The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board recognizes that major illnesses and catastrophic injuries may warrant the need for additional sick leave days.  The sick leave donation option provides a means for School Board employees to donate additional sick leave for use by an eligible recipient as a result of a medical necessity of the employee or employee’s immediate family.  Immediate family member shall mean a spouse, parent, or child of the employee.


Donations of sick leave days shall be made to the Medical Leave Assistance Program, shall be made by notarized Acts of Donation, and shall be made in accordance with other provisions of this policy.


The term “day” is defined as a full contractual workday.




  1. Only employees with thirty (30) days or more of accrued leave from previous years may donate from that account.  An employee with less than thirty (30) days of accumulated sick leave cannot donate any sick leave days.

  2. Employees may donate sick leave days for the current year only.  A maximum of ten (10) days may be donated. In the event of extenuating circumstances, more days may be donated with the approval of the Director of Human Resources.

  3. Sick leave, once donated and used, is permanently removed from the donor’s account.

  4. In the event the recipient returns to work prior to receiving the donation, the sick days may be returned to the donor after execution of proper documentation.




  1. Employees may only use donated sick leave for a medical necessity.  Medical necessity shall be the result of a catastrophic illness or injury, a life-threatening, chronic, or incapacitating condition, as certified by a physician, of the employee or a member of his/her immediate family.

  2. Donations shall be made to a specific employee.

  3. No employee may seek donations until appropriate documentation of eligibility has been received.

  4. In order to receive donated leave, the employee must be employed as a full-time employee of St. John the Baptist Parish School Board.  In addition, the employee must have exhausted all current and accrued sick leave and extended sick leave earned since employed by the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board.

  5. Those employees who receive annual leave shall also be required to exhaust all annual leave before becoming eligible for donated leave.

  6. Individuals shall not be eligible for the Medical Leave Assistance program once they qualify for Worker’s Compensation and/or disability retirement.

  7. The maximum number of sick leave days that can be granted in any one fiscal year shall be the remaining number of workdays an employee is scheduled to work.  If more days are donated than are approved on the request form, the personnel supervisor shall hold the donation until it becomes known that the employee does not need more days to cover this illness/injury.




Recipients shall be required to complete and submit the appropriate forms to the Supervisor of Personnel (or designee).  The Personnel Office shall process all requests with the attached documentation:


  1. The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board Physician’s Certification Form completed and signed by the employee, administrator, and physician

  2. The completed St. John the Baptist Parish School Board Medical Leave Assistance Program Recipient Form


The Director of Human Resources (or his/her designee) shall review the recipient’s application and verify that the recipient has used all sick leave, accrued sick leave, extended sick leave and/or annual leave.  The recipient’s request for participation in the Medical Leave Assistance program would then be posted by the personnel office.

Once a donor submits the St. John the Baptist Parish School Board Medical Leave Assistance Program Donor Form, the personnel office shall verify the donor’s availability of volunteered sick leave days.  Donation to recipient’s account shall be made on the basis of date of donor form received.


New policy:  October 18, 2012

Revised:  June 18, 2015



Ref:    La. Rev. Stat. Ann. §§17:81, 17:500.2, 17:1202, 17:1205, 17:1206.2

La. Civil Code, Art. 1541, Art. 1542, Art. 1833

Board minutes, 10-18-12, 6-18-15


St. John the Baptist Parish School Board