



Criteria for Transfer of Certified Teaching Personnel



Selection for vacancies shall be based on the following criteria:



Seniority in the St. John the Baptist School System including breaks for approved leave.



Certifications and qualifications for the primary duties in the area of vacancy.



In filling vacancies, the Board accepts the principle of transferring its employees according to seniority, provided the individual is certified and qualified. The Board may reserve the right to select or employ teachers from outside the system where the services require special training or ability not available from current employees.  However, before that right may be invoked, present employees who possess the necessary certification and qualifications and who have applied for such positions must be hired.



Voluntary Transfer of Certified Personnel


Teachers who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment, and/or a transfer to another work location, shall request the transfer on the prescribed form which will be available in the central office and in all principals' offices.



To be considered, all requests for transfer must be submitted within ten (10) school days of the posting of the vacancy.



An employee may request a transfer at times other than normal posting; however, voluntary transfer requests shall be granted on or before the tenth day of the current school year. The newly employed school teacher placed in the vacancy will be considered on temporary assignment. This position shall be posted as a vacancy no later than March 25.



Involuntary Transfer of Certified Teaching Personnel



When involuntary transfers are necessary, fists of positions in other schools shall be made available to all certified teachers being transferred. In filling such positions, preference shall be given to presently employed teachers over newly hired teachers. Such preference shall be based on the criteria listed in Section L A- I & 2 of this policy.



An involuntary transfer will be made only in cases of emergency or to prevent undue disruption of the instructional program. When an involuntary transfer is initiated by the Administration, the Director of Personnel will grant the affected teacher an interview. The teacher shall be notified immediately, in writing, of the reasons for the transfer.



No teacher shall be transferred out of his/her area(s) of certification.






Criteria for Transfer of Non-Certified Personnel



Selection for vacancies shall be based on the following criteria:



Seniority in the St. John the Baptist School System including breaks for approved leave.



Qualifications for the primary duties in the area of vacancy.



In filling vacancies, the Board accepts the principle of transferring its employees according to the seniority provided the individual is qualified. The Board may reserve the right to select or employ personnel from outside the system where the services require special training or ability not available from current employees.  However, before that right may be invoked, present employees who possess the necessary qualifications and who have applied for such positions must be hired.



Voluntary transfers shall be placed before any involuntary transfers are made.



The Board shall fill full-time positions with currently employed part-time employees if said employees possess proper qualifications.



Voluntary Transfers



Applicants who desire a change in assignment and/or a transfer to another work location, shall request the transfer on the prescribed form which will be available in the central office and in all principals' offices.



To be considered, all requests for transfer must be made within ten (10) school days of the posting of the vacancy.



Involuntary Transfers



When involuntary transfers are necessary, lists of positions in other schools shall be made available to all employees being transferred. In filling such positions, preference shall be given to presently employed employees over newly hired employees. Such preference shall be based on the criteria listed in Section U, A- I & 2 of this policy.



An involuntary transfer will be made only in cases of emergency or to prevent undue disruption of the educational program. When an involuntary transfer is initiated by the Administration, the Director of Personnel will grant the affected employee an interview. The employee shall be notified immediately, in writing, of the reasons for the transfers.



Ref:     Board minutes, 1-9-86


St. John the Baptist Parish School Board