceed to suspend those failing to follow directions and order them to leave the campus. If students continue to remain on campus after notice of suspension has been given, the principal may proceed with plans to call law enforcement officials and students may be arrested as trespassers. (In general, law enforcement officers do not make arrests on school premises unless requested to do so by the principal or designated representatives). The principal or assistant principal shall work with law officers in maintaining campus security and shall not admit any unauthorized person to the campus.
The principal should be thoroughly familiar with the procedure for working with news media. Any information or decisions affecting the school system as a whole is to be cleared with the office of the Superintendent. A "log of events" should be maintained by the principal listing the dates, times, nature of each incident, names of persons involved in the incident, witnesses to events, and action taken by the school officials. As soon as possible, the principal should prepare letters to parents of suspended students requesting a conference before the student is to be readmitted.
If the decision should be made to close a school, the office of the Superintendent will notify law enforcement officials, news media, transportation office and other auxiliary agencies serving the school. The transportation office shall communicate with the bus drivers. The Superintendent shall instruct members of the school staff to remain on school premises until the safety of all students is assured and until the principal notifies the staff that they are free to leave.
Adopted: September 18, 1985
Ref: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 17:416, 17:416.1
Jenkins v. Louisiana State Board of Education, 506 F 2d 992 (CA. 5th 1975)
St. John the Baptist Parish School Board