All regular and special meetings of the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board, except executive sessions, shall be open to representatives of the press, television, and radio. The proceedings of the meetings may be recorded by these representatives.


The Board shall also select, through public advertisement and bid, a newspaper which shall be the official journal of the Board to publish all official minutes of Board meetings, as well as all other legal advertising of the School Board.  The journal shall be selected annually to provide such service for the fiscal year.




Regular and special meetings of the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board shall be videotaped in order to be broadcast by the cable TV company to the public.  Two (2) copies of each School Board meeting tape shall be made at the time the meeting takes place.  One copy shall be forwarded to the cable TV company for public broadcast.  The second copy shall be kept in safekeeping in the Central Office vault.


Adopted:  September 21, 1978

Revised:  July, 1999



Ref:     La. Rev. Stat. Ann. ยงยง17:81, 43:141

Board minutes, 1-21-99


St. John the Baptist Parish School Board