Administrators and teachers are encouraged to become active members of professional organizations - local, state, and national. Professional leaves may be granted to staff members, principals, and teachers for the purpose of attending meetings of state and national professional organizations and associations. The St. John the Baptist Parish School Board, upon prior approval of the Superintendent, pays the official expense of selected delegates to the convention of local and national professional organizations.


Each member of the School Board office professional staff is urged to belong to the professional organizations most closely associated with his official duties. Expense of staff members attending these professional meetings are paid upon approval of the Superintendent.


Payroll deductions for members of professional organizations are provided through the School Board office.  Said deductions are to be distributed to the organizations in accordance with agreements set up between the Superintendent and the president of the professional organizations in question.


The Board shall reimburse the President and three (3) designated members of the local professional educational organization for expenses incurred as a result of their attendance at the annual convention.  Reimbursement shall be in accordance with the same expense reimbursement guidelines imposed on all employees of the Board.



Ref:     Board minutes, 6-17-76, 2-7-85


St. John the Baptist Parish School Board